Chapter Seven

Rose watched the time tick by on the Grand Staircase's clock. Rose felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around in a flash.

"Oh, Jack," Rose said, and smiled.

"Hey, are you nervous?" Jack asked.

"Well, I certainly don't want to let my guard down. Remember, Jack, I am trying to look out for my sister," Rose said.

"Well then, let's go somewhere where they will not ever find us," Jack said.

Rose smiled and Jack took her hand. They went to Jack's room, and made passionate love.


"If my sister finds me, it will be the end of my life as I know it," Rose said, as she put on her dress.

"Why do you let her, then?" Jack asked, lying in bed watching Rose.

"Because she is wonderful at blackmail, and she is older than me. That gives her the advantage to tell my parents anything, and they believe her. She also fancies you, and wants me to stay away," Rose said.

"Rose, don't worry. Nothing will happen. I will make sure about that," Jack said.

Rose put on her earrings and necklace. "Well, I wish you luck on that deed. I better go," Rose said, and gave Jack a kiss.

"Bye," Jack said.

"Bye," Rose said, and slowly closed the door behind her.


Rose opened the door to her cabin, and saw her sister sitting at the vanity.

"Well, well. How is that seasickness, Rose?" Kaitlyn asked. Rose's heart started to beat fast. "I guess that I'll have to tell Mother and Father. This will certainly be a treat for them. Their little girl was out with the Dawson boy ALL night. I can see it now. First--" Kaitlyn said.

Rose slapped her sister across the face. "Now listen, Kaitlyn, I am sick and tired of your blackmails. Now, yes, it was true that I was with Jack last night, and may I say I was proud of it? If you think that your deals will hold me back any longer, then you're wrong. I am not afraid of you, Kaitlyn. I'm not afraid of you!" Rose yelled, and she slammed the cabin door behind her.

Since Jack was close to Rose's cabin, he heard the screaming, and the slam. He rushed out, and looked out to see Rose run down the corridor. He came out, and stood in her way. Rose was in tears, and hysteric.

"Rose, Rose, what's wrong?" Jack asked, holding her face in his hands.

"I told her Jack, I told her," Rose said.

"Honey, calm down. Told her what?" Jack asked.

"I told her where I was. I'm sorry Jack, I'm so sorry, but I couldn't stand it any longer. Oh, Jack, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," Rose said, and laid her head against Jack's chest and cried.

"Shh. It's all right, Rosie. I forgive you. Why, I wasn't even mad at you in the first place; not ever upset," Jack said, and stroked Rose's hair.

"Oh, Jack, what am I going to do?" Rose asked.

"I don't know, but I'll figure out something," Jack said, holding Rose tightly.

"There he is!" Kathleen’s voice yelled behind Jack.

Kaitlyn, Ruth, and Charles came over to Jack and Rose.

"Mr. Dawson, unhand my daughter!" Ruth said.

Jack let go of Rose, and Ruth held Rose against her.

"You sick-minded scum! What makes you think that you can treat women, especially our daughter, like that?" Charles asked.

"Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Bukater, will you please inform me about what this is all about?" Franklin asked, stepping in.

"Oh, it's plain and simple. You nephew is a harasser!" Ruth said, pointing to Jack.

"What? I have no idea what they are talking about!" Jack said.

"There he is again, lying. Trying to seduce my sister. Well, when I heard all the wonderful things that Rose was saying about him, I knew that I had to tell someone," Kaitlyn said.

Rose gave Kaitlyn a cold, hard stare. "She's lying! She's only saying that because she is jealous that Jack loves me and not her. No one will love her! She is ugly, and she is a blackmailer!" Rose said.

"Rose, how could you possibly say horrible things like that about your sister?"

"Because, Father, it's the truth!" Rose said. "Jack is not a harasser. He is a kind gentleman who I love," Rose said.

"She's brainwashed! Don't you understand? She's brainwashed!" Kaitlyn said.

"I want you to go back to your cabin, and stay there until this voyage is complete," Ruth said.

"But--" Kaitlyn said.

"Listen to your mother, and go," Charles said.

Kaitlyn turned around, and went back into the cabin.

"Jack, I must apologize for my harsh words. I hope you will forgive my husband and I," Ruth said.

"We also must apologize for Kaitlyn. I will promise you this, she will not bother you and your uncle for the rest of this journey," Charles said.

"That's all right. I hope I didn't disturb your family's trip," Jack said.

"Well, it was actually a business trip. Yet, I am just glad that my little girl isn't in love with a criminal," Charles said.

"Father!" Rose said.

They all laughed together, and Jack felt a thump. Jack turned around, and looked at Franklin.

"Good-bye, Jack," Franklin whispered.

"What?" Jack asked.

"It's time to go. You did it. This ship right now would have struck the iceberg, but it didn't. Thank you," Franklin said.

"But wait! Don't I get to kiss or hug Rose one last time? What will happen to her?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. Whatever you want to happen to her. Good-bye, Jack."
