Chapter Twenty-Nine

The next morning, Jack got up, took a shower, made breakfast, and left Rose a note, but before leaving he kissed her good-bye. He went to the agency feeling relaxed and happy.

When he saw Ashley, he winked at her. She smiled back. He went on his way and stepped inside Tobey's office. He knocked on the door. Tobey was kissing Lisa. He looked to see Jack standing there in the hallway. He whispered into Lisa's ear, "Fifteen minutes. Come back." She kissed him and let him go. Lisa saw Jack and smiled at him.

"So, how’s married life?" Jack asked, walking inside and sitting down.

"Good. You?" Tobey asked.

"Fantastic." He smiled, stretched his arms, and put his hands behind his head.

"I can see you finally made up with Rose. You know something? You can really be hard-up sometimes," Tobey said in a polite way. Sometimes Jack was a real asshole.

"Yeah, well, Rose does me good. So, found anything yet on the mission?" He laughed at the double meaning.

"Not a word. John said he would contact us when he found something." Tobey shifted some papers into a stack that said done and put it in the completed files box.

"So, you got your memory back," Tobey said, sitting down.

"Pretty much. I got some of it back last night," Jack remembered, smiling wickedly.

"That's awesome, Jack. Listen, I got a meeting, so I will see ya later," Tobey said, not wanting to be rude.

"Yeah. See ya." Jack knew all too well who he had a meeting with.

He walked down the corridor and bumped into Paola. He grabbed her by the arm, not saying a word. Paola wondered what was going on with him. He seemed awfully strange. When he got to his office, he closed the door behind him.

"Jack, what's the meaning of this?" Paola asked, holding some files in her hands.

"I just wanted to talk to you. Were you busy?" He went closer to her, taking the files out of her hands.

"No." She, being his friend, had never seen this side of him before.

"All right, then. Let's talk." He pulled her to him and kissed her, leading her to his desk. Paola pulled away.

"Jack, we can't. You’re married," Paola said, knowing all too well what he wanted.

"I know, but I missed you." He toyed with her earrings.

"Then why kiss me?" She really wanted to know why he had changed.

"I wanted to, and I know you wanted it." He remembered the hotel in Germany.

"Well, yes, but not with a married man. I refuse to be the other woman," Paola said, getting away from him.

"So sorry to hear that." He sat at his desk, staring at her with a crooked smile.

"Gosh, Jack, what's gotten into you?" Paola could not believe his sudden change in behavior.

"You. I've been wanting you since I saw you." He pressed her up against the door, pressing his manhood close to her thigh.

"But why? You never have before, and when I told you I was in love with you, you treated me like your sister, instead of…well…you know." Paola wanted to have him so badly, but her better judgment jumped in.

"I've changed. Can't you see?" He backed off.

"Well, I guess." Paola hadn't a clue as to why he was acting this way.

"Then stop holding back. Look, if I wasn't married, then would you be with me," Jack said, closing in on her.

"Yes, but you can't be serious. Divorce? Rose--she loves you," Paola said, making an excuse for him to remember that he loved Rose and not her.

"Yeah, I know, but I want you in my bed tonight. Only you." He kissed her lips, hungry for her.

"Jack, please. I can't." She pushed him off her.

"Why? You want me to divorce Rose before I can touch you?" He was unhappy about Paola's decision.

"That's your decision. I am not telling you to divorce her. I just don't want to be the cause of something you lost that was so sacred to you." Paola sat down, trying to tell him what he would lose if he went with her.

"Well, if that's what it takes, I will let you know." He opened the door and let her out.

When she left, he sat at his desk, trying to remember the person he used to be, but nothing sufficed. The only thing he could remember was that Rose was a hot one in bed--and Paola. Beautiful, flawless Paola. He wanted her so bad, he could feel it. He liked Rose. She was his wife, but something kept beckoning him to Paola. The only thing he knew was that he and Paola should have been together a long time ago. No more what ifs. He had to find out, even if it meant breaking his wife's heart. His identity was no longer an issue for him. It was what was lying underneath for so long that had come back home.

His twin. His evil side.

Chapter Thirty