Chapter Fourteen

Kevin sat all alone, thinking about his wife. He had gone all through her stuff and come upon some photos. He saw images of her in a jail cell, posing. He had thought his wife to be perfect, but apparently not. He wondered about Vincent. How could she be related to him? Everything just faded away he fell asleep.


“Honey, it’s all right. He will come back to you.” Vincent sat down, comforting her.

“You don’t know him, Vincent. You didn’t see the look in his eyes.”

“Go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day.” He left her and she fell asleep.


Tobey was in the office, developing his film. He had gotten the shots at Vincent’s hideout.

“Hey, Bill. Look at this.” Tobey walked over to Bill.

“Hey, what is that?” Bill asked.

“It looks like one of our landmarks,” Tobey answered.

“Yeah, it does. The Statue of Liberty. What do you think it means, Tobey?” Bill studied it more.

“I have no idea, Bill. We’d better tell Kevin and Jack.”


Jack’s phone rang.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Hey, Jack. It’s Tobey. I developed some shots I got at Vincent’s hideout, and I found something very interesting. Looks like something is gonna happen in New York City.”

“See you there,” Jack said, and hung up.


Bill called Kevin.

“Hey, Kevin. We’ve got to go to New York. Something’s up,” Bill said.

“All right. See you tomorrow,” Kevin said, and went back to sleep.


Bill, Tobey, Ryan, Christian, Kevin, and Jack got a plane to New York. They went to Liberty Island as soon as they landed there. They looked around, and saw nothing. They spent a couple of weeks in surveillance.


Bill picked up his walkie-talkie.

“Tobey, see anything? Over,” Bill said to him.

“Not yet. Over.” Tobey picked up his walkie-talkie.

“Keep me posted. Over and out,” Bill said, watching the island.

Jack watched from afar.

He saw a boat pull up to Liberty Island. He saw Cassie and Vincent.

“Kevin, you gotta see this!” Jack got his brother and gave him the binoculars.

“All right.” He saw Cassie in the binoculars.

“What is she doing with him?” he asked.

“He is her brother, you know,” Jack reminded him.

“I know, Jack, but still…” He was angry, very angry.

“But still what? Whether you like it or not, we are related,” Jack informed him.

Kevin hated the thought.


Cassie stayed in New York with Vincent for a while. She lay down when someone knocked on the door. She opened it, to see Kevin’s face.

“Kevin?” Cassie hadn't even known that he knew she was there.

“Cassie, come back home.” Kevin walked in.

“I thought you didn’t want me anymore.” Cassie sat on the bed.

“I do want you, Cassie baby.” He brought her to his chest.

“Oh, Kevin.” She hugged him tightly.

He kissed her and led her back to the bed. Making love with his wife, he faced the fact that Cassie was related to a mobster, which would make his job very hard, but also very useful.


“Cassie?” Kevin laid there, fully satisfied.

“Yes, Kevin?” Cassie responded.

“I need to talk to your brother. I think we can help each other,” Kevin said.

“All right.” She picked up the phone and dialed his number. She waited for his voice.

“Vincent, it’s Kevin. We need to talk. Can you meet me?” He had pulled the phone away.

“All right. When and where?” Vince asked.

Fifty-Eighth Street. Nine o‘clock AM.” He hung up and kissed his wife.

The Next Day

“Vincent?” Kevin walked up to him.

“Kevin? I thought we would never meet. Cassie told me to stay away, and I obeyed her wishes.” He stood before Kevin.

“Vincent, maybe we can help each other,” Kevin proclaimed.

“I would love to help, but it’s under national security,” Vincent said.

“I knew it. You’re not a bad guy after all. You work for us.” Kevin smiled.

“Keep this under wraps. All right?” Vincent asked him. “Kevin, follow my lead, please.” Vincent had to make a scene if he was to stay undercover.

He punched Kevin in the face, and Kevin punched him back.

“Stay away from my sister, Dawson!” Vincent yelled.

“Like hell I will. You better watch your back, Tressor.” Kevin walked away.

Vincent was an FBI agent under deep cover. He had been for many years.


Kevin and Cassie’s marriage went back to the way it had been. Kevin was glad he had Cassie back.


Kevin called Jen. He loved Jen like a sister.

“Hey, Jen. How's vacation?” he asked cheerfully.

“Great. Why, Kevin?” Jen had always wondered how he found out where she was all the time.

“I need you, Jen,” Kevin said.

“All right. I will be back at work on Monday.” Jen had been happy to relax in the golden sun of Hawaii.

“Great.” Kevin needed Jen’s ability to master the written script of a note he had found years before.

“Bye. Bye,” Jen said.

Chapter Fifteen