Chapter Thirty-Five

It only took a few days for Jack to get back to his normal self. There was no more Alex. That identity was gone. His hair was now back to its normal color and his eyes were brighter than ever. He gleamed like a glittering angel. For days now, he had gotten all the files he needed. Kevin had dropped by and given him all the info on Jason Montgomery. He had told Tobey, Bill, and Kevin not to reveal to anyone that he was better. He wanted to pretend that he was still Alex so he could get closer to John to see what he knew. In order to do that, he had to get rid of Rose. He hated to do that. She had supported him every step of the way. Today he had to leave on yet another excursion to Paris, France.

Jack was dressed in his suit, his bags were packed, and now all that he needed to do was set the chain of events he had written in a notepad in motion. He walked into the kitchen, seeing Rose standing there reading something. "Hey, baby."

"Hey, Jack. Can you take a look at this? I keep getting the wrong calculation for this, and it can't be right." Rose got up from her chair and brought him a piece of paper with some numbers on it. "You’re doing our taxes now."

"I don't think so. I will let you do something for me, though." He smiled wickedly at her.

"What are you talking about?" Rose took off her glasses and put them on the table.

"Rosita, I need some attention. You've been buried in these papers. I'm bored." He acted like a child ready to throw a tantrum.

"What did you have in mind?" She put her arms around his neck.

"Well, it's been a while. I was thinking that maybe we could go to the park and shoot some b-ball." He really wanted to get out, but with all this rainy weather, he couldn't.

"Now? It's raining and it's dark." Rose thought he was crazy.

"Just a suggestion. Unless…" He winked at her.

"Unless what?" She wondered what went on in that brain of his.

"Unless you want to go into the bedroom and create some mischief." He smiled and playfully taunted her.

"I like that idea much better." She grabbed his hand.

"I thought you would." Jack took hold of her and put her over his shoulder, throwing caution to the wind.

"What are you doing?" She laughed as he held her.

"Rose, are you into new things?" He was curious to see how far she would go.

"It depends what you have in mind, darling." She would do almost anything for him.

"Well, this friend of mine…he likes to look at girls taking their clothes off, and…well…I was wondering if you could put on a little show for him." He couldn't believe he had said that to her.

"Are you crazy? We're married. I can't do that for just anyone." She looked at him like he was out of his mind.

"Not even me? This ain't no private show. I will be there." He traced the neckline of her blouse.

"Jack, are you asking me to do this for you, or for some other reason?" Rose knew he was asking her this for a reason, not for pleasure. It was something totally different.

"For me, darling." He blinked at her twice. She knew the code. If he blinked twice, it had something to do with work. He had told her that down in the secure room when he had been recuperating.

"Okay. I will do it. What's your friend's name?" She took his cue and pretended, just like he had asked her to.

"Max Montgomery," Jack whispered softly in her ear.

Max Montgomery had been in communication with Jason. He had found his name on Jason's file and swore he knew who Max was. As it turned out, he was right. Max was related to Jason. In fact, it was even better than that. He was his son. Jack had had a chat with him just yesterday. Jack had known him since grade school. They had spoken occasionally, but they were never really friends, just acquaintances. Jack had checked and found out that Max was working as a lawyer. He asked him if he would come over and help him with a problem. Max had nothing to do, so he had agreed to meet with Jack.

Max hated his father's work. Just because he was in a secret group didn't give his father any right to mess with the government. Especially since his father had gotten involved with some serious felons. When Max had found out about his father's organization, he had moved far away from his father and lived with his mother. He wanted no part of his father's life. He had a sister, too. But she had been his stepsister, and he had never mentioned anything about her. Not to anyone.

Max agreed to go to Jack's little party. He had agreed to meet him. Jack swore to him that he would have some girly entertainment. Jack really didn't want to use his wife like a hooker, but he didn't know who else to use on such short notice. He was glad Rose agreed, or he would be shit out of luck.

"What time will your friend be here?" Rose asked, looking in her closet for something to wear.

"Um…anytime now." Jack looked at his watch.

The doorbell rang, and Jack got off the bed and went to the door. He smiled at Max. If only Max knew about him. He wondered if they would still be friends. "Hello, Max. Long time no see."

"Likewise, Jack. You’re looking good." Max greeted him and shook his hand.

"Aw, thanks. Come in." Jack smiled.

"Thanks. Nice place you’ve got here." Max looked around. Surprisingly, it was neat and not messy.

"Eh…it's a living." Jack shook his head.

"So, what's this about a problem you've been having?" Max took a seat and put down his briefcase.

"Oh, we will talk about that later. It's not that important. Well, it is, but it can wait." Jack didn't want to get straight to business. He wanted to know more about him. Especially about his father.

"All right." Max leaned back and relaxed.

Rose appeared, wearing a see-through robe and a thong and nothing else. "Gentlemen, my name's Patrice. I will be your entertainment for the night." Rose looked at Jack with nervous eyes.

"Patrice, I would like you to meet my friend, Max."

"Hello, Max." She shook his hand.

"Hello, Patrice. So, what do you do?" Max looked at her. He was now very interested in Rose.

"Anything you want." She hoped she wasn’t leading him on too much. She wouldn't know what to do if he asked for sex.

"Really? Anything?" Max was surprised.

"Yeah." Rose looked at Jack again. He winked at her. "First, we're gonna start with a little song."

Rose turned her little portable boom box on and played a song called Fever, by Madonna. She took off her robe and danced around the room. She smiled, remembering the first time she had danced for Jack more than a year ago. She had turned him on so easily back then. She wondered now, since he had slept with her, if he still felt the same way. The only way she could find out was if she tested him herself. The music played, and as it went on, she sat on Jack's lap and rubbed herself against him. She grabbed his hands to touch her, and she began to feel the old Jack as if it were yesterday.

She got off him and went to Max. He trailed his hands down her leg. He stopped there, remembering that he had a girlfriend. "Uh…Jack, this is very nice and all, but I have a girlfriend."

"No problem. More for me, then." Jack winked at Rose and put out his arms to her.

"Uh…Max, could you wait for a few minutes? I have to pay Patrice so she can go." Jack got up fast, taking Rose with him.

"No problem. Take your time. I ain't got to be anywhere right now." Max knew what Jack wanted from Patrice. He wanted the same thing, but couldn't because he was already in a relationship.

Jack took Rose's hand and led her into the bedroom. "Now you’re gonna pay, bitch. You took this way too far," he said in a mean, urgent tone.

She didn't say a word, just smiled at him, letting him catch a glimpse as she removed her thong. She lay there, waiting for him to torture her. When he pushed himself inside her, she felt like she was going to explode from all the attention he was giving her. She lay there, taking everything that he was giving her. She had never felt him so determined to accomplish his goal. He grunted several times, being really hard on her and never catering to the passion they shared. All he wanted to do was teach her a lesson about messing with his feelings. "You like it like this? Don't you?"

"Yes!" she whispered in his ear.

Several minutes passed, and Jack finally came. He shook her several times and playfully slapped her around, not hard, but enough to where she enjoyed getting off on it. She liked when he spanked her. It was another kind of love she had never experienced anywhere, not even with Rod.

When Jack was done, he left her and went to Max. Jack had put on a robe. He noticed that Max was drinking some champagne. "How's the champagne?"

"Good. Want me to fill your glass?" Max held the bottle.

"Sure." Jack sat down where he had sat before and waited for Max to pour his glass.

"So, how was she?" Max asked.

"The best. I used her before. She always satisfies my urges." Jack smiled with extreme satisfaction.

"I'll bet. So, I am still curious. What problems do you have or need to get rid of?" Max was very curious about what Jack had to offer.

"My wife and I are getting a divorce. The only thing is I don't wanna pay alimony." He told him the first of his many lies.

"Have children?" Max asked, looking around.

"Nope," Jack answered.

"Then you probably won't have to pay real big. Not a problem," Max said, knowing that his friend's case would be an easy one to win.

"Great. I knew I could count on you." Jack patted his back.

"Yeah. So, how's life anyway? It's been a long time since high school," Max said as he sipped his champagne.

"Yeah, it has. Well, to make it short, I have been working as a security guard at a bank. I have been doing that for five years, and before that, I was working selling computers. Other than that, nothing else. I got married to this girl. She was fine for a while. Then I found her with my brother," Jack explained.

"Aw, so that's what happened," Max said, getting a little tired.

"Yeah. So, how's your side?" Jack asked, curious as to what he would reveal to him.

"Well, my mother is doing fine. I haven't spoke to my father in years. My stepsister--I haven't heard a word from her, either, but I know you would like her. She is just something. You look into her eyes and know she’s special." Max had seen a picture of her, but had never met her.

"I know what you mean. I never knew that you had a stepsister." This was the first he had heard of a sister in the Montgomery family tree.

"Yeah. I found out a few years ago. My father called and told me. He wanted us to meet, but I just couldn't face him." It wasn't that he didn't want to meet his father, it was that he didn't want to be anywhere around him.

"Aw, listen, can we meet again? I have to take care of some business. Um…sorry to call this meeting short," Jack said, wanting to find more info on his sister as soon as Max left.

"No problem. I gotta go anyway. Thanks for the talk, and I will get back to you on your case," Max said. He was glad it was short. He was tired and needed some rest. He had been in court all day.

"Thanks, Max, for taking the time. I appreciate it." Jack got up and showed him to the door.

"No problem. See ya later." Max handed the glass to Jack.

"Later." Jack took it and waited for him to reach his car.

He waved good-bye as Max started his car. He had to find out who Max's stepsister was. Maybe he could get closer to her and see what she knew about the whereabouts of her father. His stepsister may be the key all along. Jack called Kevin. He hadn't spoke to Kevin since he had dropped the files off. It had been way too long since they had spoken. The phone rang. As he waited for the phone to be answered, he walked to the bedroom to check on Rose. She was asleep and still in the same position he had left her in. He loved her so much. She had even helped him check the house for the bugs. He had found several and destroyed them all. So he was free to talk to whoever he wanted, but just in case anyone was listening, he had bought a device that interrupted the frequency of bugs and even got a secure cell phone, just in case he missed any of those bugs.

"Hello," Kevin answered.

"Hey, bro, got some news on the case," Jack said cheerfully.

"Jack, it's two in the morning. What the hell?" Kevin was angry that Jack had interrupted his sleep.

"Look, I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important." Jack knew his brother. If he didn't get proper sleep, he was a grouch.

"Okay. What do you have?" Kevin asked, and yawned.

"Max came over. We had a chat. It seems we forgot something," Jack said slowly, hoping his brother was taking all this in.

"Okay. Spill." Kevin was starting to wake up.

"Max told me that he has a stepsister. He didn't say her name, and I don't think he has a clue, because he never met her. I thought I had found all I needed to know about Jason Montgomery, but apparently he had a wife somewhere that we didn't know about. We have to find her, Kevin." Jack needed to find her immediately. He didn't want to wait.

"Okay, Jack. I will get to work on that in the morning. In the meanwhile, I am gonna get my much needed rest." Kevin understood that this was important, but he was so sleepy. He would deal with it in the morning.

"Sure, Kevin. Sorry to call you so late. See you at work." Jack was hyped about this new information. He didn't want to wait for morning.

"Yeah. See ya." Kevin clicked off and went back to sleep, getting closer to Cassie, who was still asleep.

Jack was worked up. He couldn't wait for Kevin, so he called his next favorite source of information, Daniel Morgan. He looked at his old cell phone and looked for the number when he found it. He punched in the numbers. The phone rang.

"Hi. What's up?" Daniel answered with a happy tone.

"Hey, Daniel. Long time no see," Jack said in his favorite Alexander Smith tone.

"Alex?" Daniel was surprised to hear his voice.

"Yeah, it's me. How are you?" Jack asked, wondering what his friend was up to.

"Great. Now that George is gone, I don't have much to do. But I did manage to get involved with a real winner," Daniel said proudly.

"Who?" Jack wondered who he was working for now.

"Ever hear of Jason Montgomery?" Daniel asked Alex.

"Yeah. Of course." Jack knew that he had gotten the right person for the information he needed.

"Well, that's who I am working for now." Daniel smiled.

"Great. Look, I need some info." Jack was happy.

"Sure. What?" Daniel wondered what Alex needed this time.

"Do you know if Jason has a daughter?" Jack hoped he knew her.

"Yeah. I’ve seen her a couple of times. She's a babe. Although if I was with her, Jason would probably kill me." Daniel knew her. She was a beauty.

"Probably. Do you have a picture or know her name?" Jack needed to find her desperately.

"Why?" Daniel wondered what he wanted to know for.

"A friend of mine named Max wanted me to check on this girl. He told me he was related to her and I wanna ask her if it's true." Jack told him half the truth his time.

"Uh…I took a picture of her with my cell phone. I can send it to you," Daniel said.

"Sure. Send it over." Jack anticipated and waited.

"Okay, let me look for it." He looked through his cell phone images and found her. It wasn't a good one, but it was viewable. "Okay. Sending," Daniel said.

"Thanks." He waited for the photo to show up, and slowly the photo began to download on his cell phone. When the picture became clearer, he began to feel faint. He knew who she was. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Daniel, are you sure this is his daughter?" Jack was speechless. He could hardly breathe.

"Positive. Why?" Daniel asked.

"When was this picture taken?" Jack knew this couldn't be her.

"Um…a few days ago. I'd say about February twentieth of this year at a dinner party Jason was having," Daniel explained.

"Can't be. This girl is dead." He knew this couldn't be true. It couldn't.

"She's not dead. I just saw her yesterday." Daniel thought Alex was lying to him. "Wait. Do you know this girl?"

"Yes. I once asked her to marry me," Jack told him.

"Wow. Sorry to break it to you, but she isn't dead. She's one hundred percent alive." Daniel was amazed that Alex knew her, but he couldn't believe he had asked her to marry him once upon a time.

"Thanks. I will talk to you later. Thanks for the info," Jack said, waiting for the reality of this fact to hit him.

"No problem, Alex," Daniel said, and hung up.

Jack hung up, too, unable to believe that his ex-fiancée was alive. He went into his computer and typed a name he hadn't bothered to recall for a long time. It brought tears to his eyes that she hadn't even bothered to tell him that she was alive. Unless there was some sort of arrangement and she couldn't tell him or he wasn't suppose to know. There were so many scenarios. He couldn't think of anything now except for her. Chloe Sullivan Montgomery was alive and well. Now, all he had to do was contact her, and he would get closer to his final target--Jason Montgomery, her father.

Chapter Thirty-Six