Chapter Eight

The Look of Love

Jack was having a hard time finding Monique. He didn't know where to start looking for her.

Jack called his dad.

"Hello?" Angelina answered.

"Hi, Mom. Is Dad home?" Jack asked her.

"Yes. Hold on." Angelina took the phone to Frank.

"Hey, Frank. It's Jack." Angelina passed the phone. Frank grabbed it from her.

"Hey, Jack. What's up?" He was glad to hear from him.

"Hi, Dad. I wanted to ask you a question." He felt weird asking his dad.

"What about?" It sounded serious to him.

"It's about Monique Dubois," Jack said.

"Monique?" Frank hadn't heard that name in a long time.

"Yeah. Dad, she claimed you conned her out of fourteen hundred dollars. Is that right?" Jack asked him.

"Yeah, Jack. It's true." He remembered that night.

"How could you, Dad? She seems like a nice lady!" Jack retorted.

"I don't know what I was thinking, Jack," Frank said.

"Do you know where I can find her, Dad?" He waited while his dad thought about it.

"Um…try Le Lamiae's. She always liked that place," he said, remembering certain things.

"All right, Dad. Thanks." Jack wrote it down.

"No problem, Jack. Take care," Frank said.

"You, too, Dad." He hung up.


Jack found Monique at the place his father had told him about.

"Monique?" He tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey, Jack." She was surprised to see him.

"I was wondering if I could ask you out on a date." He sat down with her at the bar.

"All right." She got up and left with him.

They went to the hotel room that he had rented for the night.

"Monique, do you have anything suitable to wear to a party?" he asked her.

"Sure, but if you want to buy me an outfit of your choosing, go ahead." She would let him do anything he wanted.

"All right." Jack and Monique went to a French clothing store, and he chose a dress that fit perfectly and made Monique's body stand out more.


When they reached the address Rose had given him, he acted like a gentleman. He held the door open for Monique. Monique looked beautiful and sexy. He wondered if she was going to charge him for the date.

He knocked on the door.

"Hello. Come in." Rose answered the door. Jack was dressed in his pilot uniform, because he knew he could get free stuff that way if they chose to go out to dinner. Then, they wouldn't have to pay.

Rose looked at Monique, envious that Jack had an older woman.

"Monique, Jack, make yourselves comfortable. I will be right back." She went to look in the mirror to see if she looked all right.

Rose had already set the table, and Jason sat in the living room with Jack and Monique.

"I know you, don't I?" Jason noticed that she looked very familiar.

"Jason Radcliff?" Monique hardly noticed him. "I haven't seen you since you were this high." She pointed just above her hip. "You were my newspaper boy, right?" Monique was astonished to meet him again.

"Yeah, Monique, I was. I remember that now." Jason had always loved Monique when she was younger.

"Well, dinner's ready," Rose announced.

Monique and Jack sat together. Jason and Rose sat side by side.

They chatted through dinner about old times and about how Jack and Rose had first met. Monique laughed at some of the pranks Jack had pulled on Rose. Like the time when he had told her that her cat had died, and when she went to go look at it, it came jumping at her, scaring the hell out of her. Rose did not laugh at that one.

Jason and Rose had met in Law 101. He had helped her with her notes, and had seen that she was struggling with her studying.

Jack looked at Rose, unable to look away. Monique saw, and grabbed his hand to put in her lap. They still were attracted to each other. There was no doubt of that.

Rose saw that Monique was controlling Jack from her. She knew that he still loved her with all his heart. But in order to keep away, he needed distraction.

Monique pushed Jack's hand up her thigh underneath the table. He noticed what she was doing. He glanced at her. She was sexy in that dress. He wanted to rip it off her.

Jason, Rose, Jack, and Monique went to sit by the fire. After dinner, they decided to chat a little more.

"So, what are you doing in France, Rose?" he asked, breaking out of his trance.

"Jason invited me here after finals. I decided to take him up on his offer," Rose said. She missed Jack.

"Oh." He looked over at Monique.

"And you?" Rose asked him.

"I am here because my flight was canceled. You see, I was supposed to go to Florida. At the last minute, they changed it to here." Jack put his hand through his hair.

Rose wanted to reach out and touch his beautiful golden locks. She stopped herself.

The attraction between them was at the boiling point. If Monique and Jason went away, they would do the deed in a mad, hot passion.

When it was time to go, Jack got Monique's coat, and when he touched her skin, Rose saw the look she had seen the last night they were together.

The look of love.

Chapter Nine