Chapter Eighteen

Rated NC-17 for Content

Jason looked at everything and remembered his encounter with George. He had not wanted to be involved with him again, but when he got the call from Omega, he responded. He wanted to put an end to the case he had taken so long ago.

Sydney remembered about the time when Jack was so depressed when Chloe had died. She had been there to comfort him for a short while. After being called by the CIA, she went back to work and left Paola and Lisa to look after him, hoping he would be all right.

Both agents had never met. They were both special in the business, taking everything possible to not mess up their cover. Jason knew of Sydney. He had heard of her and her father, Jack Bristol. They were under high cover, uncovering people in the black underground society who had participated in the plan to overtake America. Secret plans that were now in the hands of George Whitaker.

All agents would meet at specific location and talk about their plan to take care of George and the Black Society.

All agents were called out.

Jack Dawson

Kevin Dawson

Vincent Tressor

Christian Anholt

Tobey Maguire

Tommy Ryan

Jack Bristol

Bill Carter

Jason Bourne

James Bond

Brad Covington

Sydney Bristol

Paola Thompson

Lisa Gibbs

Jen Agatone

Amanda Tan

Rose Dawson

Bunny Bates

Cassie Dawson

Ashley Bishop

They all checked into a hotel in Germany. They did not stay in New York. They had all arranged to meet in Germany instead. They had a secret base out there, and when they needed to get all the information about a certain criminal, they would go there and discuss their situation, sort of as a second home base. This was all new to Rose. Being an agent sure had its benefits. She walked with Jack into the underground building beneath the hotel. It was very secure. Many of the guests that had stayed there were agents that worked for Omega 3. Jack walked with Rose down the halls. She knew she should stay close to Jack, because if she didn’t, she would definitely get lost. Jack stopped at a panel in the wall and entered his ID and his badge number. Rose had her own ID and badge number, too. Jack had given her it just before they left for Germany.

After Jack was finished, Rose stepped up to the screen.

Name: Rose Dawson

Badge Number: AlphaOmegaT431

The scanner beeped and she was allowed inside the building.

The rest of the agents followed the same procedure.

When Rose got inside, she was amazed at all the people that were there.

Girls were on one side, men on the other.

"Rose, you sit over there. Okay?" he told her, and went to his own place with Kevin, who was now able to walk.

Tobey, Tommy, Bill, and the other guys got their own table. Lisa, Paola, and the rest of the girls took Rose to their table.

Kevin looked up at Jack.

"Jack, can you make the announcement? I am not up to it."

"Sure, Kevin. No problem." He took the folder his brother held in his hands.

He walked up to the podium and began to speak.

"First off, I would like to thank you all for making it here today. My brother isn’t able to make the announcement after his unfortunate situation. All right, people. We have a code 940. George Whitaker has taken the underground plans. We need to find him and get those plans. It is very important that we do; those documents are codes to missiles around the US. If we don’t intercept, the plans could go to the highest bidder and if they land in the hands of terrorists…well, you can say good-bye to New York and Los Angeles."

Jack read the notes his brother had written.

"Okay. Here’s how it’s gonna go, ladies and gentlemen. Men of the Northern Alliance will pay close attention to Canada. See if you can find out anything from your sources about someone going into hiding. Southern, see if anyone has been spending money like wildfire. Eastern, we suspect that George has gone to the East. He has many friends down that way. See if you can find him in any of his regular spots. Finally, Western, pay close attention to anyone who you suspect is a partner in this. There is no doubt that he is not working alone."

Someone raised their hand.

"Yes?" Jack asked.

"Um…with all this going around, what will we be doing?" Lisa asked.

"Well, you ladies--you have a special assignment," he said. "I know that George likes blondes, so it’s obvious that we know his weakness. Since he has never met any of you, I want you to dress your best, because you girls are going on the mission of your lives. Once we find him, we need you ladies to get close to him. Very close. If he takes a liking to one of you, then we will be able to find who he is selling the plans to, and hopefully get them back. Any more questions?"

No one raised his or her hand.

"All right. Thank you for coming. Your debriefing materials will be handed out over there." Jack pointed.

Names were called out. Everyone got a packet of information on where George might have gone, his favorite things, and the things he was known for doing.

"Rose Dawson." She heard her name.

Rose stepped up and took the packet. She looked inside. There where photos of George’s many appearances, stats, locations, et cetera, et cetera.

She put all its contents away and stuffed it in her purse. Rose found Jack talking to some guys. She passed by them hurtling through the crowd. She bumped into someone.

"Excuse me," she said.

"Ah…Rose, how are you?" Jake asked.

"Hello, Jake. How are you?"

"I am fine. Thank you, Rose."

"It was nice seeing you, Jake."

"Likewise, my lady." He kissed her hand before he left.

She finally caught up with Jack and Kevin.

Jack was speaking German with some of the men.

He said something that she did not understand.

She looked at him and was feeling different about him. Every day, he seemed to amaze her.

He said one last word, saw Rose, and took her hand.

"Aw…Rose. Sorry. Some of the men were asking questions about George."

"Ah…it is okay. It’s your job," she told him.

She took his hand, and when they reached the main floor, they stepped out of the elevator and got a room.

When they got upstairs, Rose lay down on the bed.



"You tired?"

"A little. The flight, the situation…hell, it’s stressful."

"I know. Sorry."

"Don’t be. It was my choice to join. I admit I always wanted adventure. I need to go to the salon. Do they have one here?"

"Yeah, they do. Downstairs to the right of the gift shop."

"Cool. I am gonna make a reservation."

"All right."

She looked at the telephone directory. She found the number to the salon and dialed.

A woman answered.

"Yes. I would like to make an appointment."

"What time?"

"Now, if possible."

"Okay. We have an opening. How soon can you be here?"

"In ten minutes."

"Okay, miss."

"Miss Dawson."

"Okay. We’ll be waiting."

She got up and told Jack where she was going. When she got downstairs, the girl asked what she wanted done.

"Um…I would like to dye my hair blonde and possibly make my features stand out a little more."

"Okay. That can be done."

Rose relaxed while they did her hair and makeup. When she was done, she looked like a different person.

When she opened the door to her room, Jack was laying down watching TV.

He saw her.

"Wow. Miss, I think you’ve got the wrong room."

"Oh. I am sorry. I must have gotten the wrong key," she said, and pretended to walk out.

He took her hand and put it around his neck.

"Tonight, Cara Mia, I am taking you to the stars."

He picked her up and put her on the bed.

She lay there, loving every single caress when he touched her.

She put her hands on him, loving the feel of his chest.

"Oh, my God, Mr. Dawson. Is this all for me?" She touched his manhood.

"Yes. All for you, my love." He took off his jacket and his shirt.

Rose lay there and caressed his chest.

He lay back while she trailed kisses all over his body.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Ah…hell," Jack said.

"Patience is a virtue, my darling." She smiled at him.

"Not right now, it’s not," he said, giving her a stare.

Rose quickly put on her dress and got up to answer the door.

Paola and Lisa stood there.

"Hi, Lisa, Paola. What’s up?" she asked.

"Nothing much. Why? Wow, Rose. Love your look!" Paola said.

"Amazing, Rose. You look beautiful as a blonde-haired person." Lisa heard Jack in the background.

"Thanks, Lisa, Paola." She blushed.

They walked in when Rose invited them in.

"Hey, Jack," Paola said, noticing he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Hey, Paola. What’s shaking?" He smiled at her.

"Nothing much. We were gonna take your wife away. Do you mind?" she asked.

"Not at all. However, I do want her back." He smiled back at her.

"Sure. We will bring her back in bows," Paola said.

"Come on, Rose. Let’s go," Lisa said.

"All right. See you later, love," Rose told Jack.

"Good-bye, ladies," he told them, and they left.

Rose, Lisa, and Paola walked down the hall to the elevator.

"So, what’s all the commotion?" Rose asked.

"Well, Rose, we are about to show you the special treatment you get when you’re an agent for Omega," Lisa said.

They went to the club members only club. Celebrities and the rich and famous always showed up at the Mambo Club.

Lisa and Paola sat at their favorite table.

"What is this place, Lisa?" Rose asked.

"Why don’t you turn around to your left?" Lisa asked her.

She turned around and saw a man.

"Okay. So, who is he?" Rose couldn’t see his face.

When he turned his face, Rose almost fell to the floor.

"Oh, my God. Leonardo DiCaprio is here." She felt as if she was going to faint.

She started to notice others as well. Ben Affleck, Keanu Reeves, Elijah Wood, Henry Thomas, Cameron Diaz. You name it--they were there.

"You should go meet him, Rose. I don’t think he will mind," Paola said.

"I can’t. I am so nervous." Rose fiddled with her hands under the table.

"Come on, Rose." Paola helped her up and led her in the direction of his table.

She walked on unsteady legs.

When she reached the table, she was about to turn around again.

She forced herself to at least meet him.

When she reached the table, she spoke.

"Excuse me. I am sorry to disturb you, but I would like to say hi."

"Hello. Miss, do you dance?" Leo asked.


"Yes, dance," he said.

"Well…yeah," she said nervously.

"Care to be my partner?" he asked.

"You don’t have to ask me twice." Rose felt very nervous around him.

Leo took her hand. She felt like she was dreaming.

Rose didn’t notice that they were playing the tango. She didn’t know how to tango at all.

He held her and led her onto the dance floor. He was a good dancer and led her gracefully.

She felt like putty in his hands.

When he brought her close to him, she felt like she was in heaven. She sighed.

"Is there anything…wrong, Miss?"

"Not at all. I am just surprised that I can tango, is all."

When the song finished, he kissed her hand.

"Thank you for the grace of your company…uh…"

"Rose. Rose Dawson."

"Thank you, Miss Dawson."

Rose hugged him. When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face. George Whitaker.

"Oh, my God." When Leo released her, she noticed that she had said it aloud.

"What’s wrong?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. It isn’t you. Sorry. I’ve got to go," she said.

She followed George.

She had been so obvious. She mistakenly bumped into him.

"Excuse me," she said.

He liked how she looked--exquisite.

"It’s quite all right, miss." He looked at her like she was dessert.

His blond hair and blue eyes reminded her of Jack.

She started to walk away from him to find Paola and Lisa. He grabbed her hand.

"Care to dance with me, miss?" He took her hand before she could say anything but yes.


He took her hand and led her in a dance. Slow dance.

She waltzed with him.

When the dance was over, he asked her a question.

"Can I see you again?" He liked her.

"Sure. How about tomorrow? Same place," she said, suddenly feeling very nervous.

"All right," he said, as he kissed her hand.

"I have to go now. See you," she said, almost running through the crowd.

She found Paola and Lisa.

"Lisa, Paola, let’s get out of here. Something has happened," she said.

"What? You got a hot date with Leo?" Paola joked.

"No. It is code red." Rose took their hands and almost ran out of the club.

They left the club and went back to their rooms.

When Rose got back to her room, Jack was still there, watching TV and kicking back with a beer in his hands.

"Jack!" she called. "Oh, my God." She was breathing funny.

"Where did you guys go?" he asked.

"The Mambo Club," Lisa said.

"Ah." He knew all too well about the Mambo Club.

"What was she doing?" He looked at Paola.

"She danced with Leonardo DiCaprio," she told him.

"Cool." He knew she liked Leo. "Did you like him. Rose? Did the way he danced compare to me?" he asked, looking at her for an answer.

She finally got her breath back.

"No, George," she muttered.

"George who?" Jack asked.

"George Whitaker wants to see me tomorrow," she finally let out.

"What?" Jack looked at her weirdly.

"I met George at the club. He’s here." Rose finally got her breath back.

"Okay. Let me call Kevin and the guys. Rose, I want you to meet him tomorrow," he told her.

"Jack, I can’t." Rose felt afraid she would mess up the mission.

"Rose, you must. I know this is asking a lot, but you have to," Jack told her.

He made the telephone call. Lisa and Paola left to meet with the guys.

Jack had told them that tomorrow morning they would all meet to set up a date with George.

Jack took Rose’s hand. He kissed her.

She kissed him back.

"Oh, Leo," she teased.

"Leo? Are you hot for him, Rose?" Jack asked.

"Always have been," she said.

"I am gonna rock the Leo out of you, baby." Jack threw her over his shoulder.

He undressed her and fucked her hard that night. She had come twice…maybe more. She couldn’t count. Jack was hot in bed. His body always made her hot. She didn’t need Leo to think about getting hot. Jack’s body was her weakness. His strong arms held her.

She fell asleep. After all, she needed it. She had a job to do tomorrow.

Chapter Nineteen