Written by Kelly T.
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.

Rose Calvert was one hundred years old, sitting in her granddaughter’s home and watching the rain outside fall like teardrops from heaven onto the window. She saw a magazine lying on the table next to her. When she picked it up, she began to flip through the pages. Five-Year-Old Gets Plastic Surgery...World’s Smallest Brain Said to be Found in Britney Spears’ Head...Actor’s Assistant Gets Beaten Up After Leaving One Red M&M in the Bowl...Michael Jackson’s New Playground Building Project, she read to herself while she turned each page. Then she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She went back a few pages and saw something she couldn’t believe. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed. "Jack!"

Lizzy, Rose’s granddaughter, walked into the room. "Nana, what the hell is going on?" she asked. Then she added, "You haven’t been doing crack this early in the morning, have you?"

"No, sweetie, but I need you to hand me that phone over there," she said, pointing to the phone on the kitchen counter. Lizzy did as her grandma asked and then sat beside her, curious to find out what she was doing.

"Hello...I was wondering if you could give me the number to Leonardo DiCaprio’s home...who the hell do you think you are to use that kind of language with me? Oh, well, I’ve never heard anyone put twenty-three curse words in one sentence before, but I guess now I have...go do what? Hello? Are you still there?"

"What happened?" Lizzy asked. She was confused.

"That Goddamned asshole can go f--" Rose started to say, but her granddaughter interrupted her.

"Nana!" Lizzy yelled.

"Sorry, dear. I don’t think I’ve cursed that much since I survived the Titanic," Rose said.

"Don’t start that again. We all know you weren’t on the Titanic. You’ve told us that story several times, almost as many times as you told us you were an actress in the 1920’s and you were engaged to the rich Caledon Hockley."

"It’s true!" Rose protested.

Lizzy looked unconvinced. "Yeah, right, and I screwed Orlando Bloom in an airplane! Stop telling stories."

Rose left the room, and a moment later she returned with a necklace…actually, not just any necklace. It was the Heart of the Ocean. She showed it to Lizzy. "This is the necklace that Cal gave me onboard the Titanic. He accidentally put it in the pocket of the coat he gave me. What a retard he was!"

Lizzy took the valuable item from her grandma. She studied it closely. "It looks like some cheap piece of blue plastic. You probably got this for a quarter out of one of those machines you see in arcades."

Rose snatched it out of Lizzy’s hands, and said, "Bitch!"

"Nana, are you sure you aren’t a little high right now? Possibly drunk?" Lizzy asked. Rose shook her head and left the living room.


Leonardo DiCaprio was in a hotel room in New York. He was visiting some old friends. He had just gotten off the phone with his mother when he heard a knock on the door. He unlocked the door and opened it to see an old lady standing there. "Who are you?" he asked.

She smiled, showing off her false teeth. "Jack!" she screamed at him with happiness. She threw her arms around his neck. "You survived! I’ve been searching for you for eighty-four years!"

He tried to push her away from him. There was a look of fright and disgust on his face. "Do I know you?"

"Jack! It’s me! Remember, Rose DeWitt Bukater? We met on the Titanic, danced, had sex in a car, and you drew nude pictures of me? You have to remember these," she said as she lifted her shirt.

Leonardo took a few steps back and shielded his eyes. "Ew! Put those away!" He moved his arm away from his eyes and saw that she still had her shirt lifted up. He ran to the bathroom. Rose fixed her shirt and heard puking sounds coming from the bathroom. "Honey? Are you all right?" she yelled.

He emerged from the bathroom and stood as far away from her as he could. "Leave before I call security!"

"Jack! You said you’d love me forever. You told me to never let go! I love you!" she exclaimed.

"Look, I don’t know who the (censored) you are! To me, you are some crazy lady."

She took a few steps toward him. He put his hands in front of him, and stated, "Don’t come near me. Don’t come any closer."

"I love you, though!" she said.

"Listen, Granny, are you off your (censored) medication?" he yelled.

He backed away farther, up to the window. She was still coming near him, so he opened the window. "Don’t come another step closer. I’ll jump! I swear, I will jump." He had one foot on the floor, the other on the window ledge. He held onto both sides of the window and looked ready to jump out.

Rose took another step towards him. He jumped out the window, falling several stories to the street below.

Rose looked down at him as he fell. "I don’t remember him having such a girlish scream," she said to herself, and shook her head slowly.


Rose arrived home late that afternoon. Lizzy came up to her at the front door. "Where the hell have you been?" she asked.

"I was visiting Jack," Rose explained.

Lizzy looked confused. "Who is Jack? He isn’t another one of your imaginary friends who you think you met on the Titanic, is he?"

"But I did meet him on the Titanic!" Rose defended tensely. Rose looked to the side and saw Lizzy’s coat laying on the floor and her purse on the couch. "And where have you been today?" Rose asked.

"Oh, I took that cheap necklace to the pawn shop and traded it. I got ten dollars for it!" Lizzy stated, cheerfully and proudly. Rose’s eyes went wide, and she was in shock. She fell to the floor. Lizzy bent over her grandma and checked for a pulse. There was no pulse, so she knew Rose had died there. Lizzy was about to call an ambulance, but first she went through Rose’s pockets, taking every credit card she had.

The End.
