Chapter Eleven

In Washington, DC, Carl Hanratty was sitting at his desk reading a case when he overheard something very familiar.

"Hey, Jim. You got that file on those two Abagnale guys who ripped off those two banks in France?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. It's right here." Jim passed the man the file.

"Hey, you!" Carl yelled.

"Yeah?" Sam turned his head.

"It wouldn't happen to be Frank Abagnale, by any chance? Would it?" Sam opened the file.

"Yeah. Frank W. Abagnale. Hey, how did you know?" he asked.

"I put him away over twenty years ago." Carl thought about how long it had taken him to find Frank in the first place. Carl's phone rang.

"Carl Hanratty, FBI," he answered.

"Hello, Carl?" Frank asked.

Carl remembered that voice. It sounded the same as it had twenty years ago.

"Frank, up to your old games again? You won't win. It's like Vegas. The big house always wins." He smiled, recalling the same phrase he had used the first time Frank had called him.

"Carl, I am willing to turn myself in if you don't lay a hand on my son." Frank put a letter down on his desk.

"I can't guarantee anything, Frank. You know that. It's out of my hands." Carl had no control over the situation.

"Then let's make a deal," Frank suggested.

"I can't make a deal with a known felon. But let's hear what you've got to say." Carl wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Ever heard of Roxie Donelli?" Frank asked.

"Isn't she related to Max Donelli?" Carl knew exactly who she was now.

"Yeah. The Italian mafia. If I give you their hideout, will I get a reduced sentence?" Frank was willing to give up his life for his son. He would do anything for him.

"I think you got yourself a deal, Frank. I have wanted to catch him for…well…longer than you can think." Carl really wanted to catch Max in the act.

Frank gave the location, and he told Carl he would meet him soon after he caught Max. Within a week, Max's operation had been shut down, and he was now facing twenty years to life. Max wondered who the stool pigeon was, but he never knew.

Carl called Frank's home.

"Abagnale residence. Angelina speaking," a woman answered.

"Ah…Angelina, is Frank home?" Carl asked.

"Not at the moment. He's at the office." Angelina was watching a TV program.

"Tell him to call Carl Hanratty when he gets in." Carl felt like Angelina was the best wife for Frank to keep him out of trouble, even though he hardly knew her.

"All right. Bye." Angelina was too busy to notice who had called.

"Bye, Mrs. Abagnale." Carl hung up.

Frank remembered all the prisons he had been in. Some were real hellholes, except for the one in Sweden. It was almost like you had been sentenced to the Holiday Inn. He hated being in jail. That was why he wasn't looking forward to going. He had spent a lifetime swindling people, and he knew he would have to face this crime. He had known that when he got caught he would be facing prison time. Frank anticipated the feeling of heading back to the slammer. It was no picnic for him, but to save his son he would do anything, because he was the one who had gotten him into this mess in the first place.


Jack lay by Rose. He felt guilty, having done what he had done with Roxie. That was his first time cheating on Rose. Even though it wasn't his fault, he felt that way.

Rose cuddled next to him, glad to feel the warmth of his body again. He had been returned to her in good condition.

He moved slowly so that she wouldn't wake up. He knew that Rose had brought him his clothes, so he decided to take a shower, feeling dirty. For the past two days, he had wanted to rid himself of Roxie's touch. Jack now knew why women felt the way they did after someone touched them without permission, better known as rape.

When he got out of the shower, he felt very much refreshed. He put on his pants, socks, and underwear, but remained without a shirt. His chest was very muscular, a fine build, what every woman wanted in a man. Almost every woman, at least. His streaky blonde hair was combed back, slick from the water. He put his hands on Rose's head. He carefully massaged her head, needing to occupy his mind with the thought of something far more entertaining than the past few days.

Rose felt his hands on her skull, massaging her temples.

"Jack, if you don't stop, I could get used to this." She didn't open her eyes.

"I don't mind, Rose. It keeps me busy." He kept repeating the procedure.

Rose opened her eyes. She glanced up at him, and he was far more handsome now than ever. He moved his hands down her body. Rose was enjoying this far too much. She stood up and asked him about what they had done to him. He didn't really want to answer her. He felt disgusted about it.

"Rose, I know you want to know what went on, but I can't remember much. They drugged me." He lied, but not intentionally.

"Well, if you do remember, don't be afraid to share it with me." Rose knew it had been a traumatic experience for him.

"All right, Rose." He got up and walked to the window.

He saw the beautiful New York skyline. He was glad to be home.

Rose put her arms around him. Her long red hair touched his arm. It gave him a chill.

He turned toward her and kissed her. She touched his chest, aching to be released from her barriers. He took off the beautiful white gown she wore, inching it off her shoulders, kissing her inch by inch.

She leaned into him, feeling that at last her husband had come home. She grabbed his hand and led him to the bed.

They sat together, facing each other, kissing each other. She touched him. He was soft and hot. She became excited a bit too early.

"Rose?" Jack looked at her.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I wanted to wait for you, but my senses took over my body." Rose smiled.

"Quite all right, Rose. I intend to make you have a lot of those tonight." They made love, ripping each other's clothes off as though they were possessed, raging in the need to feed each other's delight. Jack couldn't believe his Rose had gotten so hot for him in such a short while. She was far more in need of him than ever before. Something seemed wrong to him, but he put it off, saying it was his love that made the wild woman come out in her.

Rose's face had become flushed so fast he thought he might explode. He did.

They lay in a tangled heap of arms, legs, and hands entwined. The sheets had now fallen to the floor. Their clothes were scattered everywhere. Rose lay in a comfortable position. She didn't want to move when the phone rang.

Jack got it.

"Hello?" Jack yawned.

"Jack, honey, it's good that you're there. I need your help." Angelina sounded worried.

"Mom, what is it?" Jack could feel his mother's vibes.

"It's your father. He's been arrested," Angelina said.

Jack knew why he had been arrested. Jack had thought he would be caught, too, but something must have happened, and he intended to find out what.

Jack quickly threw on his clothes and told Rose he was going to the police station.

Frank lay in a cell, waiting for his lawyer, Michael Cutting. He had called him to his defense. Michael had asked why he needed a lawyer. Frank hadn't spoken of the details. Even if he had had his law license, it still wasn't legal.

The guard came in.

"Frank Abagnale, you have a visitor." The guard led him out.

Frank walked out and followed the guard.

He led him to the row of phone booths where loved ones could communicate through the phone.

"Right down there." The guard pointed.

Frank walked down the aisle, expecting to see Michael. He didn't expect to see his son.

Frank sat down and picked up the receiver.

Jack picked up the one on his end.

"Dad, what did you do?" Jack asked.

"I turned myself in." Frank stared at his son. He was everything to him. He wished he could have been there for him more often.

"But why, Dad?" Jack had thought his father wouldn't do that.

"Because, if I didn't, I would have been picked up sometime, and this time I won't stay long. I made a deal with Carl Hanratty." Frank saw the question that Jack had in his expression.

"Dad, do you really trust Carl?" Jack did not know Carl that well, but he had to ask.

"Yeah, son, I do." Frank had trusted Carl many times when he had escaped him, but in the end he had trusted him with his life.

"Is there anything I can do?" Jack wanted to help his dad get out of there.

"No. Son, take care of your mom and your brother for me. The business is now yours. I signed it over to you just before I got arrested." He touched the glass.

"Dad, I promise to keep my end of the bargain up. You just come home as quick as you can," Jack said, touching the glass, too.

"I will, son. Take care." Frank had no idea how long he would be in the pokey this time.

"Don't worry. I will." Jack had more or less always kept his promises. This time he wouldn't fail.

Chapter Twelve