Chapter One Hundred Thirteen

June 1, 2009
Perris, California

In spite of their troubles, things gradually did improve for the Dawsons. The availability of WIC and food stamps eased their minds a great deal, especially where Lizzy was concerned, and at last they both found steady employment, even if the jobs weren’t exactly what they had dreamed of.

A local pizza restaurant that had a great deal of trouble keeping employees consented to hire both of them, Jack as a cook and Rose as a delivery driver. It wasn’t the best job that either of them had ever had, but it wasn’t the worst, either, being far better, in their opinions, than either Sunpeak or Starcrest.

Jack found his job to be safe enough, but he worried about Rose going out to deliver pizzas all over town. Most people who ordered pizza to be delivered simply wanted their food, but there were a few who were dangerous, who might try to take advantage of the driver or do them harm. Rose, however, wasn’t as helpless as some people supposed, and she purchased a can of pepper spray at a local gas station. Fortunately, she had only had to use it once.

Still, these jobs weren’t what they wanted to do forever, and they both continued to look for other employment, even applying for jobs out of the area and even out of state. They didn’t have much where they were, so a move wouldn’t make much difference to either of them.

Jack was at home with Lizzy one morning—he didn’t start work until two o’clock, and then worked until 10:30—while Rose was out grocery shopping. Their current jobs on the afternoon shift required that they get essential tasks done in the morning, leaving their working hours undisturbed. Lizzy played happily with her Barbie doll, far more relaxed and content now that her parents were no longer so tense and worried.

Jack was finishing washing the breakfast dishes when the phone rang. Setting the last dish in the rack on the counter, he picked it up.


"May I speak to Jack Dawson, please?"

"Speaking." Jack wondered who it was, and couldn’t help but hope that one of his resumes was getting a response.

"Mr. Dawson, my name is Marc Humphrey. I’m with the Admissions Office for the University of Wisconsin in Eau Claire."

Jack looked over at the table where a stack of sorted mail lay. He had applied to the University of Wisconsin in Eau Claire earlier, hoping to be accepted into the Master’s program to further study psychology, but when the acceptance letter had come, he had realized that in spite of the fact that a partial scholarship was offered, he simply didn’t have the money to go there or to move his family to Wisconsin. Things were precarious enough as they were; he couldn’t afford to uproot his family and move them elsewhere with no way to support them.

"How can I help you, Mr. Humphrey?"

"Mr. Dawson, we sent you an acceptance letter to our psychology program. As one of the top applicants, we were wondering if you had chosen to attend our university."

"I thought about it, but even with the scholarship, my family is having financial difficulties and won’t be able to afford to move to Eau Claire."

"Mr. Dawson, the reason that I called, in addition to asking whether you were going to attend this university, was to tell you that the university has offered you a full-time, paid internship with Counseling Services, which would last the duration of your time as a student, either one year if you just complete your Master’s degree, or longer if you enroll in the Doctorate program. You applied for an internship, but the decisions weren’t made regarding that until yesterday."

"You’re offering me an internship?" Jack couldn’t believe it. Things had been bad for so long, but now…maybe things really were starting to improve for them.

"Yes, as well as admission to the psychology program and a partial scholarship. Your transcripts showed that you have consistently earned A’s both as an undergraduate and as a grad student. Your letters of recommendation also indicated that you would fit in well in this program. Do you plan to accept?"

Jack made his decision on the spot. "Yes, I accept…the enrollment, the internship, and the scholarship."

"Good. Send in your acceptance letter and your paperwork, and we’ll see you August eighteenth."

Jack could barely contain his excitement. "Right. Thanks."

After hanging up the phone, he looked around, suddenly full of energy. Abruptly, he picked Lizzy up, swinging her around and setting her on his shoulders. She squealed with delight, not sure what was happening, but enjoying herself anyway.

"Guess what, Lizzy?"


"Your daddy’s going back to college."

She cheered, then leaned over his head and looked at him upside down. "Can I come?"

"Not to college, Busy Lizzy, but we’ll all be going to Wisconsin, and you’ll be big enough for Kindergarten."

"Okay." Lizzy didn’t know where Wisconsin was, but with her daddy so happy, she figured it must be someplace nice. She giggled as he plopped down on the couch, taking her from his shoulders and setting her on the couch beside him.

Jack leaned forward, drumming his fingers impatiently on the small coffee table. He couldn’t wait for Rose to get home so that he could tell her his news.

Chapter One Hundred Fourteen