Chapter Eight

Jack got up from his table, and Daniel followed. Jack hailed for his limo. The valet held the door open for them.

This time he kissed all of them, as he let the girls go in, one by one. While the driver drove, the girls pretended to be his, kissing him and making out with him. Amanda kissed Daniel. When she was doing this, she put a bug on him, so they could track all his movements.

When they arrived at the hotel, Jack got out, then Daniel, then the girls.

They all got in the elevator, including Bill and Tommy, his bodyguards.

"All right. Does anyone want some liquor?" Everyone raised their hands, including Daniel.

Bill served them, as Jack sat down.

"So, Alex, the time has come. Do I get Amanda for the night?"

"Yeah. You can have that room over there." He pointed to the second room on the left.

Amanda followed Daniel to the room. She grabbed champagne and two glasses.

He got her as soon as they got into the room. He kissed her, and started to unbutton her blouse.

"Wait, Daniel. Not so fast. Let’s have a drink," Amanda said.

Amanda poured the champagne, and when he wasn’t looking, she add an extra ingredient, a knockout drug. She got the vial from her bra, and put it back. She handed him his glass. He drank it quickly.

"Amanda, my dear, don’t be scared."

"I’m not." Amanda stripped to her underwear, and told Daniel to lay down. He did. She sat on him, and started to kiss him. She felt him starting to loosen up, and then he stopped responding.

He was out.

Amanda opened the door.

"Jack, he’s out," Amanda called.

"Great! Okay, ladies, let’s do our job."

They all got their things together, preparing to leave. Amanda checked Daniel's things--his wallet, and whatever he carried with him.

They didn’t find anything, just a note about Vincent, saying he suspected Alex as a traitor.

Jack had to be on his guard around Daniel now. Alexander Smith, his phony name, was from a guy that used to deal in drugs, until he got into trading illegal weaponry for big cash, and he was secretly killed by the mob. No one knew about him, now that he was dead.


An hour or so later, Amanda undressed, slipping into bed with Daniel, as he was undressed also.

"Daniel?" Amanda called out.

"Amanda, what happened?" Daniel asked.

"I was undressing, and you fainted. Must be all the stress or excitement!" Amanda exclaimed.

"Amanda, my dear, I am so sorry about that. This was the first time something happened to me like that. Maybe you’re the one?"


"You know, the one, Amanda?"

"Oh, you mean you’re in love with me?" Amanda asked.

"Maybe. Well, I had a nice time, Amanda. Can I get a kiss before I go?" Daniel leaned to kiss her.

"Sure, Daniel."

They kissed, short but sweet.


Daniel left shortly after that. He knew Jack would be busy with his women in the bedroom, so he just walked out quietly after he got dressed.

When Daniel left, everyone came out of the room. Bill and Lisa were in the restroom making out, as well, but they were seriously involved, so everything they did was authentic.

"Okay, you all. I think we got what we came for. Until we meet Daniel for another meeting, we have to be on our guard. No exceptions," Jack said. "We will get Vincent, one way or another."

Jack tapped on the restroom door. "Hey, in there. Are you all right?"

Lisa pulled away from Bill to answer. "Yeah, Jack, were fine. Come on, Bill, let’s do our job. We can continue this later."

"Okay, Lisa." He was panting for breath. After kissing Lisa so long, he needed a drink.

They packed and left. Luckily, Jack had given Daniel his card, so they wouldn’t have to stay in London for long, but to make the best of it, they stayed one more day, and luckily, they did. All this time, Jack didn’t have the chance to call Rose. He wondered what she was doing.


Jack answered the phone. The line was tapped. "Hello. Alex Smith."

"Hello, Alex. Nice to finally see you around," Vincent said.

"Well, as if it hasn’t been a long time, Vincent," Jack said, with a smile in his face, and thumbs up to Kevin.

"Alex, I want to meet you at the warehouse. You know which one, so don’t be a stranger. I will meet you at Culver Point. And come alone." Vincent coughed.

"All right. Until then, Vincent." Jack hung up.

"He wants me to meet him at Culver Point."

"Okay, then. We have to get ready, ladies and gentlemen. This is our ticket to locking up Vincent Tressor."

Jack got dressed. They put wires on him to record the conversation. The wires were put in places that people don’t normally check while searching a person. Jack’s body felt invaded.


He took a car to Culver Point, dressed in another one of his Armani suits, this time a blue one.

He got out of his car when he arrived at the meeting point.

He walked over to another car. Vincent’s bodyguard waited for him.

The bodyguard checked him. "All right. Get in."

Jack got into the car and saw Vincent.

"Well, Alex Smith, nice seeing you again." Vincent shook his hand. "Alex, I would like to invite you to my party tonight. Will you come?"

"As if you had to ask, Vincent."

"The reason I want to see you is that I have a special delivery, and it’s pretty big. I want to see if you can lend me a hand. You’ll get fifty percent."

"All right. What kind of a deal?"

"No details until we meet, okay?"

"All right. Vincent, it was nice seeing you again."

"Always a pleasure, Alex." He shook his hand, got out of the car, and saw the car pull away as soon as he got out.

Jack got into his car and left. He went to get ready for the party tonight.


After a few preparations, Jack reached the party. Inside, there were private rooms where orgies happened every night. Jack avoided them always, but with Rose, there would be an exception.

He reached Vincent's office. There were girls that surrounded him.

"Hi, Alex. Meet my ladies." His hand presented them.

Jack greeted them each with a kiss on their hands.

"He sat down across from Vincent."

"So, Alex. No girls this time."

"No. I thought I would find some new ones here."

"Well, girls. Let’s show Mr. Smith what we've got."

They all surrounded Jack, and he chose the redhead with a slim waist.

She sat on his lap, and kissed him deeply.

"Okay, girls, time to do business." He ordered them away.

The girls left, and Vincent and Jack started getting down to the problem at hand.

"So, Alex, the reason I wanted you to meet me here is because I thought we could have business and pleasure, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, Vincent."

"So, Alex, ever heard of the Vortex Corporation?"

"Actually, yeah. Isn't it a company that makes nuclear weapons and expensive guns?"

"You know your corporations." He gave Jack thumbs up.

"Well, anyway, they're making a new kind of missile. The kind that's gonna make us rich."

"What's so good about it?" Jack asked.

"Well, unlike normal missiles, these new ones explode a hundred times more than ordinary ones."

"Talk about your Armageddon," Jack said.

"That's exactly the point," Vincent said. "I mean, these missile can wipe out a country in no time."


"Yeah, Alex. So if we get to it, we make more than a billion dollars. Ever seen that much in your entire life?"

"No, can't say that I have."

"Well, you're about to. We meet again in Los Angeles, in two weeks. I will contact you about it. Okay?"

"Okay, Vincent."

Vincent walked Jack to the door. "Girls?" he called.

"Irene, stay with Alex."

"Sure, Vincent." Irene had blue eyes, just like Jack.

"So, Irene, what do you do?" Jack asked.

"Anything and everything, Alex."

"What room should we take?"

"This one." She pointed to it.

They walked in together. Jack sat on the chair.

Irene waited for his command.

"So, Alex, what do you want?" Jack had to get something or he would be found out by Vincent. So, without further adieu, Jack wanted her to dance for him.

"Dance for me," Jack ordered.

"All right. If that's what you want, Alex."

She danced, and he liked it. He couldn't wait to get home to Rose, for they could have a little quality time together.


Jack left after that, and got the next plane, along with the gang, to Los Angeles, his hometown.

When Jack reached his home, he was tired, but not too tired to be with Rose.

"Rose," he called out. "I'm home."

It was now the early morning.

She must be asleep, he thought.

He went to bed, and saw her angelic face.

He went to kiss her.

She responded. "Jack?"

"Yes, Rose."

"You got home." She kissed him.

They ended up making love. Jack was a hungered animal.

For that night, he spent his night with his goddess, Rose. Beloved, sexy, angel Rosie. Nothing could take him away from her. He loved her so much, he never wanted to leave her again, and after this mission was over, he would retire forever.

Chapter Nine