Chapter Nineteen

Rose's First Assignment

Rose was nervous. She felt like she was going to school for the first time. Jack hated that his wife was the bait. He knew George, and he knew what he would do to his Rose, but he had no choice. This was the only way to catch the bastard.

Rose dressed in a low-cut dress. She was to meet George at the Mambo Club at seven tonight sharp. She felt like she was going to be sick to her stomach and throw up. She proceeded to the Mambo Club as scheduled. She glanced around the nightclub, looking for him. No luck.

She wore earrings so Jack could hear everything that was said. There was no sign of him, so she sat at a booth and waited.

Five minutes passed. Nothing. She put her hands on her face and pretended like she was bored, then whispered to herself, "Should I go?"

Jack responded. "No. Stay."

"Okay," she said to herself.

A few minutes passed.

"Care for a dance, miss?" George popped out of nowhere.

He grabbed her hand, and she danced with him.

"It’s good to see you, Rose. How long have you been waiting?" He licked his lips.

"Not long," she said.

"That’s good." He pressed Rose’s body closer to him.

"Rose, would you care to accompany me to my room?" he asked.

"Sure." Rose knew she had to pretend like she liked him, so she agreed.

They walked into an elevator, up to room seventeen.

Inside, the room was elegant. It sort of reminded her of her honeymoon.

"Wow. Nice set-up," Rose said, as her eyes glittered.

"Thanks, Rose. Care for some wine?" George asked.

"Okay." Rose sat and looked around.

He served her a glass and passed her the goblet. She drank it. It tasted so sweet. He sat by her and watched her.

"Rose?" he asked in a weird tone.

A tone she knew all too well.

"Yes, George?" She told herself to relax.

"Has anyone ever told you you’re very beautiful?" He reached over and touched her hair.

"Not recently, no," she said, smiling.

"Well, you are." He touched her leg.

"Thank you." She jumped.

"Sorry. Rose, are you a virgin? Has no one touched you before?" he asked, unable to figure if she was playing the game or just teasing him.

"No, it’s not that. It’s just that I was caught off-guard." Rose told herself to imagine he was Jack.

"Oh, don’t be shy, darling. I can be very gentle or very rough when needed." He smiled.

Rose thought, Oh, no. Here it comes.

He took her hand to stand, and he danced with her again, even though there was no music.

Rose imagined it was Jack. He unzipped her dress until she was only in her bra and underwear.

"Um…George?" she asked, nervously, thinking she might throw up.

"Yeah, Rose?"

"I have to go to the bathroom…the wine…I have to go…you know."

"Oh, all right. The restroom is to your left."

"Okay." Rose walked fast.

When she got inside, she felt sick again.

"Jack, what am I gonna do? I can’t possibly have sex with him. I love you way too much to cheat on you."

"I understand, Rose. You don’t have to, and I love you, darling."

"Then what should I do?" She was so nervous.

"Do you remember our honeymoon?" Jack asked.

"Yes." Rose remembered that night.

"Remember what I told you to do if you ever got in that situation?"

"Yes." She had remembered only too well.

"Do it for me, Rose," Jack told her.

"All right, love. I wish you were him instead."

"Me, too, darling."

Rose came out of the restroom.

"Rose, what took you so long?" George asked.

"It’s a female thing," Rose said.




"Got any whipped cream?"

"Perhaps. Why?"

"I thought we could have some fun."

"Sure. I will get it."

While George went to get the cream, Rose did what she had to do, got a cream from her purse, and put it on herself.

When he came back, Rose was waiting for him.

He just stared at her. He was fascinated by her, just like Jack had been.

She stood up, took his hand, and sat down with him. She opened the container and put the whipped cream on certain places on her body.

George already knew what to do.

He sucked the sweet piece of flesh into his mouth. Rose moaned.

When he was through paying attention to one, he sucked on the other. Rose put her hands into his hair.

"Oh, Jack--George." She caught herself before saying Jack’s name.

"Rose?" He moaned.

George laid down on the sofa.

"I want you, Rose."

"No, George. Wait."

"I want you now," he said urgently.

"We need protection," Rose said, trying to stall.

"You’re right. But forget it. It’s okay." George didn't care at all.

"No, you don’t understand," Rose said.

"I do, Rose. It’s okay if I get you pregnant," he said.

"No, George!" Rose yelled at him.

George slapped Rose.

She hit him back, and he fell and hit his head on the table. She shook him, but he never woke up. She started to panic.

Chapter Twenty