Chapter Two

Jack opened his eyes, and saw the endless stars above him. He saw perfectly, but he noticed that he had no glasses on.

"What the?" Jack asked, as he stood up, and saw that he was lying on a bench. He was on a ship, and it seemed very wide and...

"Oh, God. What year am I in?" Jack asked, looking at his clothes. He saw a young woman run past him and yelled to her. "Excuse me!"

The woman did not turn around or stop. She kept on running like a jet plane. Jack followed her, since she was the only one around in Jack's sight. He ran after her, and stopped to see the sight of what she was doing.

"Hey!" Jack said.

The woman turned around, and said, "Don't come any closer. I'll let go."

"Listen, you don't want to do this," Jack said, coming closer to her.

"Did you hear me? I said don't come any closer or I'll--" The young woman paused as Jack leaned over to see the water.

"Wow, that's a long fall," Jack said.

The young woman looked over and didn't say anything. "Yes, it is," the woman said, as she started to climb over the other side of the ship.

"Wow! Hang on!" Jack said, taking his hand off of her.

"Get your arm off of me, you steerage scum! How dare you put your hands on me!" the woman said, jerking her arm out of his hand.

"Listen, you don't want to do this," Jack said.

"Oh, that I do. Go away, and leave me alone!" the young woman said, and began to climb over the ship again.

"Well, before you jump, can you at least answer some questions for me?" Jack asked.

The woman sighed, and said, "What are they?"

Jack gave a smile, and said, "Well, how about your name first."

"Rose DeWitt Bukater, and yours?" the woman asked.

"Jack Dawson," Jack said.

"My condolences," Rose said, and went back to the stern of the ship.

"Wait! I have more than one," Jack said.

"Then will you please hurry so I can get this over and done with before I change my mind?" Rose said, with some tears coming down her eyes.

Jack then felt into his pockets, and felt a handkerchief. "Here," Jack said, handing Rose the handkerchief.

"Thank you," Rose said.

"All right. Well, what year is this?" Jack asked.

Rose chuckled. "1912."

Jack felt goosebumps come over him. "What's the date, and what ship is this called again?" Jack asked, worried.

"It's the eleventh of April, and the ship is called the Titanic," Rose said.

Jack said, under his breath, "Oh, my God," and then chuckled. "Excuse me, but did you say that this is the Titanic?" Jack asked.

"Why, yes. Are you on the wrong boat?" Rose asked.

"No, it's just that I have to remind myself that I'm actually on this ship." Jack laughed. Rose had to laugh also, and Jack asked, "So, are you still gonna jump?"

Rose shook her head, and said, "No, I don't feel like jumping anymore." Rose chuckled, and she wiped some of her tears.

"So, can I go back to my cabin knowing that you'll swim with the dolphins tonight?" Jack asked.

Rose laughed, and said, "Yes, you can."

Suddenly, an old man with black and gray hair, and a woman with red hair just like Rose's came closer to them.

"Rose, we have been looking all over this ship for you. And here you are, at the very end of the ship. This is so typical of you Rose, and in this weather. My goodness," the woman said. "Rose, who is this man?" the woman said, as if he just appeared.

"Mother, this is Jack Dawson," Rose said, standing up.

"Oh, a Boston Dawson," the man said.

"Yes, that's right," Jack said, chuckling.

Rose's mouth dropped wider, and embarrassment covered her face.

"Well, what are you doing in the steerage promenade?" the man said.

"I was looking at the ship. To see what was different in between the different promenades," Jack said calmly.

"Oh, why yes. I guess we were, too," Rose's mother said.

"Well, Rose, are you all right?" Rose's father said.

"Yes, I'm fine," Rose said.

"Well, Mr. Dawson, thank you for keeping my daughter company. Maybe you can join our table tomorrow night for dinner," Rose's father said.

Jack shook his head. "No thanks. That's all right," he said.

"Oh, now, everyone wants to talk to you. Why, even the Astors," Rose's mother said.

Jack then turned around, and said, "I beg your pardon, miss, but didn't you mean John Jacob Astor?"

Rose's father chuckled, and said, "Well, of course. There is only one."

Jack chuckled, and said, "Yes, of course. Well, it wouldn't hurt anything. Yes, count me in. I will be there."

Rose smiled, and said through her lips, "Thank you," yet there was no sound. Just lip movement.

Jack nodded his head, and the family went to their cabin. "Holy Mary, I need to think," Jack said and sat down on the bench. "Okay, I was on the Keldysh, the wind blew, and now I'm here on the Titanic. All right. Think, Jack. Let's look through your pockets, see what we have."

He dug through all his pockets, and found the following: A first class ticket, cigarettes, and more than a hundred dollars of money. "Holy shit, I must be a rich son of a bitch," Jack said with a laugh. "So then why am I here?" Jack asked, looking around.

He started to put the items back in his pocket, when he felt something. With curiosity, Jack took it out, and found that it was a small piece of paper. Jack opened the piece of paper and read it. This is what it said:

Dear Accustomed Time Traveler,

You have been picked for this mission, which is to stop this ship from sinking. If you try to get out of this mission by jumping off the ship, or trying to kill will die and will not make it back to the year that you actually live in. If you fix what is wrong, you will be gratefully rewarded and will not have to suffer travel back in time again. If you fail, you will be given a horrible mission that is worse than this one. God bless.

"Geez," Jack said.

"Good evening, Mr. Dawson," a man with a British accent said.

Jack then turned around quickly, and saw an old man that was a little small.

"Good evening, sir. Do I know you?" Jack asked.

"I'm afraid you don't, sir. I'm your follower, sir. For this journey, my name is Franklin," the man said.

"You mean you're my valet? I have a valet? I'm that rich?" Jack said with enthusiasm.

"Technically, no. I'm talking about your time travel. To everyone, I am your uncle. To you, I make sure you don't do anything crazy or absolutely bonkers," Franklin said.

"So you know what happened and why I'm here?" Jack asked.

"Yes," Franklin said, and nodded his head. "Yet, we don't have time to talk about it right now. We need to start our mission."

"Mission? Already? It is only the tenth. We have until the fourteenth," Jack said.

"Yes, Jack, but we must start now. Come, follow me," Franklin said.

Jack followed Franklin, and they went towards the bridge. "Wow. Hold up, Franklin. No passengers are allowed on the bridge," Jack said.

"That's correct, Jack, yet we can weasel our way so that we can look at the bridge," Franklin said.

"Cool," Jack said.

"I'm sorry fellows, but only crewmen can come on the bridge," an officer said, blocking Jack and Franklin's path.

"Well, you might change your mind when you hear this. We are part of a cruise company, and we would like to make a column about your luxurious ship," Franklin said.

"Yeah, well what does that have to do about your cruise column?" the officer asked.

"Well, I think that our customers would like to know if the crew has the knowledge and education to steer this palace on water," Franklin said.

"All right, but don't touch anything, you hear?" the officer said.

"Yes, sir," Franklin said, and Jack followed.

"Hey, no passengers allowed," the officer said, blocking Jack's path.

"I'm his assistant," Jack said.

"An assistant? Why does there have to be two people to write a column?" the officer asked.

"He is also my nephew. He has knowledge when it comes to the sea," Franklin said.

The officer rolled his eyes, sighed, and said, "All right, go on. The same thing I said, let it be minded by you, too."

Jack nodded his head, and followed Franklin. Franklin got out a notebook and pretended to write notes.

"Try and look for the binoculars," Franklin said in a whisper.

Jack looked around casually, and saw them. "Found them," Jack said, and held them casually.

Franklin closed his notebook, and said, "Excellent, now we got one thing done."

Franklin and Jack started to walk with the binoculars when the captain stopped them in their path.

"I'm sorry, but no passengers are allowed on the bridge," the captain said.

"May I introduce myself? I am Franklin Roy. This is my assistant, Jack Dawson. We are part of a tour ship company, and we would like to take a look at the bridge and see how well kept it is," Franklin said.

"Well, I can tell you now that it is and--"

"We found these, on the floor. We thought that these might help you during the night," Franklin said, and handed the captain the binoculars.

"Well, will you--"

"Oh, don't worry, captain, this will not be in the column," Franklin said.

Jack and Franklin then left the bridge. "That was awesome," Jack said, chuckling.

"It's not over yet, my young friend," Franklin said.

"What?" Jack asked, shocked.

"Jack, I'm disappointed in you. There is still the fourteenth. But, we are done for the night. Good night, Jack. Oh, yes, you might want to change your vocabulary just a little bit," Franklin said, and headed to his cabin.

"My God I must be dreaming," Jack said, and rubbed his forehead. Jack exited the boat deck and felt warm air wrap around him. "Wait a minute. What's my cabin number?" Jack asked, and looked at his ticket. The ticket read B-56, and he headed towards the cabin for the night.

Chapter Three