Chapter Forty-Three

Jack walked down the narrow pathway to the courtyard. He met Veronica there. She looked at him with all the hatred she had inside her. Something in his blue eyes was making her weak. She could feel herself losing the battle inside her mind. She wanted to hate him. She needed to hate him.

He looked at her, remembering all the times he had touched her and all the times they had laughed. He had never wanted to really kill her. He didn't hate her for all the things he had done in the past. After all, it wasn't her fault. It was his. He was the one who drank all the time. He was the one who wanted to escape his problems after his parents were killed. It was not her at all. It was him. He blamed himself for everything he had done, from his parents to his problems with Rose. He could not forget the look in her eyes after he left the hospital.

When they got to the middle of the courtyard, Jack looked at her. She looked a mess. Her bleached blonde hair was flowing awkwardly. It looked like she was really stressed from all the scheming she had done to kill him.

"So, Vin, how are we gonna settle this?" He used to call her Vin for short, instead of Vero or Veronica.

"How about a little Russian Roulette? You always liked that." She remembered that when he was drunk he had always used to talk about killing himself with a gun, Russian Roulette style. He had been fifteen and majorly depressed.

"Fine. I am game. As long as I am the one to spin the chamber." He walked closer to her.

"Deal. For that, you go first." She took out her gun and took out all the bullets except one.

"Deal." He nodded, took the gun from her hand, put it to his temple, and pulled the trigger.

Jack opened his eyes. He was still alive. He handed the gun to her. She looked at him, not afraid to pull the trigger. She looked at him and pulled the trigger, not afraid to die. The gun clicked, but no bullets came out of it.

She handed it back to him, but he didn't take it. He looked at her. "Veronica, if we go any further with this, someone is gonna die, and not to let your spirits down, but I have a family now. I'd rather you beat me up or something. You can't really hate me all that much, can you?"

"You know, for once, you’re right. One of us is gonna die, and it's gonna be you." She pulled the trigger and it fired. The bullet went up into the air, and if Jack had taken the gun, he would have been dead.

He walked up to her, took the gun from her, tossed it to the ground, and took her lips. He kissed her like he used to when they were dating. She melted at his feet. Her cold, bitter heart was beginning to melt.

She took his kiss, wanting more, but then she snapped back to reality and slapped him hard. She put up a fight and started to kick him. She let every aggression out of her. When she couldn't take anymore, she fell to the floor. She cried and screamed, not feeling hatred for him anymore, but love. She loved him. He was not, after all, the cause of her demise. He was the cause of all the good things in her, if anything good was left in her.

Jack was bleeding here and there. He didn't bother to clean it off. He picked her up and took her to the room where she slept. He saw Chloe and nodded to her. Chloe had knew that Jack and Veronica had had their fight, for now it was over. But Jack was hoping that Veronica wanted it over just as much as he did.

She looked up at him. She hugged him. "I am sorry for all I've done. I never really wanted you dead. I'm so sorry." She cried her heart out to him, this time being very truthful.

"Veronica, come with me and I will help you. I promise on my life to help you. Is John really a traitor?" Jack had to ask.

"No. He was my assistant in this whole mess. He's not a traitor anymore than I hate you," Veronica confessed.

"All right. I gotta let everyone know what's going on," Jack told her.

"You’re leaving me?" she asked.

"No. I just gotta tell Chloe a few things. I promise to be back, I swear." He looked at her, and she was a mess.

"All right." She nodded her head at him.

He went out the door, looking for Chloe. He found her in her bedroom. He sneaked up behind her and kissed her cheek. She saw the blood on his face. "Doesn't that hurt?"

"Nah. Not when I look into your eyes." He smiled.

"So, what happened with you and Veronica?" she asked.

"A big mess. We played a little Russian Roulette. Then she kicked my ass. But it didn't bother me. I knew I had hurt her. Just like I hurt Rose." He frowned.

"You need to go back to her, Jack." She looked at him, remembering last night.

"Yeah, I know. But I was hoping that tonight I could stay here because Rose will be asleep at the hospital. I'll call her later." Jack lay on the bed.

"Jack, do you have something up your sleeve?" She looked at him.

"No, but I could show you something else." He got up and got close to her.

"You mean something like you showed me last night?" She winked at him.

"Yeah, but even better." He winked at her.

She closed the distance and kissed him, knowing that he was still married. She couldn't resist him. Hell, who could resist Secret Agent Dawson?

He lay next to Chloe, wanting her again. He knew it was wrong, and then he remembered Rose. Rose was always there for him. She needed him. He got up, looked at Chloe, and gave her one last kiss.

"I gotta go. Veronica is gonna stay here. I will be back here later." He winked at her again.

"All right. You go. See you later." She smiled and waved.

He popped into Veronica's room before he left. He saw her asleep, scribbled a note for her, and left it by her side. He got into his car and drove to the hospital.


At the hospital, Rose was looking out the window, wondering what had happened to Jack. She wondered if he had been hurt. It wasn't like him to not call her, so she wondered if he could possibly be dead. She shed a tear.

"Jack!" He came towards her and held her. She couldn't believe he was alive. She wondered what had happened. "You're okay?"

"Yeah. I told you I would be all right. Veronica just kicked my ass, and then she cried on my shoulder. There was still love there in her heart. She confused hate with love. She was so bitter that she wanted to kill me, but in the end, she needed me." Jack bluntly told her the half of what had happened. He didn’t tell her about the Russian Roulette routine.

"I am so glad you are all right." She hugged him tightly.

“Rose, I am always okay, but in a few years everything will have passed with this whole revenge mess. Chloe, Veronica, and you are always gonna be in my heart, especially Emma. I love her. I am not giving her up for anything," Jack told her, and looked into her eyes. "As soon as you’re better, we'll work on a baby of our own." He smiled at her and kissed her deeply.

Secret Agent Dawson was going to be all right. He had put the worst of his past behind him. He had a plan to make everything work. Chloe was to come back to work, along with Veronica. She was going to be in his life, too. He would take Emma to school when she had to go, and when Rose needed him, he would sleep by her side.

Jack had paid for all the mistakes in the past, almost with his life. This was not the end for Jack, it was only the beginning, and another adventure for Jack Dawson, secret agent to complete.

The End.
