Chapter Twelve

Rated NC-17 for Content

When Jack entered his house it was quiet. It was the early morning. He just wanted to lie down and sleep with his red-headed princess. Every time he flew, he would get jet lag, but would fight it and continue what he had to do. But he didn’t this time. He just fell on the bed. His princess slept soundly on the warm sheets, lying naked for him. He had always knew that Rose was his perfect match. She could read his every thought and desire. He removed his clothes and slept with his lovely fiancée.

No premarital sex this time. He was really tempted, but his wedding night would pay off. A couple of the guys at the bureau had already reserved his stripper. He didn’t want a stripper. He wanted his Rose. But Tobey had already gotten everything ready, because he was the best man. Bill Carter and Lisa were getting more serious. They had decided to live with each other for a month, and after that they would get married. Paola was getting closer to Ryan, and Jen and the rest of the girls went to relax on the sunny beaches of Hawaii. They had left early, but they had to order everything in advance. The priest, reception hall, and all the rest of the preparations were already ordered. In two days, they would become man and wife.

When Jack awakened, he found himself alone. He had heard screaming and yelling again. Jack got up fast just before he realized it was Rose and her ex-boyfriend.

He slipped on his pants and didn’t even bother to put a shirt on. He walked out the front door. He had seen Rose with Rod, and went to the door and opened it. He stormed in, approaching them.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Jack, all I came to do was to get something from here that belongs to me.”

“Which is?”

“An old heirloom--a blue sapphire cross. He sold it, and I just wanna know where he pawned it.”

“Sir, I just want her out of my house. She is trespassing on private property.”

“Next time, Rose, let me handle this.”

“All right, Jack. Go ahead.”

“Rod, where is the necklace?”

“I ain’t telling you nothing.”

“And why do you feel so sure about that?”

“Because, you…whoever you are…I have been watching you and her, and I know that she is only with you because she thinks she can make me jealous.”

Rose started to laugh.

“I am not only with Jack, Rod. We are getting married. That’s why I want the necklace.”

“Well, Rose a wife. Blah…she ain’t good for anything but in the sack.”

“You’re wrong, Rod. She is so much more than you will ever know. You just never knew how to take care of a lady.”

“Look, just get out of my house.”

“Not without an answer.”

Rod got angry and pushed Jack. He ignored it and just pretended it never happened. “See what a coward your husband to be is?” Rod was going to punch Jack, but he caught his fist before he could do so. “You wanna fight, Jack? Let’s fight.”

“You are gonna be so sorry, Rod. Say good night now.”

Jack did one of his fancy moves and kicked him in the face. With one kick, he was out, lying face down on the floor.

“Come on, Rose. Let’s go.”

“But what about the necklace?”

“Don’t worry. I have friends in high places that can find that necklace within a matter of hours. I just have to make a call.”

“But how can you be sure it will be the right one?”

“I can’t, but if you want it custom made, I can get it to you.”

“Okay. You call your friends, because I really want that necklace.”

“All right. Let’s get home.”


They got inside the house and Jack went to call his friend Philippe.

The phone rang.

“Hola, Philippe. Como estas?”

“Ah…Joaquin? Que quieres?”

“Yo tengo un novia que lo tengo uno crucifico.”

“Ah…que color es?”

“Es un crucifico de Azul.”

“Ah…yo lo tengo uno aqui.”


“Verdad que si.”

“Cuanto es?”



“Si. Por tu es gratis.”

“Ah…amigo, gracias.”

“No problemo.”

The Mexican man started speaking broken English.

“Where you want it send?”

“Um…send it to this address.” Jack gave him a P.O. box. Philippe said it would arrive within a week.

“Okay. Done.”

“Really, Jack?”

“Yes, Rose. My friend Philippe only carries the best damn jewels in the world.”

“When will it arrive?”

“Within the week.”

“Great, Jack. Thank you ever so much.” She kissed him. “Come on, Jack.” She led him to the bedroom.

“Rose, we can’t. Come on. Remember our promise?”

“I remember, Jack. No sex. Okay, then. What about a sensual massage?”

“All right.”

She put on one of her teddies and got the oil from her overnight bag. Jack laid on the table. She applied the oil to his back. She massaged his muscles. Jack loved it.

Jack was completely nude underneath the towel and hoped Rose could resist, because he hanging by a thread. She started massaging him more urgently. Was she already getting hot from touching his body? he wondered. She touched his lower back and paused just above his butt. She massaged his beautiful rear end and spanked it.

“My, my Rosie, what have I told you?”

“Sorry, Jack. I have been very bad.”

He turned around. “I see that, Rose, darling. Come here.”

She obeyed his command.

He brought her lips to his and kissed her deeply. She put her hands on the intimate parts of him. He reached inside her undies and massaged her there.

He lay down, waiting for her to climb on top of him.

“Now, Rose, this is how it is gonna go--touching and no penetration.”

“All right. I guess I can live with that, Jack, because on our wedding night I am gonna be as wild as fire can be.”

“All right, because I am also pulling no stops. I am going all the way with you that night--no contraceptives, no anything. Just the way nature intended it.”

“I would be more than honored, Jack Dawson, to have your baby, if, God willing. that happens that night. Because tomorrow man and wife we shall be.”


The next day Jack and Rose had gotten up early and gotten their flight. They had gotten first class tickets on the plane. Rose was so excited she couldn’t even sleep.

After more than an hour, they had finally touched down on Hawaii, the land of romance and passion.

Jack and Rose walked out of the terminal and got a rented car.

They were to stay at the Hotel Regency of Hawaii.

Their rooms were separated and they were to spend the day separated, which was not enjoyable for either one.

All the gang was there. Even Jack’s mom and his relatives were there, except for Rose’s side of the family, which she had none. Tobey, Ryan, and Bill had bought Jack a going away present, for he wouldn’t be single for long and they wanted him to have fun. Rose was with the girls for the day.

Toward the night, they went in their rooms and the parties started. The guys blindfold Jack and the stripper teased him, making him only want Rose more, which was hell without her. Everyone cheered on Jack to play her game, but he wouldn’t. He loved Rose more than he thought.

Meanwhile, a few rooms down, Rose had a stripper, too. He almost looked like Jack, too. Rose was having fun. She wouldn’t sleep with anyone except for Jack, even if this was her last day of freedom.

She had a few drinks and was ready to see Jack. Everyone was asleep. Rose sneaked over to Jack’s room. She knocked on the door. No one answered. She twisted the handle. To her surprise, it was open. She went in. It was quiet. She guessed that everyone had fallen asleep, also. She wandered through the bodies on the floor. Jack was still sitting on the chair when the stripper had left. He looked so adorable. Rose sat on his lap and touched his lips with her fingers. He kissed each one. She then put her fingers in his hair. He sighed. A smile cast upon his face. Rose kissed him. He kissed her back. She molded herself to Jack, sliding against him, making him unable to stay still. She put his hands on her, sliding them up and down her body. Jack’s eyes then fluttered open.

“Hey, you are cheating, Rose.”

“I didn’t know there were rules for touching, Jack.”

“Come on. Let’s go to the other room.”

He led her to the other room, picking her up, and she wrapped her legs around him.

She pulled his shirt from him. He picked up her dress, exposing the flesh he couldn’t resist.

They collapsed on the bed in a heated moment, savoring each other’s love, and kissed like two caged animals that had been apart from each other for so long.

They knew they had broken the rules, but on the eve of their wedding night, it was just too much for them not to see each other.

“Jack, we can’t do this just yet. Remember our promise?”

“Yes, I remember. But Rose, if I see one more woman that puts her hands on me, I am gonna explode.”

“Well, I will tell you what. I can relieve it without actually having sex with you.”

“Oh, Rose, if you start, I ain’t ever gonna stop, and you will get no satisfaction of your own.”

“Jack, I love you. Now, obey your wife and stand up.”

He looked at her, not wanting to open Pandora’s box.

She kissed him at first, sliding her hand and caressing his manhood.

He was as thick and hard as stone.

Rose knew he could only take so much before wanting what he had wanted so long.

She threw him on the bed and straddled him.

His eyes became intense. So intense that Rose had never see such a color before.

She ran her hand over his chest. His breathing had gotten heavier.

She reached out, grabbed his manhood, and rubbed it against her. She had always wanted a man to have patience, and Jack was doing a good job of it.

“Feel me, Jack. Feel the urgency I have for you.”

He could feel it all right. She was wet and her hotness was unbelievable. She kissed trails down his body, reaching her point of no return. She kissed his intimate organ, and he had loved her touch around him, her lips touching all the right spots.

She had fondled him just enough to make him throw her on her back and finish the job. Instead, he got up and kissed her.

“Rose, darling?”

“Yes, Jack?” Her lips were slightly pink.

“I want this, I do, but I can't, because if you do this, I will not be able to be satisfied because you did not have your own satisfaction, so I wish and I hope you are not upset to call it a night. Believe me, Rose, as bad as I want you, I really want to save this for tomorrow.”

“I understand, Jack. I am so sorry for teasing you and all.” Rose put her head down.

“It's quite all right, Rose. We will more than make up for this, you know.”

Rose left before temptation caught her again. She had not even bothered to kiss Jack before leaving his room. She had stormed out, disappointed, even though Jack had promised her it on their honeymoon. She opened the door to her room and fell asleep. Tomorrow she would make Jack pay!

Chapter Thirteen