Chapter Five


It was now 6:30.

"Rose, I have to go to work now. If you're not here when I get back, I'll understand." He looked into her beautiful green eyes one last time.

Jack was walking to the door, when Rose caught his arm.

"Jack, I'm not leaving. I'll be here when you get back. I promise." She couldn't believe he thought she would leave.

He hugged her and kissed her.

"Now, go to work, my love. I'll be waiting."

"My number is on my speed dial--#1--if you need me. Okay? Remember, call me when you need me. All right? They might say Wong's Laundry, but don't worry--they'll patch you through." He smiled at her.

"Okay. I'll remember. But here's a warning--when you come home, we're choosing our wedding date." Rose smiled back.

"All right." He gave her a devious smile.

He got into his car and put on the radio. They were playing love songs. He felt in the mood for them, so he didn't change it.

He drove, but he didn't want to go to work. He really wanted to go home.

He parked his car where he always parked. And went to the building with the big red letters saying Wong's Laundry.

He stepped into an elevator in the back of the place.

When he got to his floor, the security floor, he spoke into the mike.

"Jack Dawson...badge number 103569235AKEL1."

Then he stepped up to the retinal scanner. The laser passed through his eye identifying who he was. Then, he stepped up to a platform and put his hands on the two panels. The laser passed beneath his hands.

The doors started to open.

Amanda was at the front office.

"Hello, Jack," said Amanda.

"Hi, Amanda, is Ashley in today?" He yanked at his tie.

"Nah. She's out sick today with a cold."

"Oh, okay. What about Paola, Lisa, and Bunny? Are they here?"

"Yeah. They're in the conference room."

He walked a few corridors beyond the entrance.

"Hello, ladies." Jack was giddy with happiness.

"Hi, Jack. Nice to see your back from vacation," said Paola.

"Thanks. What vacation?" He laughed.

"So, Jack, how was your short vacation?" Lisa teased him.

"Well, Lisa, I played basketball, and came back engaged."

"What?" they all said.

"You're getting married?" Bunny was in shock.

"So, Jack 'The Bachelor' Dawson is tying the knot." Jen, another friend of his, stepped in behind him.

"So, when's the date?" asked Paola.

"We haven't set it yet." Jack grinned at that. He would be married tomorrow if he didn't have to come back here.

The boss stepped in shortly after that.

"Okay, ladies and a gentleman. Have a seat."

"Real funny, Kevin," Jack taunted.

"Okay, enough with the jokes," Kevin Dawson said.

Kevin was Jack's brother. They used to goof off a lot when they were kids. Jack was the troublemaker, and Kevin was the responsible one.

Kevin set up the agency after their parents were killed by terrorists.

He always asked Jack if he wanted to join. He never did--not until six years ago. Jack's girlfriend was killed by a drug dealer. Then he joined, and got revenge. From that day on, the Dawson brothers fought for justice as a team.

Chapter Six