Chapter Forty-One

It was getting late, and the party was already over. Jack was very cautious. He did not want to be tricked again. Chloe told him that she would put Emma to bed, but Jack insisted that he would do it instead. He read her favorite story, The Little Mermaid. When she was asleep, he kissed her forehead and left. He ended up seeing Chloe standing there, just watching him play daddy to his little girl.

"Is she asleep?" Chloe was still dressed in her gown from the party.

"Yeah. She's like angel, Chloe." He smiled at her, wanting to kiss her.

"Yeah. She's just like her daddy." Chloe smiled. She did not want to be alone with Jack, because it only hurt her more to see something she couldn't have.

She turned to leave, but Jack got her by the arm and kissed her senseless. The kiss seemed to last more than a few minutes, but in reality it had only been a few seconds.

"Jack, I can't do this." Chloe pushed him away.

"Chloe, everything inside me is telling me to take you into that bedroom and make love to you. And I am trying to fight it, but I can't. It’s just too hard." Jack's last straw finally broke. He needed to have her.

"I feel the same way, but you’ve got a wife who probably loves you the same as I do. Go, Jack. Leave. Go home to your wife." Chloe turned around, not facing him.

"I messed up so bad, Chloe. Can I stay with you tonight?" Jack asked, and held her from behind.

"Jack, if you stay here, you know what will happen, so I think it's best you leave." Chloe kept telling him to leave, but he just wouldn't go.

"Chloe, I am not leaving. If this is a mistake, may I burn in hell." He picked her up and closed the door to her room.

Jack forgot everything. He didn't care if he ruined his last chance with Rose. He loved Rose, but how could he not go back to the woman he had loved since the beginning? He had loved Veronica Smith, but that had just been a childhood love and it had not meant as much to him as his relationship with Chloe. She had been his first real love. The more he tried to push her away, the more it came back tenfold. And then there was Rose. He loved her, but not as much as Chloe. Chloe was the key to his heart.


After fifteen hours on a flight to Japan, Rose felt like vomiting. She had never gotten airsick before, so why now? She went about her way, going to Jack's place, but he had never told her where he was staying. So, she went to the closest payphone and dialed his cell phone number.

Jack was laying in bed with Chloe he heard his cell phone ring. He flipped it open and pushed a button. "Hello." He yawned.

"Jack, it's me, Rose. I am here. I forgot that you never told me where you are." Rose heard him yawn.

"Rose, just get a room for the night. I am on surveillance. There's a whole lot to tell you, but I am so tired." He was tired from making love to Chloe all night.

"Okay, Jack. I love you," Rose said sincerely.

"Yeah. Love you." He clicked off his cell and snuggled closer to Chloe.

"Was that your wife?" Chloe had heard the conversation.

"Yeah. Her plane just landed." Jack kissed her shoulder.

"Aren't you anxious to get back to her?" Chloe wondered if he had ever really loved his wife.

"Not right now, Chloe." He didn't want to think about it.

"Jack, I think you should leave before Emma wakes up. I don't want her to get confused. She might think you’re here to stay." Chloe needed him to leave. She couldn't bear letting Emma think that her father was going to stay there. He was married to another woman, for crying out loud.

"I am here to stay, Chloe." He got up and slipped on his underwear.

"Jack, in case you didn't notice, you have a wife waiting for you." Chloe got up and put on her robe.

"So, are you asking me to leave? You don't want me to make love to you again?" Jack teased.

"I would love that more than anything, but the fact is, you’re married, and until you either leave her or get a divorce, I can't be with you entirely, if at all." Chloe looked at him, wanting him back in her bed.

"I understand, and you’re right. Rose does deserve to know the truth. I am gonna go and tell her right now." Jack got dressed quickly, leaving Chloe sitting in bed, but not before kissing her good-bye.

Jack went to Emma's bedroom and kissed her good-bye, too. He didn't know if this would be the last time he would see her.

He went out the door quietly and left. Leaving his family behind was something new to him. He felt alone without them. He picked up his cell phone and dialed Rose's cell.

Rose picked up.

"Rose, where are you?" he asked.

"I'm at the hotel across from the airport. Room 234," Rose said.

"All right. I will be right there," Jack said.

Jack got into his car and got out at the hotel Rose had mentioned. How was he going to tell her he had made another mistake? He had messed up on her twice already. The best he could do was just end it. He had to.

When he knocked on the door, she answered it, holding her mouth. "Rose, are you all right?"

"I'm sick, Jack. I think the plane food made me sick." Rose felt terrible. She had no idea what was making her sick.

"Are you sure, Rose?" Jack looked at her.

"Yes. What else could it be?" Rose sat on the bed.

"Rose, do you remember what we did a few weeks ago?" Jack reminded her.

"You think I am pregnant?" Rose asked.

"If you are, you just put another nail in my coffin." Jack looked worried.

"What are you talking about?" Rose asked.

"Rose, I have a confession to make, and before you do anything, I want you to hear me out first." Jack walked around and sat on a chair.

"All right. Go ahead." Rose listened.

"Remember when I told you that I found Chloe?" Jack started.

"Uh-huh." Rose nodded.

"Well, I found her, and I found out who's behind this." Jack looked into her eyes.

"Who?" Rose asked.

"Veronica. It turns out she's not dead like I thought. All she wanted was revenge, and I was the one she wanted to hurt," Jack explained.

"Your ex-girlfriend?" Rose could not believe it.

"Yeah, and she wants to duel today." Jack walked around the room.

"You against her?" Rose got up.

"Yeah, and that's not all, Rose. Chloe gave me a daughter. Her name is Emma." He smiled, thinking about the little girl.

"You got Chloe pregnant?" Rose looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah. I had no idea until after I hung up with you and she told me. Oh, Rose, she is so beautiful." Jack knew Rose would love Emma.

"Jack, were you really on surveillance last night?" Rose looked into his eyes.

He didn't answer the question. He just looked at her.

"No. I was with Chloe last night." He didn't look at her.

"Did you do what I think you did?" Rose had to ask the question.

"Yes, Rose, and as much as I love you, I know now that I need to let you go. I want a divorce." He looked her, but not for long.

"You bastard, not only did you do this to me twice, you’re leaving me?" Rose could not believe this.

"Rose, it's best for the both of us," Jack said.

"No. I am not letting you go." She held onto his arm.

"Rose, please, let me go." Jack tried to pry her hand off of his arm.

"No." She started to cry. Then she grabbed her stomach and passed out.

"Rose? Rose?" Jack picked up the telephone and called for a doctor.

He picked her up, carried her over to the bed, and noticed she was bleeding, If she had been pregnant with his child, she had just lost it, which meant he couldn't leave her, at least not now. She needed him now, and he would be there for her, even though he still loved Chloe.

Jack began to feel guilty for cheating on Rose. He felt ashamed that not only had he committed adultery twice, but that he was to blame for her losing the baby, too.

When the doctor arrived, he sat in the other room, waiting for the doctor's diagnosis. Rose was still unconscious when the doctor checked her over. He noticed the bleeding, and his conclusion was that she had just lost a child. She was going to need to be taken to the hospital to remove what was left of the pregnancy. The doctor came out and saw Jack looking very worried.

"Sir, it is confirmed she was with child. She needs to be taken to the hospital to remove the rest of the baby," the doctor told him.

"I understand. May I follow you to the hospital?" Jack asked him.

"Yes, sir." The doctor nodded.

Jack went to his car and waited for them to take Rose to the hospital. He remembered when he had first met her, how she had made him feel so happy, how she would do anything for him, and even make him dinner. He knew she loved being married to him, and he loved her. But somehow, through all this mess, he had moved on. He felt like crap for treating her like trash. She meant more to him than just a wife. So why had he let her go?

Seeing the ambulance leave reminded him of the time he thought Chloe had died. They had found no body. He had sat on the edge of the bed, crying for her, and through most of the following weeks, he had sat in his house, depressed.

He cried several tears, and they blocked him from seeing the ambulance in front of him. Before he knew it, he crashed. He had swerved from hitting the ambulance and hit a guardrail on the road.

Thank God the crash was not severe. He got out of his car and screamed, realizing that he had lost a child. His and Rose's baby.

Chapter Forty-Two