Chapter Twenty-Two

Franklin lay there, unable to fall asleep after the visit with Leah and Erica. He was closing his eyes when he heard a noise outside his window. He got up and saw a figure in the moonlight. When he opened the window, it turned out to be Leah.

"Leah, what the hell you doing out so late at night?" Franklin asked, opening the window.

"I wanted to see you. Can you help me?" She stepped onto a branch of the tree outside his window and gave him her hand.

"Sure." He helped her over.

When she got inside, she looked at him in the darkness and kissed him. "Hmm…I missed that."

"So, what's up?" Franklin asked.

"I was thinking over your offer. I want your baby, Franklin." She knew this all seemed crazy, but she didn't care.

"Are you serious?" He wondered if he should have told her that earlier.

"Yes. Make love to me." Leah kissed him with all the passion she had within her.

He pulled her to him and took off her jacket. She took off his t-shirt and touched his skin like she had so many times before. She brought his head down to her lips, urging him onto his bed. He loved everything she was and everything she meant to him. If he had to kill himself tonight, making a baby, he would, and he’d die a happy man.


The next morning came quickly. He lay there naked with Leah on his chest. He could imagine waking up like this forever with her. He gently moved her so he could get up. He put on his boxers and went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he could see his grandfather in himself. He looked up and whispered, "Grandpa, please, take care of me for Leah's sake."

When he got back in bed, Leah woke up. "Hey."

"Hey, beautiful. I gotta get dressed. We leave in under two hours." He looked at the clock, wondering if his father was with his mother, just like he had been with Leah.

"So soon?" She got up, seeing the time.

"Yeah. I wish I didn't have to go, but I promise I will come back to you." If he had to fight his way back to her, he would.

"You’d better." She kissed him, savoring the taste of him on her lips, because she didn't know how long he would be gone. "I will wait for you." She kissed him again and held him tight.

"And I will come home to you." He looked into her eyes, wishing he could just marry her and not go.

She cried, not wanting to let him go. He held her tight. "I promise, baby, on my life, I will come back to you. Will you write me?"

"I will," Leah promised.

He got out of bed to get dressed. She did the same. When they were both dressed, he walked her downstairs quietly so he wouldn't disturb his parents. He kissed her good-bye, then went upstairs to go back to bed. He closed his eyes just for a little while. The next thing he knew, his father was shaking him to wake up. "Come on. We are gonna be late, sport."

"All right. I am up." Franklin got out of bed and walked down the stairs with his dad.

Rose had made them both something to eat. She kissed both of them good-bye and waited as Jack's car went down the road. She ended up crying after they left. They were the only two things that were precious in her life. She hadn't wanted either of them to leave.


As Franklin and Jack reached the airport, they didn't know how they were going to get their tickets. Then they remembered that they probably had some waiting for them. Sure enough, their tickets were under their names.

"Dad, are you scared?" Franklin asked, handing his ticket over to the stewardess.

"Yes, Franklin, I am." Jack hadn't wanted to admit it, but he was afraid.

"Oh. I thought it was just me." Franklin thought his father was very brave, so he hugged him close as they walked onto their flight.


In the sky, Franklin was feeling sick. The plane was making him sick. He had never flown before. This was his first time. He ran to the bathroom and vomited. When he came out, he felt better. They had been on the plane for hours. Just then, the stewardess announced that they were almost there. Franklin sat back down in his seat as the plane started to descend. When they landed, he got up and went with his father, holding his hand.

They got off the plane, and when they saw a sign with their names held by two MP's, they knew that something serious was up. Franklin walked to the car with his father. No one said a word. All through the drive, it was quiet, until they got out and walked across the naval base. They ended up meeting Robert there.

"Jack?" Robert saw him and Franklin.

"Robert! Long time no see." He hugged him.

"Tell me about it, brother." They hugged each other.

"Is this Franklin?" Robert looked at him, amazed.

"Yeah." Jack said proudly.

"Gosh, he's big. I am so sorry I couldn't make it to the funeral. I was in surgery." Robert hadn't wanted to miss the funeral, but he hadn’t been able to get away.

"Quite all right, brother. Dad understood." He remembered the letter that his father had written.

"So, this is the uncle I never met," Franklin said to his father.

"Aw…Franklin, I always sent you presents for Christmas. Did you get the one hundred bucks I sent?" Robert patted his head.

"Yeah, I did. Thank you." He looked at his uncle. He seemed younger than his father. He wondered what the secret behind that was.

"You’re welcome, I know it isn't much, but I am pretty sure your father spoils you." Robert smiled at him.

"It's all right. You can give me more at my wedding," Franklin said, hoping that his uncle would be there for that day.

"You’re getting married?" Robert was surprised. He was so young.

"Sure am. Just as soon as this mess is over with." Franklin hated being there. He wanted to go home.

"Congratulations," Robert said, and shook his hand.

"Thanks." Franklin smiled.

A man came into the room they were waiting in. He looked at a paper. "Will a Frank, Jr., Robert, and Franklin Abagnale come with me?"

They all got up and followed the man to another room. There were three chairs inside. Each of them took a seat. They waited as a man who was holding a clipboard went to talk to another man. When the man with the military attire looked at them, he told the man with the clipboard to leave. And so he did.

"Hello, my name is Major General Hadden. You’ve probably wondered why you’re being called in. Well, I will put it as simply as I can. First of all, so glad you could all make it here. I apologize for the time we called you. Which one of you is the pilot?" The major looked at them with a stern expression.

"I am, sir." Jack raised his hand.

"All right. What we need is a special crew for this mission, and someone told me that the Abagnales would be good for this. Frank, Jr., you fly planes, right?"

"Yes, sir, but never military aircraft. Only 747's, commercial airplanes, and smaller planes," Jack said, waiting for the man to continue.

"That's all right. There's no need for that. You see, a few days ago, the Iranians got hold of a large number of stolen bank drafts. It turns out that they are funding their whole operation with these fake bank drafts. What we need you to do is find out who is doing this, and then close down that operation." The major took a seat and stared at them.

Robert raised his hand. "How are we gonna do that, and why do you need a medic?"

"Robert, we need you, because if anything should happen, these two are gonna need you, and frankly, we couldn't spare one of our medics because of the war." The major looked elsewhere and pulled out a map.

"I see." Robert looked down.

"So, where is this operation at?" Franklin asked.

"It's on the border of Turkey. That's the last we heard. We will give you all the supplies you need for check-making." Hadden saw the young man and wished that he could have done this easier than sending him, but his officials had said that there was no choice in the matter.

"But, sir, we know nothing about making checks," Jack said, out of turn.

"I do." Robert raised his hand.

"Robert, how do you know?" Jack looked at him.

"Remember how you were always with Rose, and I stayed home?" Robert remembered those days. He had cherished them.

"Yeah?" Jack looked confused.

"Dad helped me learn how to make them if I was ever in a jam and needed the knowledge. He taught me all the techniques, colors, printing, the works," Robert explained.

"So, that's why you were always going with him to the store. Did you help him get the money into those Swiss bank accounts?" Jack asked.

"None other. How do you think I made it as a doctor without the help of Dad's company?" Robert did not feel ashamed for not telling him about it.

"How could you have kept this a secret from me?" Jack was angry that he had kept it a secret.

"I just didn't think you cared," Robert said.

"I care about you a lot, Robert." Jack felt like he had been betrayed by his own brother.

"Well, then, I will give you gentlemen a few days to get your things together. Then, Frank, Jr. will fly you guys to the airstrip on the border." Hadden got up, preparing to leave.

"Please, call me Jack," Jack said. He liked Frank, but without the junior.

"All right, Jack." Hadden bowed.

"Sir, if you need them, what about me? I am not even eighteen yet. I shouldn't even be here," Franklin said.

"Franklin, you did the best acting in--what was it--seventh grade as a substitute teacher. You are the one who's gonna get in contact with these guys. You see, you’re innocent, so they might think you’re a young man coming into his own, and once they know you’re an Abagnale, you’re sure get in good with them." He had a good feeling about this.

"So I am the stool pigeon?" Franklin asked.

"You’re not a stool pigeon. You’re the connection, Franklin." He wanted to make the young man feel special, but in all honesty, he knew this kid was smarter than he let on.

"Great! Not only am I not able to drink at my age, or vote, for that matter, but I have to lie for the government," Franklin said, throwing his hands into the air.

"Don't worry, Franklin. By the end of this, you won't have to worry about anything." Hadden tried to make him see the brighter side of the situation.

"Yeah, if they don't kill me first," Franklin said, walking away.

Chapter Twenty-Three