Chapter Nine


Jack was still asleep when Rose shook him to wake up.

"Jack, come on. It’s a new day and we have plans." She was already dressed.

"Really, Rose. This early?" He put the covers over his head.

"You promised. Remember?" Rose took the blankets off his body.

"Ah, so I did." He grabbed her, threw her on the bed, and got on top of her.

"Jack!" She laughed as he started to tickle her.

She started squirming underneath him.

"Rose, I can’t do this if you move." Jack kissed her.

"That’s the whole point, Jack Dawson." She laughed.

"Well, my little Rosie loves to move. I am gonna show you that moving with me gets you in trouble."

"Really, Jack?" She looked into his sapphire blue eyes.

He kissed her deeply and started to take off her clothes.

"Jack, I love you."

"I love you, too, Rose."

He laid her beneath him. He loved being with her like this. Being inside her gave him power over her to make her scream and twitch, which excited him most deeply. After all, being an agent taught him that.

After about an hour, they finally got out of bed. Rose had previously set up the table with plates and glasses.

"Rosie, what’s this?" Jack saw the nice table setting.

"This, Jack, is our engagement dinner."

"Dinner? But it’s morning. Where’s breakfast?" Jack went to the fridge.

Rose stopped him.

"No, you don’t, mister. Have a seat. Since you missed our meeting last time, I have decided that we are going to have this discussion right now, before anything else interrupts us." Jack sat down.

Rose got the food out of the oven. It was a roast. Champagne was already in the ice bucket.

She set the food on the table. Jack cut the roast and served her.

Rose lit the candles.

They ate the food, and after the table was cleared, they both sat down on the couch holding a calendar.

"Okay, Jack. This wedding is not going to be expensive, since my parents are dead. I won’t have anyone to give me away, so we can elope." Rose stared at him.

"Rose, I don’t want to elope. I want a wedding with you in a beautiful white dress and someone bringing my Rosie to me."

"Okay. Then we are gonna need some people for our wedding." Rose was lost. She had no idea who was going to be in their wedding.

"Don’t worry, Rose. I will set everything up, and I got a pretty good idea that we are going to have a lot of people to help us."

Jack called the agency. "Hey, Amanda, is my brother in?"

"Yeah. Hold on. I will transfer you." Amanda switched the lines on the switchboard.

"Dawson here," Kevin answered.

"Hey, Kevin. I need a favor," Jack said.

"Okay. What is it this time?" Kevin listened to Jack.

"I need you to bring my bride down the aisle."

"Sure, but can I speak to her?" Kevin asked Jack.

"Yeah, but you're not stealing her away from me," Jack joked.

He handed the phone to Rose.


"Hey, Rose." Kevin heard a beautiful voice. "How’s my brother treating you?" he asked.

"Like a princess," Rose lied, joking.

"Well, that’s a first." Kevin laughed. "So, Rose, Jack asked me if I would take you down the aisle."

"Yeah. I hope you will do it." Rose liked Kevin, even though she hardly knew him.

"It would be an honor, Rose." Kevin wouldn’t mind one bit taking his brother’s bride to marry him, for he could settle down and not be so crazy.

"Could you give the phone to Jack?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, sure, Kevin, and it was nice talking to you. I hope to meet you someday." Rose was unsure of how he reacted to her marrying his brother.

"Me, too, Rose."

She gave the phone to Jack.

"Kevin, I owe you big. Is it all right if I bring Rose to the office?" Jack asked.

"Sure. I just got to give her clearance." Kevin made a note of that.

Within a few minutes, he had given clearance for Rose. All he needed now was her voice clearance. Kevin called Jack.

Kevin heard the phone ring. Jack picked it up, laughing. "Hello?"

"I don't wanna know what your doing, brother," he joked.

"Ah...Kevin, what's up?" Jack stopped laughing.

"I need Rose's voice. Think you can bring her to the office as soon as you're finished with her?" Voice clearance was immediately needed, for Rose would become part of the family she had so willingly accepted.

"Sure, Kevin. We'll be there in a little while." Jack looked at Rose, because she gave him a look like yeah, right.

"All right, Jack." Kevin hung up.

Rose and Jack stopped tickling each other and got serious. They got in the car and headed to the office.

They went to the laundry location. Jack helped her into the elevator using a pass code that would accept another person with him that didn't have clearance.

"Okay, Rose. Wait here, okay." Jack went through the devices, and then the door opened for him.

Within a short while, Jack came out with a man that had blonde hair, a slim waist, and a piecing stare.

Jack introduced them. "Kevin, I would like you to meet my fiancée."

"A pleasure." He got her hand and kissed it. Kevin thought Rose was a perfect match for his brother.

"Okay, Rose. Now, let's go through the procedure. Okay, first speak into here, and say this number okay?" Kevin handed her a card.

"Whenever you’re ready, Rose. Loud and clear," Jack told her as he got the button to record her voice.

"Rose Dawson. Badge Number RSD 29393209908632." After she said it, a green light showed above her head. She put the card into her pocket.

"Okay, that's fine. Now, the next mechanism." They went to the retinal scan. "Okay, lean into this. It won't hurt your eyes. Okay?" Kevin showed her how to do this one.

Rose leaned up against the eye scanner. Kevin punched in a code and she saw a red beam pass.

"Okay, done. Now, the hand scan." He told her to put her hands on the table.

She did, and saw a green light pass.

"Okay, Rose, you are now in the family." Jack got her hand and led her into the individual offices. The first for them to visit was Paola.

"Paola?" He tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey, Jack."

"I would like you to meet Rose."

"Hi, Rose."

"Hi, Paola. Glad to meet some of the people Jack works with."

"Jack, you mind if I show her the rest of the girls?"

"No, I don't mind. Do you, Rose?"

"Not at all. Paola can tell me all the dirty secrets about you."

Rose winked at Jack, and Paola got up to show her around. She took her to the conference room.

"Okay, Rose. Wait here, and I am going to get the girls."

"All right."

Paola called all the girls. Everyone was curious to meet Jack's fiancée.

Paola, Jen, Amanda, Ashley, Lisa, and Bunny entered the conference room and saw the redhead. She was pretty and too good for Jack, some of them thought.

Just then, they were interrupted by the guys. Paola introduced everyone, starting with the girls.

"Rose, I would like you to meet Jen, Amanda, Ashley, Lisa, and Bunny, our spies under cover."

"And these are the guys, as you know. Kevin Dawson, our boss, Christian, our computer hacker, Tobey Maguire, our photo developer."

"Hey, that's microfiche developer," Tobey corrected her.

"And Bill and Jack's replacement, Tommy."

"Hey, I am not Jack's replacement."

"Oh, yeah? Then how come, when Jack is not available, Kevin always asks you to take over his job?" Paola smiled.

Everyone laughed. Tommy threw Paola the eye.

"Oh, Rose, there are two more people I haven't introduced yet," Paola told her.

She hadn't met the Captain and the Lieutenant. Those were their nicknames because Jack and Kevin's foster mom was the real head, and the Lieutenant was Kevin's wife, Cassie Dawson.

Everyone shook Rose's hand.

"Thank you, Paola."

"No problem, Rose."

"Paola, I was wondering if I could ask you a question?"

"Sure. Anything."

"Can you be my maid of honor? I know I don't really know you, but Jack is close to you and I would like to be, too."

"Wow, Rose." She hugged her.

"So, you can help me choose dresses for the rest of the girls. Since you’re my new family, we need to be close, don't you think?"

"Yes, Rose. Absolutely."

"So what do you do here?"

"Mostly help Jack."

"Good to hear." Rose smiled.

"So, I am looking for a job. Think I would be able to be of good use here?"

"I think so. What do you do?"

"I am a sketch artist and I make men want me."

"Really, Rose? A sketch artist? We could use you for fakes and forgeries. Not to say Jake isn't good at that, but we need some new talent here."

"Who's Jake?"

"Jake is Jack's partner."

"Ah. I would like to meet this Jake person."

"You will, all in good time. Jake is on a mission right now." Paola liked Jake. He was a very good artist. "Okay, so let's get you into your own office."

"You know, when Kevin said welcome to the family, I didn't think a job would come with it."

"Well, this is the part where you get to lie to people. The other part of your job is pleasing Jack."

"I like that part."

"I would, too, if he was mine." Paola winked at her. "So, Rose, here's your office, and I will get you anything else, but for now, let's go talk to the Captain."

They walked down a single hallway. It was a glass hallway. Probably had security cameras and snipers.

Paola knocked on the door. "Come in," Irmelin said.

"Ah...Paola, dear." Irmelin smiled at her and wondered who the other girl was.

"I would like to introduce you to Rose," Paola introduced her.

"Just Rose?" the Captain asked.

"No, Ma'am. Rose, soon to be Dawson."

" you must be Jack's fiancée. I was wondering when I would get to meet you, dear."

"I was so hoping to see you, too."

"Paola, dear, you can leave Rose here while we chat."

"All right, Captain." Paola closed the door.

"So, Rose, how did you happen to meet my son?"

"I was his neighbor."

"Ah...the girl next door."


"Okay. So, I will see you at work on Monday. Until then, get some rest. You look tired."

"Okay. Thanks, Mrs. Dawson."

"Anytime, soon-to-be daughter-in-law."

Rose came out of the office to look for Jack. She met Paola in the hallway.

"Paola, can you show me where Jack's office is?"

"Oh, yeah. It's this way."

She opened the door, and found Jack talking to another man.

"Ah...Rose. This is Jake."

"Nice to meet you, Jake. I thought you were on a mission."

"Who told you that?"


"Ah...she is one real sweet girl."

"She mentioned something about that about you."

"Really? Paola is such a quiet girl."

"Well, maybe you should talk to her more." Rose looked at Jack. He knew she was trying to hook up Jake and Paola.

"Well, it was nice seeing you, Jake."

"You, too, Rose." Jake walked out, and upon Jack's desk, Rose found Jake's photo with Jack. It said Summer, Thailand, 2000.

"So, go home now that you have met all the family?"

"Yes, Jack. Let's go home."

Chapter Ten