Chapter Twenty-Seven

Franklin was excited that had finally gotten the contact. He knew they were the ones they were looking for. He couldn't wait to tell his father the good news, because after they nabbed them, they would be able to go home and be alone with their wives and live happily ever after.

After shooting a few hoops, he sat down and patted his head with a towel. A girl had been staring at him and watching him play. He smiled at her from afar. She smiled back and waved.

He didn't want to be rude, so he figured he would at least get to know some people around the neighborhood. "Hello. I'm Frank."

"Abby. Do you play a lot?" She smiled at him.

"Sometimes. Back home I play on a basketball team and a football team." He was proud to be on those teams.

"Wow. There's not much to do here, so I often just sit here and watch guys play. You’re the first whose ever acknowledged me." Abby saw him as an older brother type.

"Well, I don't like to be rude to my admirers." He smiled and took a seat with her.

"So, how long are you here for?" Abby asked.

"A while." Franklin had no idea how long they would actually be there.

"You got family here?" Abby was full of questions.

"Nah. Just vacation with a few friends." It was sad. He couldn't tell her that he was with his family.

"Aw…I lived here most of my life. My sister Mina works at this hotel." She pointed to the building across from them.

"You’re Mina's sister?" Franklin was surprised.

"Yeah. You know her?" Abby asked.

"She's my guide while I am here," Franklin told her. He saw no harm in telling her that.

"Oh. What do you need a guide for?" She was curious about him now.

"I own my own business and I need to find some investors." Franklin took the towel off his neck and drank from his water bottle.

"How old are you?" Abby asked.

"I'm eighteen. Why? How old are you?" Franklin looked at her. She looked no older than fifteen.

"You’re eighteen? I thought you'd be older." She didn't mention her age to him.

"Abagnale men always do look older." He smiled.

"I'm only sixteen. I don't have any brothers, only my sister and I. Our parents are deceased." Abby lived a quiet life with her sister Mina. She hardly had any friends at all.

"Sorry to hear that," Frank said.

"It's all right. My sister takes very good care of me." Mina had always been good to her.

"That's good. Would you like to walk to the hotel with me?" he asked, wanting some company.

"Sure." She smiled and got up.


In another section of town, the man who had offered Frank a job was talking to his boss, Manuel Ortega. "We found our new investor for our little project."

"Who?" Manuel asked.

"Frank Abagnale," his servant said.

"Frank Abagnale? Wasn't he the one who got away with a lot of money in one night?" Manuel Ortega was surprised.

"Sure is. Anyway, he's here on vacation, trying to start a little business here. He gave us his card." His servant pushed the card forward on his desk.

"Good. We shall meet tomorrow and have a little meeting." Manuel smiled.

"Yes," his servant said, and walked away.

"Thank you," Manuel said, smiling.

He and Mr. Abagnale had a lot to discuss. Inside his safe were the templates that they had stolen a few weeks before. Not only could they make their own money, but they would have enough cash to last them a lifetime.


Frank smiled at Abby. He had never had a little sister. She was everything he imagined a little sister would be. She even laughed at his stupid jokes.

"Thanks so much, Abby, for keeping me company," he said, stepping out of the elevator.

"No problem, Frank. I'll catch you around sometime," Abby said, walking back into the elevator.

"Yeah. I would like that." He held the door open and then let it go, saying good-bye to her.

Frank opened the door to his suite when Abby's elevator had gone down. It seemed quiet now. He wondered if his mom was still in his father's room. He didn't want to disturb them, so he left them alone and went into his room. He got on the phone and dialed a number, Leah's number.

"Hello," Leah answered.

"Leah?" He was glad to hear her voice.

"Frank?" She was happy to hear his voice.

"Yeah. It's me. How are you?" He loved the sound of her voice. It eased his mind.

"I'm good. Graduation was a blast, but I stayed home. It wasn't any fun without you." She had missed him terribly that day.

"Yeah. It has been a drag here, too. I miss you." He wished at that moment that he could take her into his arms and kiss her.

"I miss you, too. Oh, Frank, we have so much to talk about," she said, sitting on her bed.

"I know. I wish I were there with you." He wished this ordeal was over.

"Me, too." She was glad that he had finally called her. She was going insane, not hearing from him except for his letters.

"So, do you have any news for me?" he asked.

"News?" Leah didn't understand.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked again.

"I sent the results to you. You'll see." She smiled.

"Aw…can't you tell me?" He wanted to know so he could have something to keep his mind occupied.

"No. That would ruin the mystery of it." Leah didn't want to spoil his surprise.

"Aw…come on, Leah. I need something to keep my mind focused." He wished she would throw him a bone.

"All right. I found out today." She touched her stomach.

"And?" Franklin anticipated the news.

"You're a daddy," she said proudly.

"Amazing! You don't know how much you’ve made me happy just now." He felt happy.

"I have a feeling I could make you happier if I was there with you." Leah craved his touch.

"I wish you could, but I don't want my fiancée in any danger, so it's best you stay there," he told her.

"I hear ya, Franklin. I just need you so badly." She missed him so dearly, it was painful.

"I know. So do I. Believe me, it isn't easy being here without you, either." He looked at a picture he kept of her in his wallet and touched the outline of her face.

Someway, somehow, he was going to make sure he got home, and fast. This operation was ruining his life. If he didn't get home soon, he was going to go insane and mess everything up, just so they could go home.

Chapter Twenty-Eight