Chapter Twenty-Eight

Rated NC-17 for Content

Rose sat by herself on the couch crying. Of all the things he could have forgotten, why her? She lay down and did not want him to be worried about her. She felt like a stranger in their home.

In the bedroom, Jack got up, unable to sleep. When he stepped into the living room, he heard her crying. "Rose, are you all right?" He saw her on the couch, lying down.

"Yes, I'm fine." She got up, wiping her tears.

He sat beside her and put his arms around her. She lay against his chest, feeling safe in his arms. She stopped crying and kissed his lips. He responded back and kissed her, bringing her down on the couch, smothering her with kisses like a raging animal in heat. Rose moaned, feeling the old Jack coming back to her.

Before Jack understood what he was doing, he pulled away. "I am so sorry, Rose. I didn't mean to do that."

"It's all right. You’re my husband. If I didn't want you to touch me, I would have pushed you off. You weren't doing anything wrong." She tried to hold him close, but he pulled away from her.

"Sorry. It's just that I don't wanna hurt you." He didn't know anything about their relationship, so he didn't want to do anything that would offend her.

"You won't. I trust you. It's been so long since you kissed me like that." Rose wanted him so bad it hurt.

"It has? How long?" Jack asked, figuring it didn't hurt to at least know about that.

"Almost a month," Rose said, feeling that everything was going down the drain.

"That long?" Jack was in shock that he had not made love to her in that long.

"Yep." She sat there, wondering what was going on in his head.

"Come on." He grabbed her by the hand, taking her with him to their bedroom.

He kissed her, just like he had before, except more intense. She moaned at his kisses. He unbuttoned her blouse one button at a time, feeling the soft skin beneath it. Rose felt his skilled hands remove her shirt, kissing her breasts as he did it. Wanting to be closer to him, she removed his shirt, feeling his lean frame as she held his head to her chest, noticing that he had already released her bra off her shoulders.

He stepped back, falling with her to the bed. He unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them off her hips, staring at her. His manhood started to throb and he started to remember her looking at him with that beautiful smile. He continued on his way, taking off the rest of his clothes, and went down on her, feeling his manhood enter her slick, warm entrance. He buried himself deep inside her, looking at her from above and smiling.

"I've missed you so much, cara mia." He kissed her, going faster and deeper, all the while holding onto her.

He made her moan and squeal; he loved every single sound she made as he possessed her body. When his climax finally came, he let his seed into her, feeling such a sweet release.

"Jack, what got into you?" she asked, lying beneath him.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to be happy. I am so sorry I left without saying good-bye, cara," he said, kissing her.

"You remember?" she asked.

"Yes." He remembered parts, but not everything.

"Oh, good. I was hoping you would." She hugged him and kissed him madly.

He lay back on his back, and felt really happy as he felt sleep finally claim him.

Chapter Twenty-Nine