Chapter Thirty-One

The plane crash had caused casualties. Robert was severely injured, and Mina was dead, along with Rose, who was dead, as well. Franklin woke up to screaming and saw that his mother was not a survivor. He had no idea if he had lost his father, as well. Erica patted Franklin's head, dripping with blood from a cut. Franklin got up and proceeded to the front of the plane, but it was completely destroyed. When Franklin saw his father, he knew that he was gone, too. A tree had landed right where his father was. All he saw was blood. Frank had lost all of his family--his mother, his father. All he had left now was his uncle, Erica, and Abby.

Franklin now knew that Erica and Abby were his main priorities. There was no pretending to be helpless. He was now the man in charge. His uncle had broken a leg and they were in the middle of nowhere. It was only he and Abby who could save Erica and his uncle. They would have to stay there while he and Abby went to find help.

Frank started packing for the long hike. He decided to leave Abby with his uncle and Erica. It would be easier and faster to get where he was going if he didn't drag anyone else along. He kissed Erica good-bye and started traveling.

As he started to travel, he looked as far as he could and saw that his journey would be long. Knowing that he didn't know quite where he was would prove difficult for him. It would be a task he had never done before, but he would try very hard to reach help for what was left of his family.
