Chapter Seventeen

Rated NC-17 for Content

Toward night, everyone gathered around the fire. They started to play games like spin the bottle.

When it was Frank's turn, it landed on Erica.

"Okay, Erica. Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth," Erica said.

"All right. Um…have you ever slept with a guy?" He knew the answer, but didn't have anything else to ask.

"No," she answered truthfully.

Erica spun the bottle. It landed on Leah.

"Okay, Leah. Truth or dare?" she asked.

"Um…dare." Leah watched her.

"Okay. I dare you to kiss Kyle," Erica said.

She looked at Kyle and tapped his lips.

Leah spun the bottle. It landed on Frank.

"Frank, truth or dare?" She watched his eyes.

"Dare," he said.

"I dare you to kiss my foot." She took her foot and offered it to him.

He kissed her toes, making her laugh.

Frank spun it. It landed on Erica again.

"Erica, you know the drill." He challenged her to pick dare.

"Okay. Dare." She knew what he wanted her to choose, so she did.

"I dare you to kiss Leah," he said, daring her.

"Say what? I am not a lesbian, Frank," Erica said.

"Just kiss her on the cheek, then." He watched the two girls kiss each other. It excited him a little.

Erica spun it again, and it landed on Frank. She had an evil grin on her face.

"Okay, Frank. Truth or dare?" She said dare with an evil tone.

"Truth," he said.

"Have you ever thought of a threesome, and if you have, who would you choose as the third partner?" She had wondered this after he had dared her to kiss Leah.

"Um…no, actually. I never thought about it, but if I had to choose, it would all depend on if the girl was willing to join in." He winked at her.

"Okay. Fair enough." She looked at him, and knew he was teasing her.

Frank spun it and it landed on Danny.

"Dan, truth or dare?" He took out a smoke and waited for him to make up his mind.

"Um…dare," Danny said.

"Okay. I dare you to make out with Erica." He let out a puff and said it clearly.

Erica looked at him in a mad way. She let Danny touch her lips, and only her lips. When they were done, everyone went their separate ways.

Frank went with Leah into their tent, and Kyle and Crystal into theirs.

Erica stood at the fire. Danny looked at her. He knew something was wrong.

"Hey, Erica. Did something happen between us that I should know about?" He sat next to her.

"Somewhat. I don't think we should be together anymore." She looked down at the fire.

"What? Why?" He wondered what he had done.

"Because I am in love with someone else." She looked him in the eye.

"Who?" He had no idea who she loved.

"I am not telling." She didn't want to tell him it was his best friend.

"Fine, then. Good night." He walked away, angry, and went into his tent.

Erica stood by the fire alone. Her tent was set up, and she heard noises coming from Frank and Leah's tent. She knew automatically what was going on.

She envied Leah so much. She was lucky. Erica went into her tent. She turned on her radio, turning it up loud.

From the sound of it, no one minded her music. She was happy about that.

She lay there, trying to go to sleep, but she couldn't, so she unzipped her tent when she saw Frank smoking a cigarette.

"Hi, Frank. Mind if I join you while I kill myself a little more?" She took a cigarette from her pocket and lit it.

"Nah, don't mind at all." He looked at her, wondering what was going through her mind.

"Where's Leah?" She was cold, so she grabbed a blanket from her tent.

"Asleep." He noticed that she was sleeping in shorts and a small tank top.

"Does she always fall asleep after you two…you know?" Erica knew better than to ask, but she did anyway.

"Not always. Erica, mind if I ask you something?" He was curious about her.

"Not at all, Frank. Go ahead. Ask anything you want." She got comfortable and kicked back.

"All right. I am guessing that Leah told you about our sex life. Is there something you're interested in about it?" He waited for her to respond.

"No," she said quickly.

"Let me rephrase that." He sat close to her. "Do you want sex?" He looked into her pretty brown eyes.

"I guess I do, but I haven't found the right guy. I mean, I am eighteen, dammit. I should be out there partying, not thinking about something I never had before." She threw her cigarette into the fire, hugging herself.

"It's your curiosity that needs to be tamed, Erica." He flipped his cigarette into the fire, too.

"I know I am a bad person, and I know I shouldn't be acting like this, but fuck, Frank. I look at you and I feel you're the one." She didn't look at him at all.

"Me, Erica? Nah. I think you're just infatuated." He knew it couldn't be true. Erica had always hated him.

"Infatuation? I think not, Frank. Follow me. I have something to show you." She took her blanket with her to a more secluded place.

He followed her, though he knew he shouldn't. They walked into the dark forest, where the only light they could see was the starlight.

She sat on a rock near the water. She faced him and got his hand, trailing it up her thigh.

"I really don't think we should, Erica. I love Leah." He really didn't want another woman at this time. He wasn't a cheater.

"I know, Frank, but you aren't going to do anything. I just want to show you. All right?" She kept her word.

"Okay." He looked at her, nervous.

He felt her slip his hand inside her, and she was so moist he quickly took his hand away.

"Does that feel like infatuation, Frank?" She had never let anyone touch her there before, not even her boyfriend, Danny.

"No, but…" He looked down at the water, not knowing what to do.

"Frank, I know what I want, and it's you. Just do it." She sat closer to him, waiting for him to touch her.

"I can't, Erica. It's bad enough that I touched you." He felt like a traitor.

She lowered her tank top straps, exposing her breasts to him.

He stared at her, not wanting to cheat on Leah. He was feeling totally guilty.

"Touch me, Frank." She waited for him to feel her, but he did nothing.

He put her straps back up. He turned away, not looking at her.

"Frank, I am so sorry. I should just go back in that river and kill myself. I am sorry." She cried silently and turned around.

"It's okay. I understand your needs. I just can't. I am with Leah." He really wished he could help her, but he knew he couldn't.

"I understand. I am very sorry." She walked away and went to see Danny, wanting to rid herself of her virginity.

"Danny, are you awake?" She stepped inside his tent.

"Yeah. What do you want?" He sat up and saw her in her PJ's.

She got close to him and kissed him, exposing herself to him and waiting for him to take the bait.

He took her lips and kissed her body slowly.

Before they knew it, they lay there naked, and when he put himself in her, she tensed up a little. Not wanting him, but Frank instead.

He went fast and hard in her, and she felt very weird. Her breasts went up and down as he held her hands above her head.

She was panting and breathing hard. She had never felt like this, but she wished it was Frank.

Danny was unlike most men. He cared for Erica. When he felt himself almost at the edge, he pulled out of her. She watched his love juice slide down him. It was a weird spectacle for her to see. In the course of that time, he wondered if she had come at all.

He put his hand inside her while his mouth paid attention to her breasts.

He felt her getting really wet on him, and when she screamed out, he knew he had fulfilled his task.

She lay there, sleeping by his side. Danny held her as he pulled the blanket over them.


In the morning, everyone slept in late. Erica stretched, feeling great and better than ever. Danny was asleep, so she let herself out.

Leah and Frank were sitting there eating.

"Long night, Leah?" she asked, smiling at her.

"Sure was, Erica." Frank had told Leah about what had transpired between them. She was going to keep an eye out from now on.

"So, Frank, when do swimming lessons start?" She knew he could see her nipples through her thin shirt, but she didn't care.

"Um…later today, when it gets warmer." He sat there, eating and looking at her at the same time.

"Okay. Gosh, I am starving. What's to eat?" Erica's hair was a mess, but she didn't care. She felt great.

Erica didn't love Danny. She had just used him to satisfy herself, and Frank knew it.

Danny came out. He had never felt better.

"Hey, guys. Where's my girl?" He wiped his eyes and yawned.

"Here. I didn't want to wake you." She stood there, eating a power bar.

"It's all right." He went to her and kissed her.

She took his hand, leading him back inside the tent when she was finished eating. Frank and Leah could hear giggling.

They got up and went for a walk, not wanting to hear what was going on.

"Do you think she is over you, Frank?" Leah asked.

"Not by a long shot. She's just putting up a front so we won't see her real pain. I am going to go for a swim. Wanna come with me?" He wanted to get his mind off Erica, but somehow, he couldn't.

"Nah. It's too early for me." She looked at him as if he were crazy.

"All right. I am gonna go take a morning swim." He went to his tent to get his shorts.

"Okay." She followed him back.

He went inside his tent and got his swim trunks on. It was really sunny, and it was perfect for swimming.

He looked over at Erica. She and Danny were chatting.

He figured that, to get rid of his tension, he would help her learn to swim now instead of later.

"Hey, Erica. Wanna do it now?" he asked her.

"Sure. Let me get my suit on. See you later, baby." She kissed Danny and went to her tent.

He waited for her, and when she was ready, they walked in together.

"Okay, Frank. What's first?" she asked.

"All right. First of all, don't panic. Stay still and do the dead man's float." He knew she had no idea what he was talking about.

"Huh?" She looked at him weird.

"Come here. I will show you." He took her hand. It felt soft.

He took hold of her and lay her down on her back in the water. He stared at her breasts. They were much bigger than Leah's. He stopped thinking about them and put his mind on something else. He held her to support her, and then he told her to slowly open her eyes.

"Erica, just don't move. All right?" he asked, backing away.

"Okay, Frank." She felt him pull away, and she noticed that she was floating.

She was so excited, she moved and fell into the water. When she came up, she was laughing.

"I did it, Frank." She smiled.

"I know. Congratulations. Okay, now something a little more hard." He was happy and smiled back at her. "I want you to swim over to me." He swam further away from her.

She started to dog paddle to him, and by the time she reached him, she was in deep water.

"Oh, my gosh! Frank, I did it!" She wasn't afraid, not with him around.

"Yes, you did. Okay, now, let's take you back." He looked at her. This question he had in his mind had bugged him all day. "But before I do, I have something to ask you." He looked at her in a serious state.

"Okay. What?" She looked at him, knowing what he was going to ask.

"Was Danny what you really wanted last night?" He looked at her, knowing that he had no right to ask that in the first place.

"I don't think I should answer that. You know the answer." She watched his beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes, I do." He looked at her, wanting to tell her he was interested, but couldn't.

She lowered herself down into the water, and he watched her go. He wondered where she had gone.

He called her when he felt her tugging down his shorts. He felt her mouth on his manhood. She didn't stay there for long, though.

When she came out of the water, she looked into his eyes.

"Erica, we should get back." He had loved it when she had done that, and he felt like shit.

"Yeah. All right. Thanks for the swimming lesson." She swam back, not saying a word.

He watched her go, waiting for himself to go down.

Chapter Eighteen