Chapter Twenty-Eight

Rated NC-17 for Content

Erica wandered around the Turkish airport. She took a cab and asked for the Almer Hotel. The hotel Franklin was staying at. She had spent her savings to come here. She didn't care if Franklin didn't want her. She had to tell him all she needed to say before it was too late. She had been thinking about this for days after she found out the news about her pregnancy. At the lobby desk, she asked for his room number. They gave it to her and she headed to the elevator.

She patted her stomach, thinking about Frank ever since that night on the forest floor. She had loved the way he hovered over her, moaning. She had enjoyed his lovemaking more than Danny's. She wore a pink summer dress, hearing that it was hot here. When the elevator door opened on his floor, she walked to his door and knocked.

She was excited. She hadn't even told her mom she was leaving. She held her bag and put it on the floor. She knocked, hoping more and more that Frank would be the one to open the door, but he wasn't. It was his father.

"Erica? What are you doing here?" Jack was surprised to see Erica at his door.

"I have some news for Franklin and I can't wait. I know I’m not supposed to be here, but I couldn't help it," she explained to him.

"How did you get here?" Jack asked.

"I spent my savings to get here, Mr. Abagnale." She glowed. She was happy.

"Uh…Franklin is in his room. Go ahead and wake him up." Jack pointed to the bedroom.

"Thanks, Mr. Abagnale." She opened Franklin's door and walked slowly inside.

She saw him asleep. He looked cute. She slipped off her dress and slid into bed with him. She kissed his lips as he lay there. He kissed her back out of reflex.

He opened his eyes and saw her laying there beside him. "Erica?"

"Hi, Frank. Your father said it was all right to wake you." She got closer to him.

"Erica, what are you doing here? I told Leah not to come, and now you’re here." Franklin was upset.

"I thought you would be happy to see at least one of us here. I know you love Leah more than me. But Franklin, honestly. I love you. I don't want to be a burden to you. But Frank, Jr. is gonna need you," Erica explained.

"You’re pregnant?" Franklin asked.

"Yes. It was confirmed last week." She nodded her head.

"Oh, God." Franklin put his hands over his face.

"What? What's wrong?" Erica asked.

"Leah is pregnant, too," he told her.

"Franklin, I know you are marrying her, but I want you to be a part of our child's life." Erica touched his shoulder.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled at her.

"So, are you happy?" she asked him.

"More than happy. I am ecstatic. Get your clothes on and we will get some breakfast." He got up, but remembered he wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Franklin, I am your breakfast." She opened the blankets and revealed herself to him.

"No, Erica. I can't do it. I can't have sex with you and cheat on Leah. Anyway, you would feel like shit if I did that to you. Wouldn't you?" He tried to not be interested, but slowly his body was giving in.

"Yes, I would, but Franklin, you don't know how it feels to watch you and Leah live happily ever after and leave me in the dirt. Honestly, it sucks." She lay there, a little upset that she couldn't have him.

"I know it does, but I just can't bring myself to feel something I don't. It would be like me treating you as my whore." Franklin did not want to treat her like that.

"I don't care. I’d rather be your whore than Danny's wife. I love you, Franklin." She started to kiss him.

He looked at her, and without giving it a second thought, he began to kiss her back. She wiped her tears and leaned into him as he kissed her.

"You promise to never tell Leah about this ever?" Franklin asked.

"I'll never tell," she promised.

He slid off her underwear and kissed her. When he put himself inside her, he looked into her eyes. He looked as they moved together as one. Erica clung onto him as they moved. She closed her eyes as she heard him moan in a low tone, then opened her eyes to see him hovering above her, making love to her. She enjoyed every movement.

He went faster and looked into her eyes. The feeling was overwhelming. It had been so long since he had had sex. So, to him, it was a relief. He came inside her, since he couldn't get her pregnant again.

When he finished, he lay by her side and kissed her. She had enjoyed this moment more than anything.

"Thank you, Franklin. That was amazing." She wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"You’re welcome. It was amazing for me, too. By the way, how did you get here? Did you come by yourself?" He was barely beginning to realize that she had come by herself.

"I had some money for college, but I spent it to come here. And, yes, I did come by myself," she told him.

"I'll refund your money as soon as we get back home," he told her.

"You don't have to. It was worth every penny. Just to be with you one night was all I ever could ask for. I'll cherish this always." She went into his arms and lay there happily.

"Wow. You’re welcome. Leah never told me that before." He had never felt appreciated. Not once.

"You’re welcome, Franklin. You deserve to be happy." She kissed his cheek.

His phone rang, and he answered it. "Hello."

"Hello, Mister Abagnale. My men met with you yesterday. You gave them your card. I would like to discuss business with you. When are you free?" Manuel asked.

"Uh…let me check my calendar. Hold on one second." Frank held his finger to his lips to tell her to get dressed and be quiet.

Erica understood, and Franklin got dressed and called his father.

Jack listened closely as he leaned close to Franklin to hear the conversation. Franklin began to speak. "Uh…yeah. We can meet today, say, about five PM."

"Great, Mr. Abagnale. I await our meeting." Manuel was anxious.

"You’re welcome, Mister…?" Franklin asked for his name.

"Sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Manuel Ortega," Manuel introduced himself.

"All right, Mr. Ortega. Where shall we meet?" Franklin asked.

"I'll send a car for you. You’re staying at the Almer hotel, right?" Manuel asked.

"Yes, sir." Franklin nodded his head.

"All right, Mr. Abagnale." After that, the phone clicked. He had hung up.

Franklin turned to Jack. They had their contact, and now it was time to do business as usual.

Chapter Twenty-Nine