Chapter Three

Rated NC-17 for Content

Jack played basketball pretty good. The others liked how he played. The game finally finished two hours later. The score was twenty to five. Jack’s team had won. He hadn't played in years, since he joined the agency. During the game, Jack had taken off his shirt. He saw Rose. She had cheered him on all the way. For that he was glad.

"Hey, Rose."

"Hi, Jack. Congratulations on the game."


The other guys yelled at him.

"Hey, you! Thanks for playing," said the tall black man.

"No, thank you. My name is Jack."

"Okay. Thanks, Jack. Maybe sometime we'll play again."

"Sure. Anytime."

He turned his attention to Rose now.

"So, what do you want to do now, Rose?"

"We should go home. It’s getting pretty late."

"Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go."

He didn’t argue. He needed a shower. He was dripping with sweat.

When they got home, Jack opened the door. Rose walked closely behind him.

She clung to him because she didn’t want Rod to see her.

"Jack, please stay here with me in the living room."

"Okay. I will."

She wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He looked at her.

She walked a few steps back to the sofa. She grabbed his hand and brought him down on the sofa with her. She kissed him deeply. He pulled away.

"Rose, I think the bedroom is the best place for this."

"You're right, Jack. Let’s go."

They walked to the bedroom, stripping each other’s clothes, and ended up naked on the bed.

"Rose, are you taking the Pill?"

"No. My boyfriend didn’t want me to. Although I don’t know why."

"Oh. I asked because I don’t have any condoms. You see, I haven’t had a girlfriend in six years."

"Oh, I see."

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Make love to me, Jack."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh yes, Jack." She brought his lips closer to hers.

She widened her legs for him. She wanted him badly. He moved on top of her. He slipped inside her warmth.

"Oh, yes," Jack said, his body almost in shock.

He started to move his hips, increasing the tempo.

Rose held onto him.

"Jack, stop."

"What? What’s wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Just let me move. Something is poking me in the back."

It was a key.

His gun cabinet key.

"Thanks, Rose. I have been looking for this."

"K. Now get back to work. That’s an order, Sergeant." She played around with him.

"Yes, your highness."

"Rose..." he screamed out loud a few hours later.

His body shook inside her.

"This was absolutely the best I’ve ever had," Rose said, as her breathing calmed down.

"Really, Rose?"


He was still inside her when he moved on purpose.

"Jack, oh yes. Don’t stop."

He kept moving.

She got an orgasm a few minutes later.

"Okay, okay. I surrender, Jack."

"That’s what I thought," he said, as he plunged deep inside her.

Then he laughed.

"You're gonna get it, Jack."

"Am I? What am I gonna get?"

"I won’t tell you. Nah nah nah nah nah."


It was now evening. Jack wouldn’t let Rose out of bed.

I’m so bad, Rose thought.

"I think we’ve outdone ourselves, Rose," Jack said, exhausted.

"I think so, too. Let’s get some food."

"I will get it, princess."

"All right." She lay back down.

He pulled on his boxer shorts and went to the kitchen.

Just then, the phone rang.

"Hello. Jack Dawson, at your service," he said cheerfully.

"Well, somebody got some."

"Sure did, and happy about it. So what’s up, boss?"

"I need you to go on a mission."




"Jack, you’re the only one who can do this one."

"I’m on vacation, dammit. Okay. What’s the mission?"

"I need you to come here in the morning. I will tell you then."

Jack hung up the phone.

He got the pasta out of the fridge, and went to the bedroom.

"Rose, I have to work tomorrow."

He noticed she was asleep. If only she knew what he did. Would she love him or not?

He had to tell her, but he couldn’t.

He also had to tell her he loved her, and that he wanted to marry her. He knew she was perfect. They got along together, and that's what counted. He truly wanted her to become Mrs. Rose Dawson, if she accepted. He would tell her about Omega 3, too.

Omega 3 sector kept a very low profile. No one knew, not even the president.

It was called the Black Donation Society. Of course, it was all a front. All secret agents were to use secret weapons unknown to ordinary people. Only the military had known they existed. They had their own cars. Anything you can possibly think of. Omega 3 provided everything.

Chapter Four