Chapter Five

Rated NC-17 for Content

In the following years, Rose and Jack became a couple, no less. Frank Abagnale received a letter from Rosalie, saying that he now had full custody of Frank, Jr. Rosalie never showed up after that. Not at all. He was surprised that she didn't care about her son.

Jack was outside now, a full-grown man. He liked to call Rose often, and this was the night of their prom.

"Rose, come on!" he called.

"Hold on, Jack." Rose was getting her overnight bag.

She came out, dressed in a nice red dress to match her hair.

"Sexy lady on the verge of making my heart stop," Jack joked.

"Shut up." She smiled at him.

She got into his car and they sped off for the first time, actually together now, not play-acting.


Rose showed up at the dance with Jack by her side.

Jenny Gallagher showed up just behind Jack.

"Jack, honey, are you gonna let me have the last dance?" Jenny touched his shoulder.

"Jenny, you have been after me for three years. Give it up. It's never gonna happen. I am with Rose, and I love her." Rose was surprised he had said the L word.

Jenny walked off, pissed that he didn't want her.

Everyone awaited football star Jack ‘Frank’ Abagnale. Rose was on the cheerleading squad. They both were popular.

Cal Hockley, Jack's buddy, loved Rose. Since elementary school, Cal had liked Rose, although by that time Jack and Rose were already together. They had gone to each other's houses and played games and gone places together.

Angelina had had the baby. It was a boy, too. Robert Abagnale was born November 11, 1976, weighing nine pounds, ten ounces. Robert and Jack were good together. They played basketball all the time, and when Jack was with Rose, his buddy, Cal Hockley, would play with Robert.

On the dance floor, Jack and Rose swayed to the music like flowing candlelight on a wall. Jack and Rose had never gone all the way. They always kissed, but never touched each other below the belt.

After the dance, Jack and Rose parked at Lover's Quarry.

"Jack?" Rose glanced at the other cars. They were making out.

"Yeah, Rose?" He saw the lake shimmering in the darkness.

"How come we never go all the way?" Rose asked him.

"Rose, I love you. I do. But do you really think we are ready?" He loved her with all his heart.

"Are you saying that because you don't want me, or do you want another girl?" Rose was unsure about his love for her.

"I am saying this, Rose, because I care about you. I don't want to get you pregnant." He was worried about that.

"There are ways to go around it, Jack." She had a method.

She touched his thigh and put her other hand on his chest. She grabbed his shirt, bringing his lips to hers. She kissed him fiercely and took off his shirt. His chest was perfect. She touched it. Jack's temperature rose. He looked at her in the pale moonlight. He grabbed her breast and massaged her nipple through her dress. Rose got on top of Jack. She took off her dress, exposing herself to him. He put his mouth over her pink nipple and sucked on it. Rose felt an overwhelming sensation. She moved back and removed the rest of what she wore. She brought him closer to her. He looked at her in awe.

Jack had never really seen a naked woman before. He touched her. He slid his finger inside her. She shook with excitement. He moved it back and forth several times. When she reached an orgasm, she screamed his name.

Rose got up and went to unzip his zipper. "Jack, I want you now!" she demanded.

He didn't want to hurt her, so he eased himself above her, entering her with a hard thrust.

"Ouch!" Rose screamed.

He had broken the barrier. She was no longer a child. She was a woman now.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." He eased off.

"It's all right. Just go slow, please." She brought him back to her.

"All right, my lovely Rose." He eased himself into her again. "Tell me how."

He moved slowly within her.

She gritted her teeth.

Jack felt a good sensation build up. He moved in her faster, not wanting to stop. Rose cried silently, and with one last thrust, he came.

"Rose, I pray your method works," he said, breathing strangely.

"Me, too." Rose lay in pain, not wanting to move.

They put their clothes back on and headed to a motel. It was prom night, and Jack had saved enough money from lawn mowing jobs to pay for it.

"Rose, tonight we sleep together," he announced.

"Oh, Jack. It's beautiful." Rose smiled.

"My princess, tonight we order room service." He got the menu and looked through it.

"But how, Jack?" She wondered why he was being so good to her.

"I saved for this day, Rose." He had planned it since the day he learned about sex.

"But all your money--I can't let you do that." She felt she owed him everything.

"Rose, it doesn't matter. I love you." He took off his shirt, throwing it to the floor.

"I love you, too, Frank Abagnale." They kissed.

Rose lay down. Jack looked at her.

"Rose, are you okay?" He noticed that when she lay down she moved slowly.

"I think so, Jack. Now I know what the girls have been talking about in school." She felt weird.

"Did I really hurt you that much?" He felt sorry that he had caused her pain.

"I don’t think so. Jack, make love to me again." Rose was ready.

"Rose, darling, even though we are not experienced lovers, it would be my honor. This time things will be different." He went to her.

He caressed her slowly this time. Things were very much different. When he slipped inside her, it hurt only for a second. Then, fireworks exploded.

"My turn, Jack." She rode him hard and fast, making it difficult for him to keep up.

"Rose, not so fast." He held onto the headboard.

She didn't listen. He enjoyed everything she gave him that night.


The next day, everything seemed fantastic.

Rose showered, leaving Jack asleep.

She saw his naked behind and smacked it.

"Wake up, King Louis," she teased.

"Rose, what time is it?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Seven o‘clock in the morning." Rose was brushing her hair.

"What the hell? Get back to bed, woman," he ordered her, joking, of course.

"Nope, Jack. Time to get up." She was still brushing her hair.

"Rose, I am up. See." He felt happy with her there.

She turned around and saw his manhood.

"Jack, yuck!" She acted like a little girl then.

"You didn't say anything about it last night." He got up naked and walked up to her.

"That was different, Jack. I love having sex with you, and I love you." She turned around and kissed him.

"I do, too, Rose Abagnale." He bent down, grabbed her, and took her to their bed.

Chapter Six