Chapter Two

Jack lay peacefully asleep until Rose put her head on his chest and her arm over him. He didn't mind, not at all. Rose felt cared for as she slept. Her eyes drifted open, and she noticed Jack had slept with her. She didn't mind, because she felt somehow he would protect her. She felt the hard muscles as she removed her hand from his chest. She stared at him in awe. He was a blonde god. He had all the right muscles in all the right places. She looked at his face. There was a slight scar near his nose, but it was somewhat unnoticeable. His eyes opened. The blue in his eyes were like somewhere she could lose control in.

Jack had noticed a sudden flush in her face.

"Rose, are you okay? I hope you didn't mind me lying here with you, but you were crying in your sleep."

"No, I don't mind, and I'm okay." She wondered if he had seen her checking him out.

"So, are you hungry?" His hunger went beyond food.

"Yeah, I'm starved." She thought, Yeah, starved for you.

They both felt the electricity, but they didn't act on it. Rose wanted to know him better, not have sex to confuse their friendship, until they were ready, at least.

Jack walked into the kitchen and made bacon and eggs.

Rose felt pampered by him. Her boyfriend, Rod, didn't understand her. Not even when her birthday came. Did he even buy her anything? Not a kiss, not a hug, not even happy birthday, sweetheart. Which reminded her--it was three days away.

Her luck had changed for the better Jack was perfect--nothing mysterious about him, but she could tell he had a wild streak somewhere inside him.

The phone rang.

Jack got it.

"Hello, Jack."


"We have a situation."

"What kind of situation?"

"The usual--perpetrator steals important computer disk to military weapon."

"You know I'm on vacation. It sounds tempting, but nah."

"All right. Who is she?"

"My neighbor's in trouble. I'm helping her."

"She must be cute for you to not wanna do this assignment. All right. I'll call Agent Ryan."


He hung up the phone.

Jack would have made any excuse to stay with her.

"Not to be nosy, but who was that?" Rose asked.

"My boss from work."

"I'm not keeping you from something, am I?"

"No. Nothing my friend can't handle."

"So, what do you do, Jack?"


"What kind of job do you have?"

"Oh, I'm a security guard for the bank."

"Oh. Well you sure have the muscles for it, if you don't mind me saying so."

"Well, Miss Rose, do I detect some admiration?"

"Well, yes. I always say flaunt what you've got."

"What about you, Rose?"

"I don't have a job."

"Well, you must have done something."

"Yeah, Jack. I use to dance on tables for money."


"No, silly. Actually, I was nineteen and I needed the money." She was kidding.

"Did you do lap dances, too?"

"Jack Dawson! You're truly living on the edge. And no, I never did lap dances. I only did ones for my other customers," she pretended.

Jack turned red.

Jack wants a lap dance--that's what he's going to get, Rose thought. She would fulfill his fantasy. She owed him that much.

She walked to the restroom with a skirt and a tank top in her hand.

Jack wondered where she had gone.

Rose came out and picked up a tape from her bag. She inserted it into the cassette deck of his radio.

The music started playing. Simply Irresistible by Robert Palmer.

She walked toward Jack.

He was mesmerized by her.

She started to sway from side to side on his lap like a child asking what they wanted for Christmas.

She pressed her legs to his inner thigh. Then she turned around and sat on his lap pressing her butt to his groin.

Jack started panting. Rose liked his response and got his hands and pressed them against her stomach down her legs. She turned her head slightly and he kissed her.

She grabbed his head to deepen the kiss and he turned her body sideways for better access to her lips.

When the kiss was over, they both gasped for breath.

"Jack, I really like you, but not like this."

"You're right. Not like this," he agreed, even though it was hard to stop then.

"Rose, you make yourself comfortable, and I'll be right back."

Jack went to the restroom, trying to calm himself down. It was going to be hard because he wanted her so much. The last time he had sex was ages ago. He couldn't even remember. His work kept him busy, and he hadn't had a vacation in five years.

Well, Jack, your life is going to change, he thought to himself.

"I need help!" Jack said out loud.

He realized he sort of screamed it.

"Jack, are you okay?" Rose asked.

"Yeah. I just cut myself, is all."

"Can I come in? I worked as a nurse for six months at a hospital."

"Sure. Come in."

Jack's hand was bleeding. He hadn't realized when he said he needed help he'd cut himself on his razor. Pain was the only way to submerge his desire, and it worked.

But thanks to Rose, she helped him all right. He got hard again.

"Thanks for the bandage, Rose."

"No problem, Jack. I figured I owed you that for making you...well, you know. I'm not a tease, Jack."

"I know you're not, Rose. That's why I needed a break."

"So how was my lap dance?"

"I say extremely well."

"Wanna take a stroll to the park?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. I would love that." Rose hadn't gone somewhere without being a prisoner in her own home.

Jack and Rose walked to the park. Rose was glad she hadn't seen Rod.

Jack and Rose walked past a basketball game, and one of the men shouted out.

"Hey, you! We need a fourth player. Wanna play?" asked the tall man.

"Rose, should I?" he asked her permission.

"Sure. Go ahead. I will sit on the chair over there and root for your team. Deal?"

"Thanks, Rose. I love you." He didn't mean for that to slip out.

Chapter Three