Chapter Twenty-Five

Rated NC-17 for Content

Franklin mailed his letters the next day. He got a post office box so they wouldn't know where they were. He sent them by express mail so they would get there quickly. Franklin stood out the whole day looking for people who knew anything about the missing bank drafts or anyone who would want to work for them. Robert worked all day at the warehouse, preparing his equipment to make the checks that he had learned to make with his father, Frank, Sr. Before he got the machines up and going, he did a pre-test to make sure everything worked correctly. As everything turned out, Robert was just like his father, an expert at making checks. No one was allowed at the warehouse, only the Abagnales and whoever they got to work for them. Mina called Franklin and asked him if he needed her. When she found out that he didn't, she planned her day with Robert. She planned a night out dancing, dinner, and a cozy place for them to get to know each other.

Robert thought about Mina the whole time he was working. It was hard for him to continue. He called Mina.

"Hello," she answered.

"Mina, I have to talk to you right away." Robert was eager to see her.

"Me, too. I’ve got something planned." She smiled over the phone.

"Really? What?" Robert was curious as to what she had planned for them.

"It's a surprise." She didn't want to tell him.

"Mina, it's hard to get to work here. I have been thinking about you all day. I can't concentrate on my work." Robert had printed and reprinted several checks, and all through his work he couldn't think of anything but Mina.

"Robert, why don't you take a break and come over to my place?" Since it was early, she didn't want to spoil her surprise, yet she couldn't wait for him to see her, either.

"Sure. Be there in five minutes." He hung up and took off his overalls. He used them because he didn't want to get dirty in the factory.


Mina had put on a thin, sleek dress. It molded over her body like silk. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was perfect for what she was planning. Robert would drop to his knees.

Since it was daylight, she covered everything to make it dark so it would look like nighttime, and the candles that she had laid on the table would flutter in the darkness. Her red dress was quite appealing to her. She loved it.

She set a few things aside for later that evening, something she had wanted to give him since the moment she had met him. She couldn't describe what it was about him that was so attractive. It was just the way he looked at her.

When she looked at everything that was on the table, she smiled to herself. Then her doorbell rang. She went to the door and opened it.

His eyes gleamed. He took her into his arms and closed the door. He had never been so in need of a woman in all his life, but something about Mina was intriguing. Before he could proceed any further, Mina got out of his embrace.

"Hold on there." She held him back.

"Sorry. I am just happy to see you." He smiled, wanting to hold her in his arms.

"I can tell." Mina was surprised by his eagerness to be with her. She had never met a man like Robert before.

"Mina, I have something to confess. No one knows this except my brother and my nephew. I'm a virgin. That is why I am the way I am." He sounded like he had a disease he needed to get rid of.

"Oh. You are?" Mina was surprised. She had not expected him to be a virgin. To her, she thought he was an experienced lover.

"Yeah, I was so caught up in my work, I never had time for a woman. But besides that, I wanna be the best for you. I know I have no experience as a lover. But I wanna be yours in every single way possible." He meant every word.

"Robert, I am truly impressed by your honesty. I, however, have been with a man before. You see, I was married once upon a time. I loved him very much. My marriage to my husband wasn't really…how would you say? I never had to please a man. He just took, and I gave, so I don't know if I can be good for you. If I sleep with you, I will be honored to be your first. But I can't promise anything." She felt like he expected her to be a love goddess or something, and she wasn't.

"It doesn't matter, Mina. We will learn together." He took her hand and led her into the bedroom.

He held her to him, swaying her like a porcelain doll as he kissed her neck. She moaned at his kisses. He kissed her ruby red lips, trailing a light breeze down her shoulder. She looked into his blue eyes and stepped back as he pulled the dress over her head.

He touched her breasts and took off his shirt, wanting to feel her against him. She helped him remove it. He released himself from his jeans, as well, and threw them to the floor. He kissed her slowly, making her claw at his back as he did so.

She arched her back as he took her nipple into his mouth. His hands felt rough against her skin.

He liked the way she moaned. It excited him. He got her up and made her sit on top of him. Mina felt his erection underneath her. It felt hard and rigid. She smiled.

She got up off him and pulled down her panties. The only thing she had on now were the heels she wore. She trailed her lips to his inner thigh and reached her destination.

Robert closed his eyes, never knowing what he had missed all these years. As Mina trailed her lips up and down his body, he opened his eyes, looking at her as she glowed in the darkly lit room. He had never felt so happy in his life.

"Mina?" His lips were now red from her lipstick.

"Hmm?" She touched his chest, feeling his rough skin.

"Do you have protection?" He felt like it was an unromantic question. Which it was.

"I don't usually carry any. Anyway, I don't mind without it." Mina was too caught up in the moment. She didn't really care. She figured, since her husband, that she couldn't bear any children.

"You’re fixed?" He knew that it was a very personal question to ask on a second date. But he couldn't risk not knowing.

"No." Mina looked down, feeling kind of weird about the question he had asked.

"You mean you would let me be inside you without it?" He wondered why she would let him do that.

"Yes, I would." She wasn't afraid of getting pregnant by him. She loved him more than even her husband.

"Why would you want me to get you pregnant?" he asked out of curiosity.

"I want a baby." She wanted his baby. She failed to tell him that, though.

"Not to be mean, but I want to be married to the one who bears my child. I don't do one night stands." Robert knew he sounded old-fashioned, but he didn't care. He wanted to do right by Mina.

"Robert, you don't know how lonely it is here. If you left, I would be so lonely." She had been lonely. Since her husband had died, she had never met or slept with anyone else over the past ten years. She loved Robert.

"Mina, when my job is over, you’re coming home with me. Will you marry me?" Robert asked. He knew he didn't have a ring to propose with, but he loved her so much, even though he hardly knew her. It was love at first sight.

"Yes!" Mina hadn't expected him to ask her that question. She said yes before she could even process it through her mind.

He hugged her tightly. He had never dreamed she would say yes. He knew he was out of his mind, but he didn't care. He loved her.


A few days had passed. Rose had heard no word from Jack or Franklin. She made calls to the Army, demanding that they tell her where they were, and all she got was a letter saying that their mission had been kept under protection and the location would not be disclosed to her. She grew angry inside. Someway, somehow, she was going to go and find them. She just needed a clue.

Leah was excited when she received Franklin's letter. She read it slowly, savoring each word. She missed him terribly. When she finished reading it, she decided to write him back.

Dear Franklin,

I miss you so much. School is going by slowly without you. Wow. Turkey. It must be hot there. It's good that your uncle and your father and yourself are doing great. I will tell your mom that you all are all right. About me being pregnant, should I tell you or leave you in suspense? Hmm. Well, all I can tell you is I'm late and I haven't told anyone yet. I'm going to take a pregnancy test, and when I find out the details, I will let you know. I hope your uncle has luck with that Mina chick, and don't worry. I trust you to be faithful to me this time around, because if you’re not, I will be joining Erica and kicking your ass, too. By the way, how did you start this affair with Erica? Yes, I would like to know the details. I miss you, too, and I love you.


As soon as Leah finished writing her letter, she phoned Rose. Rose was excited to hear from Leah and know that her boys were all right. Leah disclosed the contents of the letter to Rose word for word, and even let her know about the address. Rose packed a suitcase soon after the call was over. She called the airport and got a flight to Turkey as soon as possible. The hotel stationery told her where they were staying. She didn't care if they got mad at her. She wanted to be there for her son and husband. If it got too dangerous for her, she knew to leave right away. She used another name for the tickets, just in case she had to. She would even make sure she had a different room from them. She didn't want to cause trouble at all for their mission. She had missed Jack every day since he had left. There were no more days that would be empty for them. She vowed to make him happy for the rest of his life. This was what she intended to do.

Chapter Twenty-Six