Chapter Eleven

Jack laid his cards on the table. The dealer saw and paid him two thousand dollars in chips. Daniel was impressed by Jack’s luck. Jack got up out of the chair he was sitting in. Daniel followed him to the bar.

“Want a drink, Daniel?”

“Sure, if you’re paying.”

“Of course. What kind of friend do you think I am?”

“A rich one, by the look of it.”

“What, this chump change? When I was a kid I used to play cards at school and win everyone’s lunch money.”

“Wow! Dawson, you sure know how to play. Where did you learn such a talent?”

“Well, after my father was gone. He had left a deck of cards on the dresser the day before he died, so I picked them up and started to play for nothing. Then, when I started winning, I played for money, and you know what I hardly ever lose.”

“Wow. That’s sure one good story.”

“Hey, Daniel, heard anything from Vincent?”

“No, why?”

“Think he might be in trouble?”

“Maybe, Alex. I haven’t heard a peep out of him since the last meeting.”

“Well, I sincerely hope he is all right, Daniel. He is such a good man to me, as well as to you. Once you deliver the package, everything should be on a roll.”

Jack had no idea what was in the package, and he preferred it that way. As soon as the exchange was done, he would go back home to Rose and hopefully get the chance to pack for the trip to Hawaii. The wedding was in less than a week, but his brother had told him to go on the mission for security’s sake. So, Jack went, unhappy, but he went. He remembered the time when Kevin had called him and told him that Daniel was going to Las Vegas. So, Jack thought ,after his little passionate moment with Rose, that he would give her a hell of a good time when he got back, despite their honeymoon, which he would greatly enjoy.


It was summer, and Rose had gotten a beautiful sleeveless dress. Hell, she got the pretty white strapless dress. She had also packed her shoulder bag with the beautiful, sparkling diamond earrings Jack had surprised her with before he had left for Vegas.


Paola and Lisa went gambling, too. Jack tried not to contact them, since Carter was with Lisa and it seemed they were getting along quite well as boyfriend and girlfriend. Kevin had also gone to Vegas to make sure everything went smoothly. He took his wife. They had sort of a honeymoon. They had only been married for four years. Kevin had met his wife while he was on a mission. He always remembered that cute little blue summer dress. He had been watching a man that had been smuggling drugs, and he saw the pretty girl across the street. She was his neighbor, although why she lived in that neighborhood was beyond him. One day Kevin had gotten a flat tire in front of her house as she was taking out the garbage. She offered to call a tow truck for him. From then on, sparks flew.

Jack and Daniel headed into a private room. The meeting was just about to start.

“Hello. Got a pass?” asked the security guard at the door.

“Yeah. Here you go.” Daniel showed him the pass for him and Jack.

“Okay. Go ahead,” said the guard.

Jack saw a man about his mid-fifties. At least, he looked that old. Jack contemplated the thought of how Vincent had ever gone into this type of business.

“All gentlemen have a seat,” the man ordered them.

They sat down.

“Vincent called a while ago, said he was setting up the arrangements to meet with the Sentel Group. They are very highly known martial arts mercenaries who steal weapons at all costs. So, he said to tell you don’t worry. He’s okay, just in case you wondered why there was no contact with you.”

“For a minute there, I worried about him,” Jack added.

“We all did, Smith,” said the unknown old man.

“Well, here’s the package Vincent told us to deliver.” Daniel handed it to the man.

“All right. I trust you did not open this.”

“No, sir.”

“All right. You can go now. I am sure you are ready to get the hell out of town anyway to spend time with your lady, huh, Alex?”

“Damn straight, sir,” Jack answered.

“Okay. Thanks for bringing me the goods. You two can go.” They shook his hand and headed out the door.

Jack and Daniel walked out of the room and down the hall.

“So, Alex, what are you gonna do now?”

“Well, Daniel, I am gonna do exactly what the guy said--get out of town.”

“Me, too. Don’t wanna stay in case anyone is following us.”

“I am gonna go to my room, call my woman, and tell her I am coming home.”

“Okay. I will see you, Alex.”

“You too, Daniel.”

They went in different directions. Jack got to his room. It was so quiet. He called Rose on his cell phone.

“Hey, Rose.”

“Hi, Jack. How’s Vegas?”

“Good. Why?”

“Listen, I already packed everything, including your stuff, so I was wondering when you are coming home?”

“Now, darling. I am getting on the next flight out of here.”

“Great. I will be waiting.”

“All right, Rose. I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I, Jack.”

She hung up. He packed his bags and took the next flight available.


When he got into the plane, he sat in his seat and closed his eyes.

He dreamt of things in the future. Rose holding a little baby. The agency’s success in catching the Sentel Group. Lisa and Bill finally tying the knot, and Paola and Tobey getting together.

A few hours later, the plane touched down on home base--Los Angeles, California.

Jack walked out of the plane in sort of a daze because he was so tired. All he wanted to do was sleep with a beautiful redhead who would satisfy his every waking hour with pleasure.

He got a cab and headed home, because home was where the heart was, and life was just about to begin another chapter for this lucky agent.

Chapter Twelve