Chapter One

It was six in the morning as Jack Dawson looked at the videos and photo images that he had taken from the eighty-nine-year-old ship Titanic. The day was April tenth.

"God bless America," Jack said, as he shook his head, looking at the video, and then took a swig of his Bourbon.

"You still up, Jack?" Harold said, taking a seat next to Jack.

"I can't sleep Harold, and I never do. You know that. Want some?" Jack asked, offering some Bourbon to Harold.

"Thanks," Harold said.

Neither of these college dorm room buddies were heavy drinkers. To them, this was a special treat to have on the Keldysh. It wasn't permitted, but that didn't bother Harold or Jack. Suddenly, Doctor Anatoly came in, who was the head of this mission.

"Is that you, Jack? Harold?" the Russian doctor said.

"Yes," they both said in unison.

"Can't sleep?" the doctor asked.

"It's these pictures that keep me up. Just knowing that fifteen hundred people died on this boat, and there is nothing that I can do about it, makes me not sleep," Jack said, tossing a picture of the bow away from him and leaning his head against his hands.

"You know that that is not permitted," Doctor Anatoly said, pointing to the bottle of Bourbon.

"Yeah, and you know that we are both the best scientists that you got on this God forsaken ship," Jack said.

"You want some?" they both said in unison.

"Yes," Doctor Anatoly said.

The non-alcoholic doctor took a sip, and then set the bottle back down.

"Well, let's get to work," the doctor said, and went up to the deck.

"Right," Jack said, sighing, and got up from his chair.

It wasn't two hours until Jack, Harold, and Anatoly were in the little submersible that was descending down to the ghost ship.

"We're almost there," Jack said, looking into the small porthole.

The scenery wasn't pretty. It was like being in a graveyard on Halloween night. Dark, lonely, frightening, and non-peaceful. Jack then saw the image of the tall bow, and it made his skin grow goose bumps. All right, let's do the usual dive today. They went down the Grand Staircase, when Jack heard the sound of Alexander's Ragtime Band.

"Do you hear that?" Jack asked.

"Hear what?" Harold asked.

"Listen," Jack said.

All was silent, but the three of them heard nothing.

"I don't hear anything," Doctor Anatoly said.

"Same here, man," Harold said.

"It must be me, then," Jack said.

They went down to the bottom of the stairs, and started to go into the dining saloon. Jack began to hear the music again, but now it had the addition of laughter.

"There it is again," Jack said.

They were silent, but neither Harold nor the doctor heard anything.

"I can't hear anything," the doctor said.

"You mean to tell me you can't hear that music or that laughter? It's doing that right now. Can't you fucking hear it?" Jack said.

"Jack, I think you had a little bit to much of that Bourbon," Harold said.

"I guess," Jack said.

"Let's go back up. I want the doctor to check you out," Doctor Anatoly said.

Jack sighed, and Harold called the Keldysh to tell that they were coming back up.

"He seems fine. No sign of intoxication nor of claustrophobia," the head ship's doctor said to both of them.

"That's good to hear," Harold said.

"Yet, I do suggest, Jack, that you don't go back down today," the doctor said to Jack.

"Listen, I gotta go back down there. There is a millionaire who is paying us every day to find his God forsaken ancestor's shit that goes by the name of John Jacob Astor," Jack said.

"We'll take Bobby," Anatoly said, and left the room.

Jack rolled his eyes, and headed toward his cabin. It was around one in the morning when Jack stumbled out of his cabin to get some fresh air.

"All right. Why is this happening to me?" Jack asked, looking up at the stars.

Jack felt the cold air blowing, and a huge sound of a bomb made him jump.

"What the hell?" Jack asked himself, looking around.

Suddenly, horrific screams of men, women, and children came, and Jack looked around.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Jack yelled.

It was silent. The wind stopped blowing, the people stopped screaming. It was peaceful. He then heard a man's voice saying the Lord's prayer, and a thousand mourning cries followed. The wind then started to blow, and it made Jack fall to the floor. He grabbed onto the poles, pulling himself up, and holding on tight as the wind made his shaggy blonde hair blow, and his white muscle shirt stick close to him. His glasses fell into the water, making everything blurry. He felt around, and suddenly slammed into a submersible, making him pass out.

Chapter Two