Chapter Twelve

The years passed and Jack and Rose moved on little by little. Jack finally won an Oscar for the movie he had always wanted to do, but he was alone with his success. Rose went on doing independent films and some blockbusters. They were very well recognized actors, all over the world and the rumor of them being together had seemed to have been forgotten. They didn’t see each other anymore, not since that day of the argument. They had seemed to moved on. They didn’t think of each other anymore, their memory didn’t hunt them anymore, or at least they thought. Once in a while they would stop and wonder what was of the other. They would think of what could have been, but would never be.


Six years passed, ten years since the movie they made together was a hit.

Randy was sitting in his office and his best friend Luis walked in. Randy was looking over a new movie. It had been a while since he had done a movie.

“Hey Luis, what brings you here?” Randy said smiling and giving him a hug.

“Well I wanted to pay you a visit and ask what’s next for the successful movie director.” Luis said smiling.

“Well Star Gazing Pictures wants me to do this epic romance movie. Ever since “What do the Stars Say”, I have been offered dozens of love movies and I’m already sick of the love. But this one sounds good.” Randy said smiling and looking over the story. Luis smiled and remembered something.

“Speaking of “What Do the Stars Say” my wife is a huge fan of that movie. She loves it; she says she relates to it, because we were just friends before we fell in love. She says she always loved me, but I never noticed.” Luis said smiling.

“Well that is the general idea of that story. A man and a woman can’t be just friends. That movie was successful; I really didn’t expect it to be that successful. It’s just a movie about war and two people that can’t make up their minds. It’s cheesy love, but I guess people love that sort of stuff.” Randy said.

“People love the love ha ha. Hey Randy now that I’m thinking about it, in a few months it’s going to be the tenth anniversary of that movie. Why don’t you make one of those special anniversary edition DVD’s. People love that, I bet this one would sale.” Luis said.

“Yeah and I could put all deleted scenes and special commentary and bloopers and interviews of the Jack and Rose of now and then. I could get them to interview for the movie DVD. Luis you are a genius. That would sale.” Randy said.


A few weeks later Randy got accepted by the movie’s company and off he was to make a special DVD. Two months later Jack was at his big Beverly Hills mansion. He was having a small gathering with his friends and his new girlfriend, Mandy Keys. She was a beautiful woman with a great personality. She was very nice and Jack loved her. She was a new model from England. Todd was also there, he was now a popular comedian. He would always thank Jack in his interviews, after all Jack got him his first jobs.

The music was playing and the guests were having a good time. Jack was sitting next to the swimming pool with his feet in it when Mandy surprised him when she pulled her head out of the water and splashed him.

“Babe what was that for?!” he yelled laughing.

“Get in the water Jack. It feels good.” Mandy said smiling. Jack smiled back and nodded.

“Not right now, but later.” He said and she frowned.

“But Jack maybe later I won’t be in the water. Get in it’s hot out here.” She said and he agreed and jumped in. She splashed him again and he started to splash her to. He hugged her and kissed her. They were having a good time when Todd walked to the swimming pool with the phone.

“Jack, the phone.” Todd said and Jack got out of the swimming pool. Mandy stayed in the swimming pool. Jack grabbed the phone from Todd and walked into his mansion.


“Jack what’s up man?!”

“Ra…Randy?” Jack asked surprised.

“Yeah man, it’s my crazy self. I need to talk to you.” Randy said in a happy tone.

“Uh sure man, about what?”

“Well I thought you could come to my office if that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, whenever you want.” Jack said wondering what Randy was up to.

Later that day Jack went to Randy’s office. He walked down the halls and saw posters of all of Randy’s movies. He stopped when he saw the poster he didn’t want to see. He stared at the poster of “What Do the Stars Say?” he saw himself and Rose sitting together on pretty green grass looking up at the night sky. He had his arm around her. He turned away and saw Randy walking to him. Randy had not changed a bit. His hair was just grayer and he had gained some weight.

“Jacko!!! Come on man.” Randy said pointing to his office. Jack walked in smiling and sat on a chair.

“Randy you haven’t changed one bit.” Jack said smiling.

“What I’m still crazy?” he said laughing. “You have…you taller?”

“Uh I don’t think so.” Jack said smiling.

“I know your hair!! It’s longer than what I’m use to seeing. Oh and you can grow facial hair now.” Randy said and Jack smiled.

“So you are making fun of me now? So why did you call me Randy?” Jack asked and Randy’s face turned serious.

“Well Jack if you haven’t remembered yet, in about five months it’s going to be the tenth anniversary of What Do…you know that movie, long name…uh ha I’m working on a special edition DVD. The studio wants me to get interviews of the main actors, so I was thinking in getting you, Rose and Billy to interview for me, you talk about the movie and the scenes and how it was working together. You think you could help me?” Randy said and Jack stayed quiet.

“So…you want to interview all of us?” Jack asked.

“Well not me, but they’ll get someone to interview you, you know what I mean. Please people love this movie and they would love to see what you thought while you were making this movie.” Randy said and Jack knew what he was thinking while he was doing the movie.

“Have any of the other…actors accepted yet?”

“Uh Billy already said yes, but I can’t get in touch with Rose. But I will even if it’s the last thing I do.” Randy said smiling. Jack thought about it. He didn’t want to face Rose. It had been six years, but he still didn’t want to see her. It was the only way he got to move on.

“She probably forgot it ever happened. It’s been a long time.” Jack thought and looked at Randy. “Okay Randy, count me in.” Jack said and Randy smiled.

“Alright, just know we might do a few press conferences. Can you come back like in one week? We might start shooting the interviews. We need to hurry up with this project.”

“Alright, I guess I’ll see you then.” Jack said standing up and walked out of Randy’s office. He walked down the hall again and looked at the poster one more time and then nodded. He had hoped not to have see her again, but now there was a big possibility he might.


Rose got to her house and Samuel followed her to the front door.

“I had a great time tonight Samuel. I always have a good time with you.” She said smiling and Samuel kissed her. They had been dating for almost a year now, but they were taking things slow and it seemed to work, they had a great relationship. He was a very wealthy movie producer and was very handsome. He was somewhat older than her, but she didn’t seem to care. He was a great guy, very sweet and kind. She seemed to have found her prince charming. Like she always dreamed of, like the good guys in movies. She always wanted a love like in the movies. She thought if she could have it in the movies why not in real life, and Samuel seemed to be the perfect man.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow honey.” he said and left. She smiled and waved at him. She walked into her house and sat down on her sofa. She was very tired. She laid back and closed her eyes when the phone rang.

“Ugh don’t people know that is annoying.” She said to herself and walked to the phone.


“Rose Bukater?”

“Yes this is her. Who is this?”

“It’s Randy.”

“Randy?! Oh my I haven’t talked to you in some time now. How are you?” Rose asked wondering why Randy was calling.

“Same as always, but I was calling to tell you that I need you to help me out. This is if you want to do the project.” Randy said.

“Oh what’s it about?”

“It’s a special edition DVD of our movie. I need you to interview and help me promote the DVD. Please Rose; please tell me you are going to help me.” Randy said.

“A special edition DVD of “What Do …” oh um I don’t know Randy.” Rose said knowing Jack had to be a part of this.

“Please Rose, help a friend out.” Randy said.

“Uh…okay Randy. I don’t have a movie to make. My next movie is already done. I guess I could take the time. I can help you out.” Rose said.

“Alright, well we start this weekend. I don’t know when you can join in, but it has to be by next week.” Randy said.

“Okay Randy thanks for telling me.”


Jack was getting ready to leave to the interview studio when Mandy stopped him.

“Jack wait.” She yelled and walked to him. She hugged him and kissed him. “Were you really planning to leave without saying bye to me?” she said and he smiled.

“I’m sorry baby I was just in a hurry and you were taking a nap, so I didn’t wake you. But now that you are here…I’ll miss you.” He said and kissed her. He let her go and waved at her while he got into his car and left. When he got to the studio he didn’t know why but he looked around and around, afraid of seeing her, but he didn’t. He walked in and a woman led him into a room with a few cameras and a chair. The background was blue with his picture from the movie. The woman told him to sit down another woman started to put some make up on him. After a few minutes of waiting a woman sat in front of him with a notepad. She smiled at him and presented herself.

“Hi I’m Jenny Martinez. I’m going to ask you a few questions about the movie and you just answer. It all just relates to the movie this isn’t for any gossip show, okay.” She said smiling and Jack shook his head letting her know he understood.

The interview started and lasted about an hour when Jenny stopped.

“Would you like a break Jack? I know I could use one.” she said.

“Yeah a break doesn’t sound bad.” He said. He was a bit tired of just sitting so he walked around and a lady gave him a cup of water. About twenty minutes later Jenny walked in and sat back down. Jack did the same and a woman re did his make up and the camera man started to get ready. Then all of a sudden Jack heard a familiar voice. It was down the hall, but it stopped. It was surely Rose.

“So we start again?” Jenny asked but Jack didn’t answer. “Jack.”

“Oh yes, just a few more questions right?” he said smiling and Jenny smiled back. A few minutes later the interview ended and Jack stood up and started to walk to the door down the hall. He passed a room and saw a blond hair woman sitting down. She looked familiar, but Jack didn’t stop he went passed her, like he didn’t even know her. She didn’t see him, but he did.


A few months passed and the announcement of the special edition DVD was made. A press conference was scheduled for part of the cast and Randy to make. Jack, his representatives and a few body guards walked through the halls heading for the conference room. Jack walked beside Joe while he was talking to him about what they were going to do after the press conference; while they were walking a crowd of people was walking towards them. Jack looked up to see and saw Rose with her agent and a few other people. He quickly looked away and Rose looked at him. He smiled at Joe and pretended like he had not seen her. She looked away and frowned. As they passed each other they looked away trying their best not to look at each other. When they finally went their separate ways he looked behind him and saw her then quickly looked away. Rose turned to look at him but he kept walking. Something had just awakened in them that had been asleep for years…with just that moment. The memory they didn’t want, was now back.

Chapter Thirteen