Chapter Nineteen

When morning came, Frank walked into the shower and was ready to get his suit, but before he had the chance to get his suit out of the closet, the phone rang. He picked it up.

"Hello?" he said, sitting on the bed.

"Hey, Frank. It's Leah," Leah said.

"Hi, Leah." She sounded happy to hear his voice.

"What time should I be there?" she asked.

"Um…well, we are leaving at nine o‘clock. I will come and get you," he told her, before she could say anything.

"Okay. Cool. I will be ready by then. Love you." She meant it. She loved him so much.

"Love you, too." Frank put down the receiver.

He glanced at the clock, and it was only 7:45. He got his suit out of the closet and put it on the bed. Then, the phone rang again.

"Hello?" he said in a hurried tone.

"Hey, Frank. It's Erica. Look, I know what happened between us is a secret, but I was wondering if I could see you." Erica heard his voice. It was erotic to her.

"I know. So do I, but I am breaking up with Leah today. I made up my mind," he told her.

"Frank, don't! Don't break up with her. She loves you. And you and I hate each other's guts. Let's just call it a one night stand, Frank, and forget about it," she told him.

"I can't, Erica. I can't lie to her. I have to tell her before it eats me alive." He felt guilty enough not telling her yesterday.

"Well, it's your decision. All I know is that I don't love Danny. Never have. Never will. I have always been in love with you, Frank. I just had to tell myself to hate you because I liked you." She bit her lip.

"Well, Erica, I don't know how this is gonna affect our relationships with Kyle, Crystal, and Danny. But if we want to be together, we just have to face everyone, no matter how much they hate us." Frank took his towel off and dried his hair with one hand.

"Me either, Frank. You're going to the funeral, right?" She went to her closet, getting something to wear.

"Yeah." He wondered what she wanted.

"What time will you be back?" she asked.

"Um…I guess by noon. Why?" He ran a brush through his hair.

"Well, I was thinking that I would come over and cheer you up a little." She smiled when she said it.

"Well, all right. Sure. I can use it, after what I am gonna do." He could use all the cheering up he could get.

"All right. See you later." She clicked off.

"Yeah. See ya." He hung up the receiver again and lay on his bed, wishing that he had never been with Erica.


Jack and Rose got ready for the funeral. Jack dressed all in black, and so did Rose. When Frank came down the stairs, he was dressed in his dark blue suit, looking pretty hot and sexy, but his face didn't show it.

"Hey, Frank. How was camping?" Rose asked.

"It was okay, Mom," he said, looking at her with an awful expression.

"Why are you sad?" Rose asked.

"I have to break up with Leah. I cheated on her when I knew I shouldn't have." He looked up at his mom.

"Aw, Franklin." The look in Rose's eyes expressed how he was feeling at that moment.

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, I am gonna go for a drive. I will be at the funeral when it's time," he said, grabbing the keys out of his pocket.

"Okay. Good luck, son." She hugged him before he left.

"Thanks, Mom." He hugged her back.

He walked outside, got in his car, and started the engine. He put on a song he had often heard, Save Me, by Remy Zero.

After checking in his rearview mirror for oncoming traffic, he backed out and drove down the road to the freeway to go to Leah's house.

By the time he got there, all he wanted to do was turn back, but he just had to see her. He walked up the walkway to the front door and knocked. Leah's mom answered.

"Hey, Frank." She smiled at him. He looked handsome in his suit.

"Hey, Mrs. Carlson." He felt like this was the last time he would be seeing this house.

"Leah is upstairs, getting dressed," she told him.

"All right. I will wait." He took off his sunglasses.

"You want anything to eat or drink?" Mrs. Carlson asked.

"Nah. I am not hungry." He looked up towards Leah's room.

"All right," she said.

Mrs. Carlson went upstairs and called Leah, telling her Frank was there. He waited for Leah to come down the stairs after her mom had called her.

She came down the stairs and kissed him.

"Wow! You look good in black," Frank said.

"Thanks. You look handsome." She kissed him again.

"Leah, we need to talk." He couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, Frank." He took her hand and followed her up the stairs.

When they got to her room, she looked at him, confused. "What is it, Frank?"

"Leah, there's no simple way to say this, and believe me, it hurts me more to do this to you than you'll ever know. I feel like shit doing this, but I have to, Leah. I'm breaking up with you." He stared at the floor.

"You're breaking up with me? Why? Did I do something wrong?" Leah had a worried look. She couldn't begin to wonder what she had done to him.

"No. You're the best girlfriend in the world. I love you so much. I don't wanna hurt you. Leah, I messed up big time. I cheated on you," he said, looking at her. She wasn't even crying.

"You cheated on me with who?" she asked.

"Erica. We had sex once on the camping trip," he told her.

"But why? You hate her guts!" Leah was so angry at him that she wanted to rip his head off.

"I know I do, but I guess that when we saved each other, we became closer than we expected." He wanted her to hit him.

"Frank, can't we talk about this?" Leah asked.

"Leah, don't make this harder than it already is." He looked at her.

"Frank, you cheated on me. The least you can do is hear me out. I should be kicking your ass down the stairs, but I'm not," she said calmly.

"At least if you were mad and hit me, I would understand. Why are you so calm about this? Don't you hate me?" Frank walked to her.

"Yeah, I do. Very much, but I am not losing you for doing something stupid." She had tears in her eyes.

"Leah, let me go. If I do it again to you, it would be like treating you like a whore. I don't wanna treat you like that. Let me get Erica out of my system." He tried to hold her, but she pulled away.

"Fine! Be with her. See if I care." She turned around and got her sunglasses.

"Leah, I am sorry." Frank could say it over and over, but he knew it didn't matter.

"Not as sorry as I am, Franklin! So, are we still going to the funeral or what?" Leah calmed herself.

"Yeah." He walked out first.

"The least I can do is pay my respects to your family and all before I start dating other people," Leah told him.

"You're gonna date other people?" he asked, hating the idea of her seeing someone else.

"Yes. I don't have a boyfriend anymore. Now it's time to find a new one," she said coldly.

He knew she was mad, so he didn't argue with her about it. They got into the car and didn't talk at all. When he reached the cemetery, he got out of the car and was going to open the door for her, but she got out before he could open the door.

Chapter Twenty