Chapter Thirty-One

A Delivery and an Apology

Jack headed to Tobey’s office instead of Paola's office. After his conversations with Rose and Kevin, he didn't really want to be next to anyone, but he knew he could count on his best friend to help him make a decision. When he was halfway there, Tobey came running out with Lisa.

Jack saw Tobey holding Lisa. "Tobey, what’s wrong?"

"Lisa--her water broke. The baby is coming." He felt nervous.

"Need help?" Jack offered.

"Nah. I got it." Tobey walked Lisa to the elevator.

He waited for the elevator to come. When it finally did, he stepped inside, holding her hand. "It’s all right, honey. Everything is gonna be okay."

As the elevator went up, suddenly everything turned black. "Oh, fucking shit! What next? Lisa, I think the power went off."

"What? It can’t be. I need to go to the hospital." Lisa’s pains were increasing, little by little.

"I am sorry, honey, but we are not leaving anytime soon. How are you doing?" He helped her sit down, fearing that they would be in there for some time.

"Fine. I swear, Tobey, when this is over with, you are having the next one." She screamed and held his hand.

He could barely see her in the dim light. Then he remembered. His watch had a nightlight on it. He turned it on and saw her face. "Is that better?"

"Yes. Now I can choke you." She attempted to grab his neck, but instead grabbed his hand.

"Honey, I will do everything I can. If I have to deliver this child myself, I will." He wiped her forehead. "Since we are stuck in here, mind if I check on you?"

"No. Go right ahead." She had no idea what he meant by that, but she didn't care. She trusted her husband.

He looked with his light and saw a clear liquid. He figured it was from her water breaking. He stuck his fingers and tried to measure her inside.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lisa felt his hand inside her.

"Measuring you. I’m premed. It was my alternate choice of work." Tobey had never told anyone about his medical career.

"You were going to be a doctor?" Lisa was surprised.

"Yeah." He held her against him, trying to ease her pain.

"Why didn’t you ever tell me?" She touched his face, and he kissed her hand.

"I haven’t done this in a long time. Life-saving is not really my goal in life, not anymore." He had flashbacks of the past.

"What happened?" She squeezed his hand for relaxation.

"I tried to save someone and it backfired on me. I only had partial knowledge of cutting open someone; turns out I did it wrong. The person died." That was his last and final surgery. He had never attempted to do it again.

"Tobey, you gotta help me. It hurts." She looked into his eyes.

"I know, honey. I will see what I can do." He took off his jacket, used it for a pillow, and put it under her head.

He knew a little bit about delivering babies, but he felt worried about Lisa. He was afraid he was going to do something wrong. He didn't want to think that she could die. He would try everything he knew to save her and his child.

He bent down, positioning himself between her legs. "Lisa, when you’re ready to push, go ahead."

"All right." She began to push. Tobey could see the baby's head.

"Good work, honey. Keep going. With each contraction, push. All right?" He held her legs open.

"Okay." She felt another contraction hit her, and she pushed full force this time.

Tobey saw the baby's head come out, and he caught it and pulled it out of Lisa and put it in his arms. That was when the lights came back on and the elevator descended, taking them back down.

"We did it! Honey, it's a girl." He laughed, full of excitement. He had a daughter.

"A girl? She's beautiful." Lisa had only seen her partially in Tobey's arms.

"She kinda looks like you. Wanna hold her?" Tobey asked, laying the baby next to her. Tobey removed his shirt and put it around the infant.

"Yes." Lisa had cried after all the times the doctors had told her that she couldn't have children. Tobey was the one who had made it happen. He had given her everything she had ever wanted--love and a family.

The elevator opened at the bottom. Tobey helped Lisa up. She walked with him and sat down in a chair. He let Lisa hold the baby while he called an ambulance.

When he saw Amanda, he was covered with blood.

"Did someone get murdered?" Amanda saw the blood on Tobey's t-shirt.

"No. Lisa had the baby. Can I use your phone to call an ambulance?" He was happy. Everything had turned out all right.

"Sure. I am gonna go see." Amanda got up from her desk and went to find Lisa.

"All right." Tobey said, dialing the number.

Amanda saw Lisa holding the baby in her arms. She had covered her with Tobey's shirt and jacket to keep her warm. Lisa looked exhausted.

"Hey, Lisa. Congratulations." Amanda walked up to her.

"Thanks," Lisa said.

"Aw…it's a girl, right?" She saw the infant cuddled in Lisa's arms.

"Yeah." Lisa smiled.

"She's so pretty." The infant gurgled.

"Thank you." Lisa pulled the baby closer so Amanda could see her.

"You had her here?" Amanda asked.

"In the elevator. Tobey was magnificent. He delivered the baby. Did you know he was supposed to be a doctor?" Lisa wondered if Amanda knew.

"No, I hadn't any idea. Jack probably knows," Amanda assumed.

Tobey came back. "Okay. All done. They’re on their way."

"Great. So, what shall we name her?" She looked up at him.

"How about Holly Maguire?" He looked at Lisa for approval.

"Sure, but Holly with an i, not a y," Lisa said.

"All right. Hello, Holli Maguire." Tobey shook the baby's hand.

Just then, the paramedics came in, and they put Lisa on a gurney and the baby in a incubator. Tobey followed Lisa and held her hand as the baby went with the paramedics. Amanda walked with them to the elevator and saw the blood. She went to her desk and called the janitor.

"Hello? Yes. We need a clean-up in the main elevator. One of the employees just had a baby and the elevator needs to be cleaned." Amanda spoke with authority.

"Right away, ma'am," a man said.


Jack walked aimlessly in the dark, but when the lights came on, he walked into Paola's office. He saw her sitting in her chair. She looked up when he entered.

"Paola, we need to talk."

"I know. Sit, please." She looked at him.

He sat down. "Paola, I apologize for my actions. I behaved badly."

"Jack, what we did can never happen again. It was a mistake." Paola didn't look him in the eye.

"I know. I agree, I just think we needed that release." He sat there, not feeling the need to touch her anymore.

"We did, and now it's over with." Paola got her jacket and covered herself. She was freezing, now that the air conditioning had come back on.

"I'm truly sorry. My head injury is messing up my mind. Rose believes that I am behaving this way because of Alex Smith." He didn't know why he had mentioned Alex. Was he beginning to remember?

"Your other identity?" Paola looked at him.

"Yeah. I think Rose is right. I need to see her." He got up off the chair.

"Good luck," Paola said.

"Thanks. I am gonna need it," he said, getting up and closing the door behind him.

Jack had to find his true self, not this Alex Smith character, and he believed that the only one who could help him was Rose. His one and only beloved Rose. He had been so bad and messed up everything, from his friendship with Paola to his marriage with Rose. He knew something was happening. Something was wrong, because it wasn't like him to act so strangely. There had been something in that bullet. It had been way more than just a gunshot wound. It had something to do with the case. He just knew it.

Chapter Thirty-Two