Chapter Seventeen

Kevin sat on the chair, tied up. They questioned him about the secrets he knew about the Omega Corporation. He didn’t tell them anything and they hit him. Kevin lay slumped in the chair, bleeding, while Vincent lay there trying to wake him up. Vincent cared about Kevin like a brother.

The people who held Kevin were new. He hadn’t run into them before. Vincent did know who they were. They were the people who had sold the high-priced military weapon Vincent was to purchase from them. They had found out that they were agents. When and how, Vince didn’t know, but they knew now.

Meanwhile, Cassie sat in the parking lot, waiting for Bill.

Bill drove up and picked Cassie up. He blindfolded her so she wouldn’t know the location. When they got inside the building, he took off the blindfold.

Jack came and took Cassie into a room. He questioned her.

"Cassie, where did they take him?" he asked in an angry tone.

"I don’t know, Jack. Honestly, I don’t." She was being truthful this time.

"If I find out you had anything to do with this, Cassie…" He knew something was up with her. He could smell it.

"I swear, Jack, on his life…I didn’t," she pleaded with him.

"All right. I am trusting you, but if you make one mistake…prepare for the consequences," he warned her.

"Okay. Fair enough. Here. I found this when I got home. Maybe it will help." She was scared. She didn’t want her husband to die.

She passed him the note. It read: We have the merchandise. Bring the cash--one million dollars.

Jack knew who it was now--the man who had wanted to sell Vincent the technology of a lifetime. He looked at the note more closely. It said: Meet at Queensboro Bridge.

He knew that place. He remembered.

Jack called Tobey and Bill.

"Tobey, remember Queensboro Bridge?" Jack asked him.

"Yeah, I do." Tobey scratched his head.

"Bill?" Jack sneered at him.

"I remember, Jack," he said sadly.

"What happened in Queensboro Bridge?" Cassie asked.

"It was a few years ago. Kevin was working undercover. We had found out that some high corporate powerhouse was selling illegal nuclear weapons. One area they wanted to bomb was Queensboro Bridge. We stopped them, but there was one man who got away--but not before he had killed my partner, Chloe Sullivan. She was the best agent in the bureau and I loved her," Jack confessed.

Rose had heard. She looked at him and knew he was telling the truth.

"What happened to her?" Rose stepped in and asked.

"The bastard killed her, and there was nothing I could do. He shot her while she protected me. She actually stood in front of me. She said she loved me and to always remember her, and I have till this day. I owe her what she deserves. I just hope this time we do not lose another agent," Jack said with a tear in his eye.

He set everything in motion. All the agents were now aware of the situation. Bill, Tobey, Tommy, and the rest got their gear and headed to the meeting place--Queensboro Bridge.

In New York, they inspected the bridge. There was a bomb underneath it and no one had suspected it yet.

Tobey was on surveillance.

"See anyone yet?" Jack asked.

"Nah…the area still looks secure, but there is a boat called the Queen." Tobey zeroed in on the boat.

"That might be it. See if you spot Kevin or Vince," Jack told him.

Tobey searched with his binoculars. He saw a badly beaten Kevin lying on the ground.

"Jack, look!" He handed over the binoculars. Tobey had not seen Kevin like the way he was now. Not ever.

"All right. Time to go." Jack saw his brother. Jack got his gear and left with Tobey to get the others.

Jack, Kevin, Tobey, Bill, Tommy, and Christian met on the docks near the Queensboro Bridge.

When they got closer, a man inspected them, searching for weapons.

Jack went aboard the boat. He saw Kevin, badly beaten but still alive.

"All right. Here’s the money you requested." Jack, Bill, and Tommy dropped the cases.

The man he had wanted to kill so long ago inspected the cases.

One case was full of money. He searched the other two. They were empty.

"Jack, just what kind of game do you think I am playing? Remember Chloe?" George asked.

"Yes. I remember. Tobey, hand me your binoculars." Jack had gotten angry when he had mentioned her name.

Tobey handed them to him.

Jack looked into the binoculars, and turned to his right about thirty degrees. He spotted what he was looking for.

"George, come here," Jack ordered.

George went to Jack.

"Look up there, about thirty degrees to your right." Jack pointed.

George looked and saw just what he had wanted.

"All right, Jack. How do I get the rest of those cases?" he asked.

"Easy. Let my brother and Vince go," Jack said with authority.

"I get you, but it’s not going to be easy," George warned him.

"Let my brother go, you son of a bitch. I swear I will kill you," Jack said with frustration.

"All in due time, Jack, but come on. Let’s finish business first, then pleasure." George winked an eye at him.

"Fine," Jack said.

Everyone knew he had a temper.

"Now, how do I get the rest of those cases?" George asked.

"Why don’t you send one of your men to get it for you?" Jack told him.

"Right. Pierre, go fetch," George ordered the man.

The man left and told him where to go.

Jack waited until the man got it. By the time the man had reached the midpoint, Jack had asked for what he wanted.

George gave Kevin and Vince to Jack and they got off the boat. Everything had seemed too easy.

Never had George made it this easy, especially when Jack knew how much he hated him.

Bill took Kevin and Vince to a car, and off they went, back to the hideout.


Jack stood with the rest of the men. Jason Bourne and Sydney Bristol were on call. They were the best in the business. Those were the ones he held as a special weapon, not announcing to George about them, either.

Chapter Eighteen