Chapter Twenty

Close Call

Rose was so nervous about George that she hadn't even bothered to think of herself. She got up off the couch and shook him.

No response.

"Rose, is everything okay? Over." Jack was worried.

"No, Jack. He fell on the floor and hit his head as we struggled. I think it’s safe for you to come here and check out the place. You know…do your thing," Rose said, trying to get hold of herself.

"All right. I will send an agent ASAP." Jack sent Brad, since he was the closest.

"Thanks, Jack," Rose said.

"No problem," Jack replied.

Brad got on the assignment as fast as Jack had issued it. He was there so fast that Rose had barely put her dress back on before opening the door.

"Hello," Rose said.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" he asked as he noticed her black eye.

"Yes. Everything is fine. Come on in," she said.

Brad did a quick scan of the place. He put the microphone into his ear.

"Okay. What am I looking for, Jack?" He looked around the place.

"You’re looking for plans. Locations, codes…that sort of thing," Jack said.

"Okay. I'll check his briefcase first," Brad said.

Brad quickly opened the briefcase. Inside were memos and locations, but no plans.

He took a shot of the documents with his small microfiche camera.

When he was done, he called Rose.

"All done here. You coming?" he asked Rose.

"Yeah. Just let me scribble a quick note," Rose said.

"No time, Rose. Come on. He'll understand." Brad grabbed her hand.

They left quickly, before he woke up.


George woke up on the floor with a good bump on his head. He looked around for Rose. She was gone. He didn't blame her for leaving after what he had tried to pull. He just couldn't resist. She was such a beautiful woman. He doubted that he would ever see her again.


Rose and Brad reached the communications base. Jack was talking to Lisa and Paola when they arrived.

"Yeah, sure, Lisa. You can have that week off," he told her.

"Thanks, Jack." Lisa smiled at him.

"No problem. Oh, and Paola, thanks for helping me. I appreciate it," he said.

"You're welcome. I love being your assistant." Paola smiled.

"Thanks, Paola." He hugged her.

"Jack?" He saw Rose. She had a bruise on her left eye.

"Rose! I should have never let you go," he said, as he saw Rose.

"It's okay. Really. We had to fight for the sake of a billion lives. I would do it again if I had to." She smiled.

"I love you, Rose."

"I love you, too."

"Where's Brad?" Jack asked.

"I think he took the film to Tobey to develop it." Rose was quite ready to go home and go to sleep.

"Oh, all right. It will take a while. Come on. You need something for that eye." He took her hand, took her to his office, and closed the door. He had a fridge there, and he took out a piece of raw meat and gave it to her for her eye.

"Thanks," Rose said, as she put the cold meat on her eye.

"Sure. No problem. I’ve had to deal with that many times before," he said, just looking at her.

"You mean because of all the fighting?" Rose smiled again, loving him looking at her so concerned.

"Yeah, but not just that. My girlfriends, too. They always punched me when they thought I was lying to them," he told her.

"And were you?" Rose asked.

"No. Never, Rose. I never lied to anyone, at least about where it mattered." He kissed her on the lips.

Chapter Twenty-One