Chapter Three

Jack woke up, and saw Franklin standing at the end of the bed. Jack was startled when he saw this, but it woke him up.

"Good morning, Jack."

"How did you get in here?" Jack asked.

"I have a key," Franklin said.

"Oh, well, can you leave me alone. I really need some sleep," Jack said, lying back down.

Franklin pulled the covers off of Jack, and said, "I don't think so."

"What time is it?" Jack asked.

"Eight," Franklin said.

"Eight?" Jack asked.

"Yes, eight in the morning. Now clean yourself up, and get some clothes on. We have a lot to do," Franklin said.

"Will this take all day? I have a dinner party with the DeWitt Bukaters tonight," Jack said, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, well, look at you. Not even a full day, and you are already the social butterfly of this ship," Franklin said.

"You're invited, too, if that's what you're worried about," Jack said.

Franklin sighed, shook his head, and said, "Get dressed, and hurry up!"

He left the room, and Jack fell back on the bed. Jack sighed, got out of bed, and put some clothes on. "God, this sucks," Jack said, as he put his pants on. He looked at the breakfast that Franklin brought, and Jack grimaced at the sight. "God, can't I have some Lucky Charms?" Jack said, but decided that breakfast wasn't anything, and prayed that lunch was better. He got the rest of his clothes on before he got his hat and overcoat. He passed Rose on the way through the corridor, and she stopped and smiled.

"Jack, hello," Rose said.

"Morning, Rose," Jack said.

"How are you this morning?" Rose asked.

"I'm fine, Rose," Jack said, and smiled.

"Listen, I wish I could talk, but I can't. I'm supposed to meet my uncle on the boat deck," Jack said.

"All right. I won't stop you. I will see you at dinner," Rose said.

"Good-bye for now," Jack said, and went on his way. He opened the door to the boat deck, and the sun shone on him.

He squinted his eyes, and looked around for his so-called uncle. He saw him talking to a gentleman and a woman who had a dog. As Jack walk closer, the couple left without Jack being able to look at the couple's faces. Jack walked a little faster, and asked, "Who were those people?"

Franklin smiled proudly, and said, "The Astors."

Jack's mouth dropped to the floor. "Well, then, why didn't you tell me? I would have been up here faster," Jack said, disappointed.

Franklin sighed, and said, "Well, then, Jack, this may be a lesson for you to hurry up. Besides, there is always that dinner party you have to attend. Now, we have a lot of work to do...come on." Franklin started walking.

"Wait a minute," Jack said. Franklin turned around with his eyebrows raised. "I want a full explanation of why this is happening to me," Jack said.

"Well, Jack, you're not the first, I'll tell you that," Franklin said, walking beside Jack. "You, out of millions of people, know the most about this ship. That's why you were requested to be on this mission."

Jack looked perplexed, and said, "But I didn't WANT to be on this mission. Don't you understand that?"

"Well, no one asked you, now did they, Jack? You seemed the only one actually interested in this ship. Like you said, you wish that you could help them somehow. Remember now, Jack, you're the one that stays up all night looking at photos and videos from the ship...not me," Franklin said.

"I'm a scientist, Franklin, not a God damned time traveler," Jack said.

"Watch your language, Dawson. This is the early 1900's, not the early 2000's," Franklin said, sternly. Jack sighed and rolled his eyes with anger. "Now, are your questions answered? Because, if they are, we will at least try to save this innocent ship," Franklin said. Jack nodded, and said nothing. "Good. Now, come on," Franklin said.

Jack followed beside him and looked around at all the fancy hats and dresses the women had on. The men had hats and long coats on, and the men held canes. 'I bet I've nodded my head about twenty God forsaken times,' Jack thought.

Chapter Four