Chapter Twenty-Three

They had been there three days, and already Franklin was missing Leah. He hadn't called her at all. He really wanted to see her again and feel her in his arms. His father had been chatting around with the other pilots, asking for information on their upcoming missions. Robert had been practicing making checks, and with all this going around, Franklin was often led to thinking about Leah. He was bored. He knew that he could get through this. He just wished that it would end. He went to his quarters and checked his bag for his final preparations. They were leaving today, and today, he had to make the performance of his life.

"You all done, sport?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, Dad. Everything is in order," Franklin said, looking at his things.

"Well, come on. Grab your bag. We’re going now." Jack winked at him.

"All right." Franklin grabbed his bag.

Robert met them on the airline strip. He had packed all his supplies in the plane that they were taking to Turkey. He packed everything in neat piles, the paper, ink and other supplies he had needed. He heard voices and glanced up to see Jack and Franklin coming toward the small plane.

"We all ready Robert?" Jack looked up at him.

"Yep." He climbed down to help Franklin with his bags.

"Thanks Uncle." Franklin said.

"No Problem. You could sit in the front. I hate flying." Robert smiled and touched Franklin's head.

"Hey what do you know so do I." Franklin smiled.

"You, the son of an airline pilot hate flying. Franklin Abagnale, you should be ashamed of yourself." He laughed.

Franklin laughed too and sat down in the front seat. Jack put on his headphones. "All set for take off." He called in.

"All right Abagnale when ever your ready you have clearance," said a man with a British accent.

"Affirmative." Jack said.

Jack lead the plane to the airstrip for take off. When he got in the position he wanted he brought the steering wheel forward. Franklin held on to his seat feeling like he was going to vomit. Robert held his breath as they ascended into the blue skies. When they were in the air Jack looked over at Franklin and Robert. "How are you two doing?"

"I'm fine, Jack." Robert said sitting down looking at some notes he had wrote.

"You son?" Jack looked at him.

"Doing ok so far." He smiled not feeling sick at all.

"Don't worry I am a good pilot." Jack assured him.

"I am sure you are dad with all your flight experience." He said trusting his father.

"All right so when we land. We will change into our suits I already ordered a good car for us and we have a location that is in the territory of those bank thefts. So I guess we got everything in order." Jack wanted to confirm everything before they landed.

"You forgot one thing dad." Franklin spoke up.

“What?” He looked at him clueless.

"How the hell I am I gonna pull this off?" Franklin wondered.

"Do what you have to son. There are no restrictions on this mission." Jack told him.

"All right, but I am not sleeping with anyone." He meant it.

"Agreed neither an I. Your mother is the only one I want. Hey Robert you got anyone?" Jack looked over his shoulder putting the plane on autopilot.

"Nah too busy with work. I love being a surgeon got no time for a girlfriend." Robert looked at Jack waiting for him to say something.

"Work is good, but you need to get out more. Your not still a virgin are you?" Jack asked.

"Jack shut up." He hadn't wanted Franklin to know.

"Your a virgin uncle?" Franklin looked at him surprised.

"If you must know I am. All right there I said it." He confessed.

"Yeah I know you said it." "Finally!" Jack said straight out.

"Hey!" Robert punched him in the shoulder.

"So dad how much more till we get there?" Franklin interrupted.

"Just a little longer. You aren't feeling sick are you?" Jack asked waiting for him to vomit again.

"Nah. I think I am getting use to this." Franklin smiled and relaxed in his seat.

They flew the next few hours sleeping and thinking over things that they might have forgotten. Jack sat there just looking out at the blue sky he missed it. He felt like he was home again then he began to think of Rose and the first time he had went on the jump seat and met her at her college. He was so happy then. But he never regretted anything everything had worked out. He had everything he ever wanted.

When the plane came to their target Jack put on his headphones and put it on a different frequency he heard an Arabic language. He understood what they were saying and replied telling them that he was landing and who he was. The man gave him a place to land and Jack slowly descended to the ground. The bumping of the wheels on the pavement woke up Franklin and Robert.

"We here?" Franklin asked rubbing his eyes.

"Yep." Jack said putting on the brakes.

"So where exactly are we?" He asked.

"Ankara, Turkey. The capital of Turkey. Oh and money here is called Lira." He reminded him.

"Ok dad. Sure is hot here. Thank god I brought my sun outfit." Sweat was already on his forehead as he opened the main hatch.

Jack was the first one to get out while Franklin and Robert changed into something cooler. He saw a beautiful woman come up to him. "Welcome to Ankara."

"Marhaban" Jack said with a perfect accent.

"Marhaban. You don't have to speak Arabic. I know English." She laughed and smiled.

"Ah thank god. I mean I speak Arabic, but I am not very good at it." He said embarrassed that he spoke a little off key.

"Your perfect. You're the pilot I gather are there any more passengers?" She asked waiting for the rest of them.

"Two." Jack took off his hat.

"Men or women? Business or Pleasure?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Men. We are here on business and you are?" He was curious as to who she was.

"Sorry to be so rude my name is Mina Rasha." She extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you. My boss should be coming he is changing cause of the hot weather." He shook her hand and looked around for the car he reserved.

"Awe first time to Turkey?" She walked with him to the back of the plane.

"Yes." He smiled.

Franklin came out of the plane feeling much better in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He had sunglasses on and smiled. He walked up to his father and greeted the lady. "Marhaban" He got her hand and kissed it.

"Why thank you. It's been so long since I met a gentlemen." She blushed.

"Your welcome my lady, I'm Frank Abagnale. And who might this beautiful creature be?" He asked.

"I'm Mina Rasha." She told him.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled.

"As well as you Frank Abagnale. Would your pilot and servant be coming with you?" She smiled he was young and handsome for his age.

"Yes I gather you are our guide." He walked with her.

"Yes. My father has been ill and he told me to take you around and meet some of the people." She explained her situation.

"Thank you. You met my pilot yes and my servant Rob." He pointed to them.

"Just the pilot you look a little young to be the owner of your own corporation." She asked wondering what he was doing in Turkey.

"I am almost twenty, been dabbling in a little money here and there. I heard there was a big heist with some counterfeit bank drafts." He asked wondering if she knew anything about it.

"Ah yes, but I don't know anyone associated with that." She smiled at him not caring about that kind of stuff.

"How have you come to speak such perfect English." He changed the subject.

"My father is Arab, my mother was English." She wiped her forehead sweating from the sun.

"Oh. Well I shall only need a guide during the day my nights are often busy is there any good places to stay." He walked to the car seeing that it was grade A in his book his father knew taste when he saw it.

"Aw yes, our hotel is where you will be staying. It's a bit modern." She warned him.

"That's fine." He smiled looking up to the skies.

"Then welcome to Ankara." She smiled too.

"Thank you. Um can I get some one to help with my things." He asked.

"Yeah sure." She called a few men to help him.

Jack got a few of the boxes and helped Robert. He looked over at his son who was doing a fine job. He sort of hated that he had to play the servant to his own son, but he had no choice. Robert saw Mina he kept starring at her. She was beautiful. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. Jack starred at Robert. He wondered if Robert had finally met his match. Mina hadn't really saw Robert yet. She was too busy ushering the men to put the boxes in the bigger truck. When she finally saw Robert she immediately fell in love. They gathered everything into the truck and Franklin gave them an address where the items were suppose to be shipped. A warehouse that Jack had volunteered to go to and see that their items were stored neatly and without harm. He wanted Robert to go with Franklin he had set it up that way.

Chapter Twenty-Four