Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chloe sat there, eating her dinner, after she had made her phone call. She pondered the thought of him seeing Emma. How was he going to react to seeing his daughter? Emma was her world. Every day she would talk to Emma about Jack. So Emma knew everything. She knew that her father hadn't abandoned her. She would ask her mother if she could visit her father, but Chloe would close the subject and wouldn't hear another word about it. Out of frustration, Chloe began to cry. She buried her tears in her napkin, but Jack noticed.

"Chloe, what's wrong?" Jack looked at her.

"It's nothing. These old feelings are coming back too strong." She pulled back out of her chair.

"I know, sweetheart. Believe me, I know. Remember what I told you when we first dated?" He got up and held her.

"Yeah. You said don't let anything hold you back." She remembered that night--the first time they had made love.

"Well, don't let it." He wiped her tears.

"How can I not, Jack? For God’s sake, you don't know anything of what I had to deal with when I left." She knew she shouldn't blame him, because it wasn’t his fault. It was hers.

"Well, why don't you tell me?" He lifted her chin.

"I can't, because if I do, I don't know how you will react." She looked away.

"There is nothing that you can say that will make me think the worst of you." He turned her face back to him.

She tried to run away, not letting him know anymore of what she was trying to say. But he held her tightly. He started to kiss her. She melted into his arms, feeling the love he had always given her. He pulled her to his bedroom, kissing her all the way there. When he laid her on the bed, he picked up her shirt, only to notice a scar. "Chloe, what's this?"

"You might as well know. I ain't gonna lie to you. This scar is from when they cut out the baby out of me." She pulled her shirt back down.

"Baby?" He was clueless.

"Yes, Jack. I am a mother now." She stood up straight.

"Who's the father?" He was curious to know.

She couldn't look him in the eye. But he put it all together. "It's mine, isn't it?" He brushed his hair back and got off the bed.

"Yes, she's yours. I named her Emma. She's seven years old. I've told her all about you and what you were like. She's always wanted to see you, but I told her we couldn't." Chloe stood at the window, looking out toward the city.

"Why didn't you let me know?" He stood in front of her.

"What was I gonna say? Hi, I'm back from the dead. Uh…you have a daughter?" She looked at him. She felt like she had betrayed him for keeping this secret.

"You could have gotten a message to me somehow." Jack hated not knowing this all this time.

"Not back then. It was too risky. I didn't want those men to know I was alive. And I didn't want them to get to you either." She touched his shoulders.

"Chloe, I appreciate the protection. But I am a grown man." He took off her hands, sitting down on the bed.

"Jack, do you understand how much I love you and how much it hurt to see Emma without a father for all these years?" She needed him to know she cared.

"Chloe, do you really love me?" he asked.

"More than life itself, Jack." Chloe took his hand.

"Good, because I still love you, too. I have all these years." He took her hand and kissed it.

"We can't be together," Chloe said.

"I know." He frowned. He so much wanted to be with her tonight.

"I gotta get ready for the party. I will see you tonight." Chloe got up.

"Yeah. Will she be there?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. I'll make sure to tell her you’re coming." Chloe turned her face to his.

"Thank you, Chloe." Jack smiled.

"No problem." She nodded.

Chloe walked out the door, crying like she hadn't cried before. She walked down the street and hailed a cab. When she got inside, her tears flooded her eyes. She wasn’t able too see well.

When she got home, Emma ran to her and hugged her. "Where have you been, Mommy? Why are you so sad?"

"Emma, I ran into your father." Chloe wiped her eyes again. They were red now.

"My daddy? You saw my daddy? Where is he?" Emma was excited. She looked around for her father.

"He will be coming to the party tonight," Chloe said.

"Can I show him the scrapbook I made for him?" Emma asked.

"You sure can." Chloe smiled.

"Yay! Daddy's coming home!" Emma ran upstairs. She was happy that, after all these years, she would finally be able to see her father.


Rose slept on the plane, wondering if she could trust Jack not to sleep with Chloe. She knew how much he had loved her. What if he had slept with her? Would she divorce him and leave him? She didn't want to think about it. She only hoped she wasn't too late.


Jack cleaned up the dinner plates and walked into Tobey's bedroom. He shook him.

"Tobey! Wake up, man," Jack said urgently.

"Is it time already?" Tobey asked.

"Nah. I need to tell you something." Jack had to tell someone about his situation.

"What is it?" Tobey yawned.

"I found Chloe." Jack sat on the bed.

"That's good. Did you talk to her?" Tobey was still half-asleep.

"Yeah. She told me I have a daughter," Jack said.

"What? You knocked her up?" Tobey was surprised. He had never told him he had slept with Chloe.

"I had no idea." Jack put his hands in the air.

"Wow, man. Things just keep getting worse for you, huh?" Tobey asked.

"Not worse. Having a daughter is wonderful. But I wasn't there." Jack began to feel sad again.

"If I wasn't there for Holli, I would know exactly how you feel." Tobey patted him on the back. He began to feel hungry.

"What am I gonna do, Tobey? I'm married to a woman I love, but I have a child with another woman I am still in love with." Jack looked at him.

"I don't know, but when you figure it out, let me know." Tobey didn't know what to tell him.

Jack left Tobey alone. It was still a few hours until the party. He needed to look good for his daughter, and he had to do something to make sure she remembered him.

Chapter Forty