Chapter Forty


Friday, August 8, 2003

On August eighth, Jack was finally released from the hospital. Rose brought him home that afternoon after she was finished with work.

Jack was fully recovered this time, in stark contrast to the previous time that he had been released from the hospital, when his problems were just beginning. Despite the fact that he was more serious and thoughtful than he had been before, his optimism and sense of humor were back, and there was no sign of further trouble from the head injury. He was truly healed this time.

He wore the same clothes home that he had worn when he was admitted to the hospital, but they fit much better now. He was still thin, but he had gained back some of the weight that he had lost. He was regaining his strength as well, and no longer wanted to sleep all day. It would be another week before he could return to work, but this time things were much better.

Jack and Rose talked quietly as they made their way back to Masline. In spite of their closeness, they felt a little uncomfortable with each other now. They had seen each other at their worst, and weren’t quite sure how to deal with it.

They made small talk at first, discussing the weather, the traffic, Rose’s work, how quickly the earthquake-damaged parts of the cities were being rebuilt. At last, though, they moved on to the more serious subjects that they needed to discuss.

Jack turned to Rose after quietly watching the road for a moment. "Rose," he began, "I wanted thank you."

"For what?"

"For standing by me during all of this. I was pretty awful to you, but you didn’t give up on me."

Rose watched the road for a moment before responding. "I couldn’t give up on you. I love you, didn’t give up on me when my life was difficult, even when I pushed you away."

"I couldn’t. I knew that something was wrong, even if you wouldn’t tell me what it was."

Rose nodded. "As I knew with you."

"I tried to deny it."

"Sometimes, you just can’t completely hide things. But if I hadn’t known you as well as I do, if I hadn’t known what I did, I don’t think I would have fully recognized what was going on. You suffered for a long time before you said anything about it."

"I know. And I was lucky that things were caught when they were. Dr. Patel told me that if the surgery had been even a few hours later, I probably wouldn’t have made it. I was very close to having a major stroke."

Rose glanced at him, alarmed. He hadn’t told her just how serious things had been. "You were very lucky."

"I was. But I wouldn’t have been if it hadn’t been for you. Either I would have bled to death in the backyard from slashing my wrists or I would have continued to ignore the problem and died later from a stroke—or starvation." He took a deep breath. "I hope that I never have to go through that again."

"I hope not, either. But if something like this does happen again—if you know that something is wrong—you shouldn’t try to ignore it and suffer in silence. It won’t make the problem go away, and might even make it worse."

He sighed. "I won’t. If something should go wrong again, I’ll...try to find out what the problem is and get it fixed right away. Those two and a half months...were like being in hell. That’s what it felt like." He looked down at his scarred wrist. "And I promise you now that I will never try to take my own life again. Life is too precious to just throw away like that. You were right when you said that I didn’t really want to kill myself. I just didn’t feel like I had any other options."

"But in the end, you chose to live."

Jack nodded. "I did, and I’m glad now that I’m alive. I think I learned a lot from all this, I have to decide where to go from here."

Rose looked at him as they pulled up to a stop light. "Whatever happens, I’ll always be there for you. I don’t know where life is going to take us, or if things will even work out between us, but I do love you, and that’s not going to change, even if we wind up going our separate ways."

Jack was silent for a moment before he nodded slowly. "I love you, too, Rose. But I think you’re right. We have a lot to talk about before we can make any decisions about us—a lot to think about, too."

In many ways, it seemed that they were back where they had been before the earthquake. But a lot had happened since then, and they had both changed—and they both knew it. In many ways, they had formed a stronger bond than ever before, but that same bond had been tested by the experiences of the past few months, and it would be some time before they felt completely comfortable with each other again.

Chapter Forty-One