Chapter Twenty-Four


Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin: Mission into Hell's Fury

Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin seemed like a quiet town. They had been there for a few days and Jack was beginning to think they had been set up. Was the letter to Kaufman a fraud to get them off the trail? he wondered.

They waited, but a few hours later a boat pulled onto the lake, and it was heavily guarded. They kept an eye out on the boat, looking for George. When they spotted him, everyone was in their places.

"Tommy, are you in position?" Jack called on his walkie-talkie.

"Affirmative." Tommy arranged his rifle into a comfortable position.

"Okay, people. Time to get this mission underway," Jack told his crew.

Kevin, Bill, Tobey, Christian, and a few other men put on diving gear as they prepared to enter the water.

Jack surveyed the team as they headed into the water. He kept a close eye on everything. George was not leaving his sight this time.

When they got to the boat, they boarded. Hardly anyone was on deck, so when Jack gave them the go ahead they entered. He would have loved to have been there, but he was glad he wasn’t. He would have killed George for hitting Rose.

Flashback to the evening before…

"Jack, I am not going to argue with you. I love you, but I am not going to stand by and watch you kill yourself for something so stupid." Rose stood there looking at him.

"Rose, it isn’t stupid. George hit you. I want revenge." Jack was packing his stuff, getting ready for the mission.

"Revenge on what? It was an accident. I swear, I never saw you like this before. What is wrong with you?" She looked at him. It seemed like she knew him less and less over the past few days.

"Rose, this is me. Since the day we met, you knew I had many secrets. So, God help me when I want to protect the woman I love. I just can’t figure out why you are being so stubborn about this." He glanced up at her. He knew she was worried, but this was something he had to do.

"I am not stubborn, Jack. You are taking this way out of proportion. Does this have something to do with Chloe?" Rose knew she had stepped into difficult territory when she said that.

"Chloe’s dead. She saved my life." He couldn’t believe she would bring Chloe into this. He looked at her with an angry stare.

"Now the ugly monster comes out. This isn’t about me. It’s about Chloe." She felt hurt, but then she didn’t. She had never known Jack totally. He was still a mystery to her.

"Okay. I admit part of it is because of her." He wanted to tell her everything, but it seemed that when he tried to hide his past, it just kept showing up.

"How serious were you two?" Rose asked.

"Pretty serious. We were gonna be married the following week before she died." He could feel the pain tearing him apart, but he stood his ground. He would not cry for something in the past.

"Jack, you have to let her go. She wouldn’t want you mourning her death." Rose looked at him with sympathy.

"I know. I just can’t help it." He held her and kissed her. He hated fighting, so he just gave up and let everything come out. He cried on her shoulder. He had never done that before, ever.

Back to reality…

"Hey, Jack. Is it a go?" Tommy called over the walkie-talkie.

"Yeah. It’s a go." Jack paid attention to the mission.

The area was clear from what Jack could see. Kevin and his team were on the boat. Everything started going to hell when they were noticed.

Tommy shot the men that tried to attack Kevin and the team. He was a good sharpshooter.

Shots went this way and that.

Jack saw someone from far away come up behind Tobey.

"Tobey, behind you!" he yelled.

It was too late. Tobey was hit, and he fell to the ground.

Jack ran from where he was and went into the water with his clothes on. Tobey had been his best friend since they were kids. He hoped to God he wasn’t dead.

When he got on board, Tobey was bleeding, but he was still alive. Bill saw and went over to Jack and Tobey.

"Tobey, you okay, man?" Bill asked.

"No. I have been shot," he told him, wincing at the pain.

Kevin and the others got George secured, and the bomb, too.

Kaufman had never shown up because Jason Bourne and Sydney Bristol had closed down his operation a few days before, and he was now looking at a term of twenty-seven years to life in prison for terrorist threats.

Jack walked up to George and smiled. "It’s over now!"

"Not by a long shot, Jack." He smiled, took out a detonator, and smiled at him.

Jack yelled at everyone to get off the boat. Bill helped Tobey and threw him into the water. When the bomb went off, the boat shattered to pieces in a blazing fury of fire.

Jack swam to the surface. He looked for survivors. Tommy came with the boat to help out. They picked up everyone from the team. They all looked okay, except for Bill. He was burned badly.

"Jack, tell my wife I love her, and make sure my little one is taken care of." He closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

"No, Bill. Don’t go," Jack said, crying and holding his friend.

Tobey realized that Bill had died saving his life. He didn’t deserve to live. He felt bad that Lisa was now a widow. He would take care of her. He owed Bill. He cried silently.

Everyone put their heads down in silence. It had been a long time since they had lost an agent, especially since it had hit so close to home.

Chapter Twenty-Five