Chapter Thirty-Four

Tobey knocked on the door. Rose answered it. "Tobey, what are you doing here?"

"Bill called me. He said he needed me." Tobey carried a small medical bag.

"Well, they’re you know where." Rose pointed, wondering what was going on.

"All right." Tobey went into Jack and Rose's bedroom and entered the small elevator. He pressed the button to go down.

With the defenses down, he was able to go in without a problem. He saw Bill leaning over Jack.

"What happened?" Tobey asked, putting down his bag.

"Ah…Tobey. Well, he was just about to call you when he fainted. This mind controlling agent is weird. Maybe you can figure out more about it. I left a sample on the microscope slide." Bill pointed to the small desk with the microscope already set up.

"Let me take a look." Tobey took out his glasses and looked into the microscope.

What he saw amazed him. Slowly, the serum was breaking down the cells, and the longer it was in the body, the longer the side effects would occur. Tobey worked on the sample, trying to find an anti-serum. It took several hours, and Jack was going into critical condition. They dared not tell Rose that her husband might be dying. Tobey was really close. He knew he was.

It seemed that extreme heat was what Jack needed. They needed to burn it out of him. But how?

The only thing Tobey could think of was raising his temperature to one hundred six degrees.

"Bill, I am gonna need your help. Could you take off Jack's clothes?" Tobey gathered the things he would need to make the anti-serum.

"What for?" Bill asked.

"We need to burn this thing out of him. We need to raise his temperature to at least one hundred six degrees." Tobey grabbed a syringe after mixing the concoction.

"Are you sure that won't kill him?" Bill took off Jack's clothes, glancing over at Tobey from time to time.

"It's the only thing I’ve got." Tobey couldn't think of anything else.

"Everything?" He looked over at Tobey, wondering if he needed to take off Jack’s underwear.

"Yeah." Tobey nodded his head.

Bill took off all of Jack's underwear and reached for a sheet to put over his privates. Jack was thin and frail. He sort of had the body of an old man.

"Ready," Bill said.

"All right. Let's hope this works." Tobey inserted a syringe into Jack's arm.

Within a few minutes, Jack's body started getting extremely hot. Jack started to toss his head from side to side. Tobey checked Jack's temperature every few seconds. He had to get this right or his friend would die.

Jack’s temperature rose and he opened his eyes. "Why's it so hot in here?"

"It's all right, Jack. I just gave you something to burn the serum out of your body," Tobey explained to him.

"Ah…I feel better already." Jack could feel his body burning off the poisonous concoction John had filled him with.

Tobey checked his temperature. When it reached one hundred six, he injected another dose of anti-serum to bring down his fever. He took some blood out of him and put it under the microscope. The serum was now disappearing. Jack was going to be just fine.

"How am I, doctor?" Jack asked, looking over at Tobey.

"You're doing great. The serum is disappearing like it was never there." Tobey smiled, proud that he had saved him.

"Thanks, guys. For everything." He closed his eyes, feeling sleepy. So he fell asleep.

"You did great, man!" Bill hugged him.

"Thanks, since there is nothing wrong with you. Well, there's nothing I can do. Your body should burn off the serum, if it hasn't already." Tobey sat in a chair.

"Yeah, well. You’re a lifesaver," Bill told him.

"No, you are the true life saver. You saved my life, Bill. Thank you." Tobey got up and hugged him.

Rose came in and saw the two men hugging each other. She smiled. She was glad they were all getting along. Immediately, she knew that Jack was coming back to her. She could tell by his appearance. "Jack."

She went to him and hugged him. She didn't notice that he was naked underneath the sheet.

Jack heard her voice and smiled at her. "Guys, can we be alone?"

"Sure, Jack. Rest all right." Tobey patted his arm and took his medical bag with him.

"Yeah. Thanks, you two." Jack hugged each one before letting them go.

"Anytime." Bill smiled.

"Yeah. Bye, Jack," Tobey said, heading for the elevator.

Now that Jack was cured, the next thing to do was make a plan for their revenge. John, Mark, and Jason had something coming to them, all right. If Jack could beat them at their own game, that was what he intended to do. Everything had been taken away from him. His life, his memories, and most of all, his fiancée, Chloe Sullivan. He still remembered her. The blonde hair, her soft skin…he loved her more than he had ever loved his first girlfriend, besides Rose, of course. She was the apple of his eye. He remembered the first day they had met. He had been at a coffee shop, ordering coffee and espresso for some of the guys at the agency. That day, he had had no idea that she was working for Omega 3, as well, until his brother had introduced him to her at the office.

She had smiled at him. It was a smile he had loved seeing day after day. Then, one day, he had invited her to lunch. They had had a blast talking about things other than work. When he had gotten an assignment that required him to have a wife, he had requested her. It had been in Romania. He had never been there before. Neither had she, for that matter.

They had held hands during the day, walking down the streets like lovers. They had shared a room and he had never so much as made a move on her, until one night she had surprised him and taken his hand and led him into the bedroom. She had kissed him softly. He had taken the bait and kissed her. That night was the night he had asked her to marry him.

She had been so happy. She had never dreamed that he would ask her. Then, that next day, she had been shot saving his life. She had cried because she didn't want to die. But she had told him that she would always love him, no matter what.

He not only had to fight for her, he had to fight for himself, no matter if George was gone. He still had unfinished business. No one had the right to take his life and cheat him out of his love this time. He would fight back.

Chapter Thirty-Five