Chapter Eleven

Jack got to Rose’s apartment making sure nobody was following him. When he got there he sat down on her couch.

“Rose, I’m here. We have to talk babe.” He said and Rose walked in.

“I know what you want to talk about. I saw it on TV this morning. It’s on every gossip show in on TV.” Rose said walking slowly towards him.

“I was afraid this would happen. Ah, I don’t know.” He said looking up at the ceiling.

“What do you mean you don’t know? I think we should just come out with it. I mean there are worst rumors out there.” Rose said and Jack stood up.

“No I don’t think that is the way out of this. I think we should try something else.” He said and she stood up in anger.

“Are you trying to brake up with me? Not that we ever were!” She yelled.

“No Rose, not at all. I just…”

“What is the big deal Jack? Is it pride or embarrassment? Oh Jack Dawson not dating one of those tooth pick models oh what shock! I know I’m not a model or one of those foreign actresses with attractive accents, I know you Jack!” she yelled.

“Rose…honey that has nothing to do with this. It wouldn’t matter if you were 40 or 400 hundred pounds or if you tolkd like dis, that wouldn’t change how I feel about you. It’s just that I hate celebrity scandals especially because I am one!” he yelled.

“For once would you stop thinking like a celebrity and think like a normal person in a serious relationship. I love you but I’m not going to hide just because you are scared of a few cameras and magazines. I once cried because it was forbidden to love you or have you and now I don’t want to cry because I do and yet I can’t express it like normal people do. If you want to keep hiding this than that tells me that you don’t care and this is not as important than a stupid little golden naked man trophy. If that is what you care more about then I don’t have any reason to be with you. You hurt me once by rejecting me and now you are doing it again.” She said crying and Jack was about to hug her but she pulled away. Jack felt his heart break when she did that. She was so cold with him now.

“I can’t lose you again.” He said and she looked at him with angry eyes.

“Well you want an Oscar and I want your love. You already chose by what I can see. I lost you once and it hurt like hell, but I think I can lose you again. I’m already use to the pain.” She said opening the door signaling for him to leave.

“I guess our story or movie doesn’t have a happy ending.” He said looking at her sadly while standing at the door.

“I guess not.” She said and he looked at her one more time.

“I do love you Rose. This is your choice and it hurts me, but if this is what you want…Goodbye Rose.” he said with tears in his eyes and left she closed the door and he fell back and leaned against the door. She did the same and started to cry. He wanted to knock on the door so bad, but he didn’t want to beg her. He had too much pride to make her understand. He was sad and angry at the same time and all he could do is run away, so he did. He stood up and walked away.

He got into his car and hit the steering wheel with anger.

“I swear Rose that I will do my best to forget you. You…you couldn’t understand me! I lo… I swear, you will be out of mind and out of my heart. This I guess wasn’t meant to be.” He said crying and left.

Rose threw a cushion in anger and broke a vase with flowers. She walked around the living room with anger. She was crying and frustrated. An idea crossed her mind. She grabbed the phone and called her sister.

“Hey Sarah, uh I was wondering on that trip you were wanting to take. When do you want to leave the States?” Rose asked and Sarah answered.

“Uh this is all too sudden, but I… I would love to leave any time this week. Why? Are things not going well with…?”

“Let’s just say celebrity couples never last!” Rose said and Sarah understood.

“Okay this Saturday if it’s okay with you.” Sarah said and Rose agreed.

“Okay, yeah bye.” Rose said and hanged up. “I swear Jack that I won’t cry anymore for you. I have cried too much and I’m not going to be weak anymore, I’m not!”


Jack arrived at his house and threw his keys and sat on his couch. He thought and thought about what had just happened. He loved her no matter what he tried to tell his heart, but he felt like it wouldn’t work. Then he started to think of the past few months with Rose. They were the happiest months of his life. But he had to forget and he would.

It was going to be different now. He was only going to concentrate on his work and be the actor he always imagined he would be. No more love trouble.


Saturday arrived and Sarah and Rose were on the plane. Sarah wanted to know what had happened. She wanted to help Rose for she looked devastated.

“Rose I know you probably don’t want to talk to me about what happened, but please just let me know what troubles your heart.” Sarah said and Rose looked at her.

“I loved him; I love him I swear I do. But he didn’t want anybody to know. I told him I didn’t want to hide anymore, but he said he couldn’t tell anyone yet. So I told him that if he was too scared to tell people that we were in love then it was better for him to leave and for our relationship to be over. I don’t change my mind about it; I swear, I just wish it wouldn’t hurt so badly.” Rose said and Sarah laid a hand on her shoulder.

“I think you were right. If he understands and if he really loves you, he will comeback.” She said and Rose smiled.

“I don’t think he will and to know that hurts, but I swear I will move on.” She said as the plane left the country.


Jack drove around in his hybrid and environmental friendly car. Rose had been one of the people who had understood him about that to. He drove all night not knowing what to do. All that was in his mind was Rose and no matter what he did she was in his mind.

“What if I make her see? Oh what am I thinking? I have to make her understand that I live for her, but we can’t tell the media right now. But I love her, I really do.” He said and drove to her house. He got out and walked to the front door. He stood at the door for a few seconds thinking of what to say. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Nobody answered at first so he knocked again and again and still nobody answered. He started to walk to his car and then he saw her gardener, Sean.

“Hey Sean! Have you seen Rose?” Jack asked.

“Uh not really, I don’t think for a while. She left.” Sean said.

“Uh left…where?” Jack asked.

“On vacation…I think she left the country. She isn’t coming back for a while. She told me to go on one myself. I have to lock the place first. Why? She didn’t tell you?” Sean said. Jack looked away in disappointment.

“Uh…thanks Sean.” Jack said and walked to his car. While he was sitting down he laid his head on the steering wheel. “I tried…I really did. Why Rose, why did you give up on us? I guess this is what you really want. I swear I won’t bother you ever again.” He said with some tears and left her house. They both decided to go on their separate ways, only time would tell if their love could be buried and forgotten.

Chapter Twelve