Chapter Seven

The London Mission

Jack reached the airport and parked his car in the parking lot. He got his luggage and proceeded to Delta Air Lines Terminal 5 to London Gatwick Apt, at LAX.

Flight: DL 60
Airline: Delta Airlines
Leaving from: Los Angeles Int. Airport
Arriving at: London Gatwick Apt.
Travel Time: 14 hours 30 minutes
Flight Status: Private Jet

The girls waved at him, telling him to hurry up. They were all dressed casually, and each carried a handbag, which probably carried their makeup and disguises.

Since they had their own private jet, they had all the privacy they wanted. On the plane, Lisa and Paola sat together talking. Jen went through her things, looking for her earrings, to put them on for London. Ashley and Amanda sat together. Amanda was not supposed to go, but at last minute Kevin asked her to go. Her mission was to get close to the enemy.

Bunny was checking her wire she had to put on for the mission. She put it back in her purse and glanced at the sky out of the window from her seat.

Jack checked his clothes. A black Armani suit. He was glad he didn’t have to dress like the other times, but he was good at disguises. One time he dressed as a skater. Another time, he dressed like a celebrity. He had fun pretending to be other people than himself, although this time it was different. Rose made him want to be himself.

The guys were at the back of the plane, each checking out their partners. You see, the girls and guys took care of each other. They were like a big family. They watched each other’s backs.

Kevin Dawson looked at his itinerary for the mission, making sure everything was in order.

Christian Anholt, the computer hacker, checked his computer files for the mission. Christian typed into the keyboard the code for Daniel Morgan’s company, making sure there were no little surprises to mess up their purpose in London, but what could he really do, without being there personally?

Bill Carter and Microfiche Developer Tobey Maguire sat together talking about last week’s Lakers game.

Tommy Ryan was on the phone with his girlfriend.

"Yeah, baby, I will be there. No one can keep me in one place," Tommy said.

He hung up the phone. He got out of his seat and passed the phone to Jen.

"Here, Jen." Tommy handed it to her.

Jen looked up at Tommy. "Oh, thanks. You’re a sweetie." Jen smiled at him.

Tommy walked back to his seat behind Tobey and Bill. He hit Bill on the head.

"Hey. What’s up?" Bill asked Tommy.

"Nothing much. Hey, you got that girl’s number--Charlene?"

"No, I don’t. Why, Tommy?" Bill asked.

"Oh. Thought maybe we could hook up in London, since she lives there."

"Don’t you have a girlfriend?" Bill looked at him strangely.

"Yeah, Bill, I do, but I suspect she’s cheating on me."

"Why do you think that?" Tobey asked.

"Because I found some other guy’s underwear on the floor, which wasn’t mine."

"Oh, haven’t you asked her about that yet?" Bill asked.

"Not yet. I want to catch her in the act." Tommy laughed mischievously.

Tommy gave Bill and Tobey a high five.

Paola and Lisa stared at the guys at the back. Lisa smiled at them. She liked Bill. Sexy Bill Carter, with luscious black hair and blue eyes. He was the cream on her cake. Bill didn’t have a girlfriend, or at least, she didn’t think so.

"Hey, earth to Lisa." Paola shook her. "Staring at Bill again, huh, Lisa?" Paola smiled.

"I just can’t help it, Paola. He’s so cute and adorable."

"Then why don’t you go talk to him?"

"I should, shouldn’t I?" Lisa got out of her seat and walked to the back of the plane.

"Hi, Bill," she said nervously.

"Hi, Lisa. What’s up?"

"Nothing much. I just wondering if we could get to know each other better."

"Sure. Why not?" Bill moved his stuff and told Tobey to beat it. Tobey moved and went to sit next to Kevin.

Bill and Lisa continued talking. Paola got bored and went to Jack.

"Hey, Jack. What’s up?"

"You think that these will look good on me?" He showed her his cuff links.

"Oh, yeah. Jack, they will match your eyes." The cuff links were sapphire blue, like his eyes. His black Armani suit needed some color.

"Okay, people. Hush up. We got a long way, so you guys should get some rest. That’s a recommendation to you all," Kevin announced.

"Boo," Tobey uttered.

Tommy made faces.

Bill and Jack pretended like they were asleep, snoring loudly.

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, jokers. But when we get to London, don’t complain about jet lag."

Everyone settled down and turned off their lights, except Bill and Lisa.

"Shame, shame. I know your name," Tobey and Tommy said.

"Quit it, you guys." Then he kissed Lisa. Lisa sat still, her face flushing.

Bill was content. He knew Lisa liked him, and that’s why he did it.

Lisa sat still, looking at Bill, wanting to redo their kiss since she wasn’t ready.

"Bill, why did you do that?" Lisa asked.

"Because I like you, Lisa, and I think you like me, too."

"How did you know?"

"Because one can only notice that staring is also admiration."


"Did you like the kiss, Lisa?"

"Yes, but I think we can do better."

"I agree." Bill closed the space between him and her.

The kiss was more intimate, and more disturbing to Bill. He liked it more this time. Lisa was amazing, and Bill kissed by the book.

After that, everyone feel asleep until Kevin announced, "All right, everyone. Time to go." Kevin clapped his hands.

Tobey and Tommy were still asleep. Jen tapped on Tommy’s shoulder. "Wake up!" she yelled.

"Gosh, Jen, do you have a voice?" Tobey asked.

Everyone got their luggage, got a cab, and headed for New Addington, Croyton.

They got to the Capri Hotel and went to room P37.

There they had set up their stuff to make it look like Jack Dawson was a very rich man. The girls headed to the bathroom and changed in there. The guys dressed in the room while the girls changed.

Christian wore a suit and tie combo. The others wore Armani suits, just like Jack. They carried guns underneath their jackets and knives on their ankles.

The girls put on their sexiest dresses and jewelry that carried wireless communication devices.

Jack was putting on the cuff links when one of the girls came out.

"Need help, Jack?"

"Yeah, Paola. Can you help me?"

"Sure. Give me the cufflinks." He handed them to her.

Paola grabbed his wrist and put one on, then the other. Then she fixed his tie.

The other girls came out. The guys whistled.

Jen posed. Tommy looked in awe.

Lisa went to Bill. They kissed. Everyone clapped.

Ashley, Amanda, and Bunny walked past the guys, asking if they had any free time to come by their rooms. Each girl started to laugh as they did so.

"Okay, girls and guys. Are we ready?" Kevin asked.

"As ready as we'll ever be, Kevin," Amanda said.

"Okay. We are taking two limos. Guys in one, the girls in the other, of course. Except for Jack, that is. He is going with the girls, so I bid everyone good luck."

They got into the elevator. Jack got two of the girls, Paola and Jen.

"Okay, guys. Let’s make this believable," Jack said to them.

The other girls positioned around him.

"Lucky dog," Tobey said.

"They’re loaners, Tobey," Jack told Tobey.

The girls all hugged Jack.

When they came out of the elevator, Jack was surrounded with women. The guys had their hands on their guns, ready for anything, as they protected Jack for the mission.

When they got to the valet, Jack told him to bring his limos around.

The limos came around to the front. Jack, Tommy, and the girls took the first, and the guys traveled in the second. Kevin went to the other room, across from the room they had previously gotten. He set up the equipment. Christian set up his computer equipment.

When they reached the club El Carrion, the guy sitting in the front opened the door, which was Tommy.

Jack and the girls stepped into the club, into their own private booth.

"How many, sir?" the waitress asked.

"Ten," Jack answered.

"Okay. Right there, Mr.…?" The waitress waited for him to say his name.

"Mr. Smith. Alexander Smith," Jack said.

The waitress glanced at him in that way.

He sat down with the girls while waiting for Daniel Morgan, the terrorist nuclear weapons thief, who was known to be associated with Vincent Tressor, the most wanted man in America.

Paola kissed Jack, and so did Lisa. Bill was envious.

Jen took them out of the way and sat on Jack’s thighs.

"You're my queen, Andrea," Jack said to Jen.

"Mine, too, Alex." Jen kissed him and put Jack’s hand up her dress, to make it seem Jack was the man, which he was.

Daniel Morgan showed up outside their booth.

"Okay, girls. Time to disappear." Jack watch them disappear. Amanda stayed.

"No, Alex. I value your respect, but I think this gentleman here needs some reminding about beautiful women."

"So, Alex Smith, I see you still love to share your women."

"So I do, Daniel. Care for this one?"

He handed him Amanda.

"Sure," Daniel said. "Do they take personal requests, Alex?"

"Maybe. I don’t know, but they have always been loyal to me." Jack waved his hand and Jen came back.

"Hey, baby. What do you need?" Jen smiled.

"Everything, honey," Jack said.

Jen sat on his thighs and massaged his shoulders.

Jack moaned as she eased his muscles, her breasts touching his chest.

"So, Daniel, are we back to business?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, Alex, I think we are, if Amanda here can do me a favor."

"And what is that, Daniel?" Jack asked.

"If I can have her for the night," Daniel said.

"Well, come to my hotel, and I'll make sure she does everything in her ability to please you. If not, you can have any other of my girls, as you please."

"All right, Alex." Daniel was a cocky fellow, and he liked his women tall and beautiful.

Chapter Eight