Chapter Fifteen

By the time Jack got to the hospital, it was almost too late. His father's condition had gone from bad to worse. Rose waited, feeling uncertain as to how he would react.

"Jack, thank God you're here." Rose went to him.

"Why? What's wrong?" Jack did not think that it was that serious.

"Your father has been calling for you, saying that he's not leaving until you’re here." Rose had no idea what to do. She was confused.

Jack quickly went inside. His father was attached to monitors and the like.

"Dad?" Jack was worried about him.

"Frank? Is little Frankie here, too?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, Dad. He is with Rose. I am here, Dad. You're not dying. You're strong." Jack tried not to cry.

"No, Frank. It is time. I can feel it." Frank could feel himself slipping away.

"You sure?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. I want you to have this." He passed him a little black book with account numbers inscribed inside it. "I have been putting money into this account, Frank, under Jack Dawson, since the day your mom left you with me. It's over a million dollars. I want you to give some to Franklin for college."

"Sure, Dad. I will." Jack always kept his promises.

"Dad? Where is Angelina? Shouldn't she be here?" Jack asked.

"I have no idea, but she must be on her way. If I don't see her, tell her that I loved her very much." Frank wanted to wait for her to say good-bye, if he could.

"Okay, Dad. I will." Jack touched his father's hand for support.

"Jack, I am very tired, and I am going to rest now. I am so proud of you. You are the most precious thing I have ever loved," Frank tried to say through the oxygen mask.

"Thanks, Dad. You rest now, okay? Get better," Jack told him, feeling very sad.

"Okay, Frank. I love you, son," Frank managed to say.

"I do, too, Dad." Hearing that made Jack start to cry.

Jack went outside to tell Rose and Franklin quickly about his father's condition.

"Jack, how is he?" Rose asked.

"it seems like he's trying to hang on until Mom gets here. He's so very strong. I know he can make it." Jack wiped his tears on his sleeve.

"Dad, can I see him?" Franklin asked.

"Sure. Go ahead." Jack had wanted his father and his son to get close, and now he feared that it was too late.

Franklin walked inside the room. He could hear the monitors beeping. Then, all of a sudden, a loud beep went on. Franklin called Jack.

"Dad, hurry! Something is wrong." Franklin knew that there would be no luck. Somehow, he knew his grandfather was gone.

"Doctor! My father!" Jack called to them.

The doctors ran in and tried to resuscitate him. After ten minutes, there was no response. Frank William Abagnale, known as the Skyway Man, was dead.

The news was dreadful to all.

Even Angelina, who had not gotten there in time, would feel awful that she wasn't there in the last moments of his life.

Jack cried and held onto Rose.

Franklin was shocked, unable to believe that his grandpa had died.

"Frank!" Angelina rushed in, running.

"Mom, he's gone." He went to her.

"No, he's fine. He's okay." Angelina tried to calm herself.

"Mom, he told me that he loved you very much," Jack said, still crying.

"No! Frank!" She began to cry, and he held her.

Jack now had a different agenda. He had a funeral to prepare, and he had to see what exactly was in those accounts. With his father gone, it only meant one thing--his father was at peace and there would be no more running, which reminded him of Carl Hanratty. They had been close, and he was sure he would want him to be there. After all the things they had been through, he was sure that he wanted him there.

Chapter Sixteen