Chapter Thirty-Six

Jack still couldn't believe that his ex-fiancée was still alive. He lay in bed half of the night, tossing and turning, remembering when she had died. How was it possible that she was still alive? The thought of it was just insane.

Unable to fall asleep, he shook Rose, who was still in a peaceful slumber. He needed to get his mind off of this or he would go insane. He remembered Rose had told him that she would be leaving for Japan on a mission. He couldn't let her go. "Rose?"

Rose's eyes fluttered open, looking into her husband's gaze in the pale moonlight. "What is it?"

"I need a favor from you. You remember how you told me you were going to Japan?" He lay on his side.

"Yeah." Rose rubbed her eyes.

"Don't go. Stay here. I am gonna go," he said, waiting for her to argue with him.

"But, Jack, I told you I volunteered to go." Rose didn't have a problem going all alone on this mission.

"Not anymore. I'm pulling rank. I have been in the field a lot more than you have. I need to do this." Jack wanted to make it a point. He needed to go. Either way, he had to find Chloe.

"But, Jack, I am capable of doing this." Rose wanted to make her point. She was not weak.

"I know you are, and that's not the reason I don't want you to go." Jack caressed her face.

"What is the reason?" She looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

"I came into some new information," he started to say, and leaned back in the bed.

"Oh?" Rose got up, wondering what he had found out.

"Yeah. I talked to Kevin about it and I am gonna ask him, if it's all right with you. If I can go in your place." He didn't want to sound bossy, but yet he wanted to make her see he really needed to go.

"All right, but if you get into trouble, call me this time. All right?" She looked into his eyes and touched his shoulder.

"You'll be the first." He swore this time it would be different.

"Okay, then. You can take my place." She smiled at him, laying back down.

"Great. Thanks, honey." He smiled back.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Rose asked as she lay there.

"Nope. I am not even tired, to tell you the truth." He wasn't sleepy. He was too busy thinking about his case.

"Come here. I will help you fall asleep." Rose got up and scooted next to the headboard as he lay between her legs.

He got closer to her and she started to massage his temples. He closed his eyes, loving the feeling of her hands on his forehead. Suddenly, he felt so relaxed that he was starting to feel tired. Before he knew it, he was falling asleep.

Rose lay him at her side, putting her arm around him. She yawned and fell asleep by his side.


The next morning, Jack made a call to the agency. "Hello, Lisa baby."

"Hey, Jackie. What's up?" Lisa answered.

"I need some help. Care to join me in say, twenty minutes, at the coffee house?" Jack asked, sounding refreshed from the peaceful sleep he had.

"Sure. Do I need to bring anything?" Lisa asked.

"Nope. Just you and your husband," Jack said.

"Okay." She clicked off and went to Tobey, who was still asleep.

In the bedroom, Tobey lay there wearing nothing but his boxers. He made it a point to sleep with Lisa almost every night. There was no need for protection. She was his and he was hers.

Lisa climbed into bed, tracing the lines up his back with her lips. He could feel every single touch of her lips on his back. He turned over and opened his eyes. "I could get use to that, darling."

"It'd be my pleasure to do more, but we can't. Jack just called. We need to meet him at the coffee house, so get dressed," she said, getting up.

"Honey, you look absolutely gorgeous today. Is there something different about you?" Tobey asked, wondering why she glowed like she did.

"I am surprised you noticed. And, yes, there is something different. I was gonna wait until later, but now that you see it, I guess I have to tell you." Lisa was happy that he had noticed.

"What? What is it?" Tobey asked, worried that something was wrong.

"We’re gonna have another baby." She smiled as she told him.

"Really? Are you serious?" Tobey was expressionless.

"Yeah. I took a test last night after you fell asleep. It was positive." She hugged him.

"Amazing. I'm gonna be a father again." He smiled, feeling happy.

"Yes. Come on. We need to get going. While you do that, I am gonna get Holli changed," Lisa said, heading to the nursery.

"All right. I’ll be ready soon." Tobey got up, went to the shower, and turned it on, taking a quick shower to wake himself up.


Meanwhile, Jack kissed Rose. "I'm leaving, sweetie."

"Have fun," Rose said, still in bed.

"I will. I will call you from Japan or on the plane." Jack kissed her, not wanting to betray her again.

"Okay. I will be waiting to hear from you." She smiled and kissed him fully on the lips.

"I wish I could stay in this bed forever with you, but I can't. This case needs to be closed once and for all." He touched her hair.

"I know. The sooner that happens, the sooner we can start our family." She climbed into his lap, kissing him.

"I will try to get you something if I can," Jack promised.

"Okay. You should get going. Tobey doesn't wanna wait for you," Rose said.

"Yeah. Bye, honey," Jack said one last time before heading out the door.

He got into his car and headed to the coffee house.


Since Tobey and Lisa were closer to the coffee house, they had arrived first. Lisa looked around for Jack, but he wasn't there. So they got a table for four. Holli, who was now four months old, lay in the stroller as she gurgled with laughter. She was beginning to resemble her father--his gleaming blue eyes, his cute smile. Holli Maguire was going to have the boys at her feet when she grew up.

"Any morning sickness yet? So I know not to order any eggs?" Tobey asked.

"Nope. I am perfectly fine." Lisa patted his thigh.

The waiter came by and asked if they would like anything. "Would you care for something to drink?"

"Yeah. I'll have coffee for me and my friend, who is supposed to arrive shortly," Tobey said.

"And you, ma’am?" The waiter looked at Lisa.

"Orange juice," she said, not wanting to have any caffeine now that she knew she was having a baby.

"All right. I will be back with your drinks," the waiter said, taking his order with him.


Jack parked his car and came into the café, searching for Lisa and Tobey. He saw them from afar in deep conversation. "Hey. Did I interrupt something?"

"Nothing that can't be handled at home, Jack. So, what's up? Why are we meeting here?" Tobey asked.

"I'm going to take Rose's place. I am going to Japan and I need someone I can trust." Jack sipped the coffee from the cup.

"Jack, I can't go. Not now," Tobey said, wanting to stay with Lisa and the baby.

"But, Tobey, you’re the only one I know who has medical experience. Please," Jack said, needing him now more than ever.

"Lisa, do you think I should go?" Tobey looked at her.

"Go. Jack needs to clear this up, and I will be fine. I’ve got Holli," Lisa said, knowing how important this case was for the agency.

"All right, then. Jack, I will go." Tobey grinned.

"Great. So you won't be so worried about Lisa, I called Bill. He said he would be happy to check in on Lisa and the baby while you’re gone." Jack smiled. "Is that okay?" He looked over at Lisa.

"Yeah, Jack. I trust Bill. He was my husband, you know." Lisa didn't have a problem with that.

"Is that fine, Tobey?" He looked at him.

"Yeah. Thanks, Jack. When's our flight?" Tobey looked over at him, wondering if he could trust Bill.

"Amanda is getting us our flight information as we speak," Jack said.

"Cool." Tobey scratched his chin.

Jack's cell phone vibrated. The information for their flight was coming through.

Flight: 11
Airline: Singapore Airlines
Leaving from: Los Angeles, CA (LAX) 2:35 PM
Arriving at: Tokyo, Japan Narita (NRT) 6:00 PM
Travel Time: 11 hours 25 minutes
Flight Status: Boeing 747 Jet
Total Price: $13,681.55

"Okay. We leave in a few hours. Got your bag in the car?" Jack asked.

"Always packed and ready." Tobey held up his cup.

"I packed last night, I was so stressed." Jack could feel the tension rise.

"What's this about? This new information?" Tobey asked, wondering what was so important.

"Chloe. She's alive," he said firmly.

"No way," Lisa and Tobey said in unison.

"Yeah. That's why I need to go. I need to find out why she lied to us." Jack sat back in his seat, tapping the table with his fingers.

"I had no idea," Tobey said. He remembered Chloe. She had been Jack's everything.

"Neither of us did, Tobey. She's related to Jason Montgomery to top it all off." Jack was really going crazy, wondering why Chloe had done what she did.

"No way," Tobey said again.

"Yeah, and if I have to kidnap her, I am gonna do it. I need answers." Jack looked at them both. He could tell that they were shocked. Hell, he still was, too.

After they had their breakfast, Tobey took his bag out of Lisa's car and put it into Jack's car. From there, Tobey and Jack left, headed to their flight. Tobey hated to leave Lisa and Holli, but he swore when he joined the agency that he would do everything he could to put those bad guys away. Even if it meant his life. Although now he wasn't too sure anymore. He had a family to worry about. He knew sooner or later he would have to quit.

Chapter Thirty-Seven