Chapter Thirty

Franklin lay still for a moment, holding onto Erica. He had never expected to do this. Hadn't he promised Leah? He let Erica go.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." He zipped up his pants. He was done with her. He looked in the mirror, fixed his hair, and splashed water on his face. "I'll be out there, okay?"

"Yeah." She wondered why he had just stopped. When he had come into the plane, he had been ready for her. She knew it had something to do with Leah. It had to.


He felt disgusted with himself. Everyone was happy, sitting there with their girls, and he was messing around with Erica when he knew damned well he shouldn't be. He felt like a hypocrite. How could he be so stupid? Was it a weakness, or did he really love Erica more than Leah?

In the summer, during the camping trip, he had loved Leah more than anyone else on earth. What was it about Erica that made him want her more? He loved her body. He knew that for sure, but he couldn't treat her like a whore. He had no right to do that.

She was carrying his baby, and he was thankful for that. He loved her in some way. He knew that he did. It wasn't a lie.

When she came out, she looked at him, puzzled.

"Franklin, do you love me or not?" she asked point blank.

"Erica, it's complicated. I love you, but it’s a different kind of love," he admitted.

"How so?" She sat down on the seat next to him.

"You've got to understand, Erica. I love you and Leah. You both are very special to me, and it is not fair that I should be happy when the other is not around. Do you understand what I am talking about?" He looked into her eyes.

"Yeah. You can't be happy around me while you’re thinking about Leah. Is that what you’re telling me?" She was upset.

"Sort of." He didn't know how to tell her exactly what he felt, because even he didn't know.

"But it’s all right to have sex with me, right?" Erica wanted the real truth.

"Of course not. I love being with you more than I should." He leaned back in his seat and pulled his hair back.

"Franklin, I completely understand. I am not trying to replace Leah in your life. I would never do that." She closed her hand over his. "The only reason I came here was to be with you, because I knew you would be alone." She didn't feel any guilt at all.

"It's all right, Erica, honestly. Don't blame yourself. I know you love me. I love you, too." He kissed her lips. As he kissed her, something began to dawn on him. "Erica, when our baby is born, I wanna be there for you in every way possible. I mean, I know I am marrying Leah, but I am the baby's father. I would like very much for it to be a part of me as well as you."

"I don't see how you'll be married to us both in the state of California. You’re not allowed to have two wives," she reminded him.

"Yeah. I know, Erica. I'm gonna call Leah. You'd better stay here." He got up from his seat and looked for a phone.

He punched in her number and waited for her to answer. When someone picked up, it was a male voice.

"Hello. Who is this?" the man asked.

"This is Franklin Abagnale. Is my fiancée there?" Frank asked.

"Frank, this is Kyle." He patted Leah's shoulder.

"Kyle, why are you at my fiancée's house?" Frank asked him.

"Listen, Frank, you haven't been here. She needed someone to help her through the tragedy." Kyle looked over at Leah. She was distraught.

"What tragedy?" Franklin asked.

"She lost the baby. You weren't around, but I was," Kyle said. He had always felt like an older brother to Leah.

"Can I talk to her?" Franklin paced the plane as he scratched his chin.

"Yeah," he said, and passed the phone over.

"Hello," Leah said.

"Hello, Leah. I am sorry to hear about the baby," he said calmly.

"I missed you so much. I am sorry. When you get back, I am giving you back your ring. It was wrong to take it. I deserve this because of what I did to you." For some reason, she felt guilty.

"No, Leah, don't hate yourself. I love you. Listen, I am coming back. The mission is over. I'll be home as soon as I can. I love you, Leah." In all honesty, he still loved her, no matter what.

"Love you, too. Bye. See you soon," she said, and clicked off.

Frank walked over to Erica and held her. He knew now that maybe he and Leah had never been meant to be. He needed to take care of Erica, now more than ever, and help Leah to forgive herself.

"Frank, what is it? What happened?" She knew something was up.

"Leah lost the baby. She's with Kyle." He felt the pain in his heart for their loss, but he did feel there was hope.

"Kyle?" Erica tilted her head awkwardly.

"Yeah. Apparently, he's been there for her. I knew he liked her. He just never admitted it to himself, and now that I am away, he's taken the only girl I ever truly loved." He looked over at Erica and knew he must have caused her pain when he said it. He felt like such a hypocrite. Maybe he and Leah had outgrown each other. Maybe it was time to say good-bye and start a new relationship with someone who loved him just as much, if not more. "Erica, I love you, maybe not as much as I loved Leah, but I love you." He kissed her.

"You're on the rebound. Please don't say what you don't mean." She pushed him away.

"You think I am lying to you? I wouldn't have made love to you if I didn't feel love for you in some way, and now that you are the only one carrying my baby, it makes me love you even more." Franklin admitted the truth.

"How do you know this is even yours? It could be Danny's," she said out of anger.

"Is it?" he asked.

"What do you think?" She didn't answer.

"I think we need to chat in private." He took her by the arm and dragged her to the back of the plane.

"What are we doing back here?" she asked.

"Out of prying ears, love. I don't want anyone to hear what I am about to say to you." He was frustrated so much with her, his anger was increasing.

"All right. What did you have to say?" She stood still, waiting for him to speak.

"Don't you play with me, Erica. If this child is not mine, don't let me think it is. Tell me the truth!" He pushed her against the metal of the plane.

"What do you want me to say, Frank? I only lost my virginity to Danny because you didn't have the balls to make love to me then, and I know you wanted to. But Leah was so precious to you. Where is she now but in the arms of another man?" She pushed him back.

He got so angry, he punched the plane, and it began to wobble. He dragged Erica to a seat and she strapped herself in. Franklin ran to the head of the plane and saw his father struggling with the controls.

"Dad, what's happening?" Franklin asked.

"I began the descent, but we don't have any brakes," Jack said.

"Shit!" Franklin said.

"Get in the back and strap yourself in. We are heading for a rough landing!" Jack shouted to him.

Franklin got into his seat with Erica and held onto her hand for dear life. When he felt it touch the ground, he braced himself. It was a really bumpy ride. He hit his head, and everything turned black.

Chapter Thirty-One