Chapter Thirteen

Rose and her bridesmaids hurried to the little chapel. Jack and his men were already there. Rose went down the hall and proceeded to the little room where she arranged her veil and her makeup. Twenty minutes later, the music started to play and the bells started to ring. Finally, the bride walked down the aisle with Kevin. Rose was very nervous. She had decided that after all that she would not wear the practical white dress. She had found an emerald green and gold dress. She liked it. Everyone thought she looked good in it. Jack never questioned her about the dress. He had loved it. The bridesmaids and the men sat as the service started.

“Dearly beloved, we are here to join Rose Elizabeth DeWitt-Bukater and Jack Wilhelm Dawson,” the priest began.

“Well, well, well. I wouldn't have missed this for the world. Please, continue,” Vincent said. He had shown up out of nowhere.

Jack and Kevin were amazed that Vincent had shown up. How he even knew about this was beyond them.

Jack and Rose continued with the ceremony. They knew all hell was going to break loose after the service.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack and Rose kissed for the first time as husband and wife. They walked down the aisle. Jack looked for Vincent, as did Kevin.

He was nowhere to be found. Jack was now on his guard. Kevin and the rest got on their devices and started to see what was up.

Everyone was so astonished at Vincent's appearance that there was no reception. They knew Vincent had found out about their agency, or how else would he have known about their location? Also, Vincent had found out that Jack was not Alexander Smith.


The next few weeks, everyone was searching for Vincent. Jack and Rose's wedding was not really a happy one. Jack had promised her that after this was over that he would give her that honeymoon he had promised.

On a cool summer day, the phone rang, and it was no less than Vincent Tressor.

“Hello, Jack. I know you have been looking for me, and I am not mad about it.”


“Jack Dawson, I would like to see you, and only you. Not your friends. Either come alone, or she gets it.”


“Jack, it's me. Cassie.”


“That's enough!” Vincent told Jack to meet him at Culver Point, but not on the hill this time. He wanted to meet him at the beach house about three miles away. Jack knew where.

Luckily, Rose was at the college, taking her drawing class. He couldn't let anyone know, or his brother's wife would die, but he had to tell Kevin.

He dialed his brother's number as he got into his car.

“Damn! Hurry!” he yelled at the phone. “Kevin. pick up!” The phone continued to ring.

Finally, someone answered.


“Kevin, get your ass in your car and hurry up. Cassie is in trouble.” Jack was driving at top speed. He didn't care.

“What? Is this a joke, Jack? I just saw her leave to her mom's about a half hour ago.”

“She never made it, Kevin. Vincent has her.”

“I'm on my way. I will call you when I am on the road.” Kevin hung up and put on his clothes like a madman.

Jack had swerved through traffic. He just couldn't risk it. Vincent may have lied, now that he knew he was Jack Dawson.


Kevin was on the road two seconds after Jack had made the call. He rode through the streets, almost hitting cars. He was so scared for Cassie.

Kevin grabbed his cell phone and dialed Jack's cell. Jack picked up.

“Jack, where are you at?”

“Near Culver Point.”

“Okay. I know where that is.”

“Kevin, it's at the beach house. I don't think you have ever been there. I went there with him once before,” Jack informed him.

“All right, bro. Just lead the way, because the way I am thinking, if he touches one hair on my wife, the morgue won't even be able to identify him.”

“Gotcha, Kevin. I completely understand. I mean, if that was Rose, I would do absolutely the same. The beach house is three miles away from Culver Point. It’s a white house with blue trim. You can't miss it.”

“All right. If you get there first, take care of her, Jack.”

“You don't even have to ask, Kevin.”

They both clicked off at the same time.

Jack came upon Culver Point, and the beach house was now three miles away. He would do everything he possibly could to save Cassie, as he knew his brother with do the same for him.

Jack punched on the gas. He finally got there within ten minutes, which, if he was driving like a real citizen, would have took twenty. Of course, that's what he loved about being an agent. He knew that no one could touch him.

Jack came upon the driveway and parked. He got out, and was at the door almost instantly. He knocked the door down.

“Ah…Mr. Dawson?” asked the guard, who had a gun pointed at his head. “Follow me,” he commanded.

He led Jack to Cassie, who was tied up and gagged. She wasn't okay. Her face was tear-stained. He saw that she was asleep. He assumed Vincent had drugged her.

“Cassie? Cassie, wake up,” he said, as he shook her.

“Jack, don't bother waking her. She's out like a light.” Vincent stepped in.

“Vincent!” He charged after him like a raging bull, only to be stopped by Vincent's hit men.

One knocked Jack on the head with the butt of his gun, but not before Jack put up a fight. He had knocked the man with the shotgun off his feet, beating him until his fists were all bloody. Vincent did not want to hurt Jack. So he told one of his men to disable Jack from the lucky bastard who was now bleeding everywhere. The man with the black Armani suit knocked him out cold. Vincent told him to put him and Cassie in the cell that they had arranged for this sort of matter.


Jack was dreaming of Rose. He had dreamed that she was carrying a child, a spitting image of himself. He was so happy. Then, he heard Rose call out in a man's voice, his brother's. He got up quick. Jack realized that Cassie had his head on her lap trying to stop the bleeding on his forehead.

“Where is he?” Jack felt light-headed.

“He's gone. I am sure he will contact us soon.” Kevin grabbed his wife and pulled her up close to his chest.

“It's all my fault,” Cassie said.

“No, Cassie, it isn't,” Kevin reassured her.

“It is, Kevin. Vincent is my brother.” Cassie saw Jack and Kevin's faces change quickly.

“No. That's impossible, Cassie. I don't believe it.” Kevin pushed the thought of her being related to Tressor away.

“It is, Kevin. Look. Remember, I always hid this from you, saying that I wanted to show you this at the right time?”

He remembered. When he had married Cassie, she had concealed a photo from him, something from her past.

When she showed him the photo, he ran away from her. Jack noticed Vincent and Cassie together, smiling.

“Jack, I didn't tell Vincent anything about the agency. I swear on my life.” Cassie pleaded her story to Jack.

“I know, Cassie. That's why you are gonna help us find him.” Jack took Cassie with him. It appeared that Kevin had gotten in his car and taken off.

“Where are we going, Jack?”

“To my place. I have to get Rose to a safe place.”

“All right.” She got in the car with Jack, and when they arrived at his home, Rose's car was in the driveway. A present from him, of course.

Jack parked behind Rose's car.

“Come on, Cassie.” He got out, and Cassie felt so bad that she could hardly face Rose.

“Honey, I'm home.” She ran to him and kissed him.

“How was your day?” She looked into his eyes.

“Just peachy, Rose.” He touched his head.

Rose saw he was bleeding. She went to get some bandages and some disinfectant.

She came back, and realized Cassie was there. Jack lay on the couch.

“Hello, Cassie. I didn't see you there.”

“Hello, Rose.” She sat there quietly.

Jack had flinched when she applied the disinfectant.

“That's a good boy,” she said, as she finished putting on the bandage. “Stay right there, Jack.” She went to get him some aspirin for his head. “Take this.” He got up and took the aspirin. “All right. Are you staying for dinner, Cassie?” Rose noticed that Cassie was sort of distant.

“I guess,” Cassie managed to say.

“All right. I will be back in a second.”

Rose took dinner out of the oven.

“Everything is done,” she announced to them.

Everyone ate dinner quietly. When they finished, Cassie told Jack she was leaving. Where she went, he never knew.

Rose lay beside Jack.

“Jack, are you asleep?” He was thinking about Vincent.

“No, Rose.”

“Jack, can I ask you a question?” She lay closer to him.

“Sure, Rose. What's on your mind?” He turned toward her.

“I was thinking…can we start a family?”

“Really, Rose? I was just thinking about that today.”

“I want a baby, Jack.”

“Then let's get started, Rose.” Jack needed something to get his mind off Vincent.

Chapter Fourteen