Chapter Six

Kevin Dawson gave the report. His brother, Jack, gave a comment about it.

"So, you want me to go into London pretending to be a terrorist, and selling nuclear weapons. Okay. No problem."

"You have to dress like a first class Romeo, adored by all women, so you mustn't act like you're taken."

"OK, but my body belongs to Rose. Don't forget that, bro."

"You made it clear, Jack."

"Girls, I want you to be Jack's women. So, you know what to do?"

"Made clear, Kevin," said Paola.

"When's the flight?" Jack asked.

"Tonight," Kevin Dawson replied.

"So, what shall we wear? Miniskirts, tank tops, midriffs, nothing...what?" asked Lisa.

"Well...wear the usual--low-cut and sexy." Kevin smiled at Lisa.

"Okay, boss. You're the man." Lisa smiled back.

"Okay. Everyone is dismissed. Don't forget to pick up your missions with Amanda."

Jack got his mission envelope from Amanda.

"Thanks, Amanda. Where's the checkpoint?"

"You know Kevin doesn't tell me anything." Amanda laughed.

"Yeah, but I know you find out, some way or another."

"True. It's in London, England. New Addington."

"Cool. Never been there before." Jack smiled back.

"You must really love that girl." Amanda smiled at him.

"I do, so help me, God." Jack was in trouble.

Jack went to his car and started to drive down the road. Seeing a vendor selling roses, he stopped and picked up a bouquet for Rose.


As soon as Jack stepped inside his home, he smelled something wonderful. By the smell, he knew it was his favorite, Fettuccini Alfredo.

He saw Rose fixing the table. He noticed things he never knew he had.

Rose turned around.

"Hi, Jack." She was happy to see him. "Oh, what beautiful roses." She grabbed them from him and put them on the table, where she had placed a glass vase earlier. "Come sit down." She held out the chair.

"Rose, what is all this?" he pondered.

"It's our pre-engagement." She grabbed his hand.

"I suggest you sit down, beautiful lady." He held out the chair, this time for her. "I will be right back." He went to his dresser drawer and pulled out a small, faded box.

When he got to the kitchen, Rose was pouring some champagne into his glass.

He went by her chair and knelt on one knee. He pulled out the box from his jacket pocket and opened it in front of Rose.

"Rose, will you marry me?"

"Yes." She picked him up off his knees, grabbed the box, and put her lips on his.

The ring had two initials, R + J. Inside, it said, I love you, cara mia.

"Jack, it has our initials."

"Yes, it does, doesn't it? It was my great-grandma, Rosalyn, and my great-grandfather, Jack."

"Weird. It's like our destiny, Jack."

"That's why I gave you it." He put it on her finger.

They kissed, and ended up in bed again, savoring each other's bodies and passion.


Jack looked at the clock on the night table. It was five o'clock PM. He had to leave by eight o'clock PM.

He grabbed his suitcase from his closet and started to pack.

By the time Rose had awakened, she saw him staring at her from above.

"Rose, I gotta leave, but I will be back."

"Where are you going?"



"Yes. You know what I gotta do."

"Oh. Oh, Jack, why now?"

"I asked my brother the same."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah. I have a older brother named Kevin Dawson."

"Oh, okay. Before you leave, I wanna give you this."

It was a necklace that her mother had given her. It was a St. Christopher medallion.

"Wear this. It will protect you, just like it has me all these years. I will tell you about it when you get back."

"All right. I will wear it, my love." He put it on. "I promise that we will set a date when I get back." He kissed her deeply.

She walked him to the door, never leaving his lips for hers.

"Rose, if something should happen, I want you to press speed dial #2. That's my brother's number. He will give you instructions on where to go, because I don't want anyone to hurt the woman I love."

He got his bag and put it in the car.

Rose watched him leave to fight for justice.

Chapter Seven