Chapter One

It was a nice, warm day. Things had gone from bad to worse since Secret Agent Dawson found out about his former boss being involved in a weapons operation. He had heard the news from the agency, Omega 3. He still couldn’t believe the news.

Mark, his former boss, had been nice, not an evil man. When Jack had worked for him, he would give him time off when he needed it. And as it turned out, Mark’s computer company was a cover. He never suspected him of selling weapons to secret clans and initiatives. For the sake of their country, why couldn’t Mark understand he was giving weapons to people like mercenaries or terrorists?

Since October, Jack was put on the case. Mark had lost Jack, his employee, for a better job. Jack had been working for the agency for five years. No one knew his secret life, not even his mother. The agency, Omega 3, found the most wanted. They were not like the CIA or FBI. They were different. They knew that secret intelligence and aliens did exist.

Jack crouched on the beam above the warehouse. He glanced at the men below with big firearms. They were storing them into crates. His partner, Jake, was behind him.

"Jack, what do you think we should do? Call for assistance?" Jake grabbed his phone.

"No, don’t do that." Jack grabbed his pistol from the holster inside his jacket. "This is my problem. I’ll deal with it." He crawled down the beam slowly behind a large crate. No one was around it.

"All right. I’ll stay up here and watch your back." Jake grabbed his M16 that he had picked up from the warehouse.

Mark had been talking to his men, telling them about the money they were going to get for this shipment. Jack approached slowly toward the group.

"This is Omega 3! Put your hands on your head and guns on the floor! Kick them away from you!1" Jack shouted.

The men started shooting toward his direction. He ran for cover.

Jake started shooting them down, one by one. With much luck, he got the ones following Jack. Not to say he was a bad shooter, of course.

Mark saw the agent and followed him. He didn’t know he was his past employee.

Jake had not noticed Mark following Jack.

Jack found a safe place away from the gunfire. He started to look for Mark.

Mark approached him from behind.

"All right, agent, this is where we depart. I won’t let you ruin this operation. I’ve come so far." Mark took his gun and fired a warning shot. "Turn around," he ordered.

Jack turned around. Mark was frowning at him with his gun down. Jack walked closer to him.

"I’m sorry, Mark, but I’m gonna have to take you in," Jack said.

"I’m sorry, Jack, but I’m not going alive." Tears fell from his eyes, and he fired.

Jack pulled his pistol out and fired at him.

Mark fell, blood dripping from his chest. Jack was relieved the case was over, but sad his friend was dead.


Later, at the agency, Jack approached the Captain. He asked for a well-deserved vacation. The Captain granted it. His partner bade him farewell to a job well done.

At his apartment, he was relaxing in jeans and a T-shirt. No wearing his shirt and tie at least for two weeks. He turned on the television and watched basketball with a beer in his hand. He drifted off and was awakened by his neighbors. They were yelling something about lying.






Jack watched from the window as a man threw a suitcase into the street, along with her clothes. She picked up what she could and started walking to the bus bench across the street.


Rose wiped her tears and glanced at her neighbor’s house. She started to walk to it and ask if she could use the phone.

Jack’s doorbell rang.

Who the hell can that be? he thought as he went to answer it.


"Hi. I’m your neighbor, and I was wondering if I could use your phone for a cab." Her eyes were red.

"Sure. Come on in." He still felt sleepy.

"Thanks," Rose said.

She walked in with her suitcase. He had never seen such a beautiful creature. He never had time for women, especially in the work he was in. She had red hair and green eyes. His body started to tell him something.

She glanced at her neighbor as she called the cab company. When she was done, she sat down.

"I hope you don’t mind if I have a seat."

"Not at all. You want something to drink?" He walked to the fridge.

"Sure. Anything is fine." She glanced at the house. He wasn’t much of a housekeeper, but it was pretty good compared to her boyfriend. He was a bigger pig.

Rose was a runaway. She had moved in with her boyfriend of three years until he started beating her. She had never seen her neighbor until now. Why couldn’t life hand her someone like him--handsome, nice, sexy? Oops. Rose, this is what always gets you into trouble, she reminded herself.

She grabbed the cup from his hand. He gave her soda. He was glad she was here. This was starting to be a good vacation.

"Listen, Miss, would you like to stay here? I got an extra room for you." He wished she would say yes.

"You're very nice, but I couldn’t intrude."

"I insist."

"All right. Thanks. What’s your name?"


"Thanks, Jack."

The sound of a car horn interrupted them.

"I’ll get it. You stay here."

"All right."

He went outside and told the cab driver they wouldn’t need that cab. The driver drove away, and Jack went back inside to find Rose asleep in the chair. He picked her up and took her to the room across from his.

He put her down on the bed and covered her up with a blanket. He stood there a while, gazing at her with admiration. Then he went to his room and lay down.

He fell asleep and was awakened by sobbing. Rose was crying in her sleep. Jack went into the room and patted her head. She calmed down, and he lay beside her. He slept all the night, though.

Chapter Two