
Rose was an actress who was always busy and never had any time for herself. She was always making movies. She really didn’t have time for a relationship because of her work. Everybody tried to convince her to take a break and meet someone, but she didn’t listen and signed on to do another film, a romance. She thought it was just another gig, but when she met Jack, her very handsome co-star, her whole world turned around. She really didn’t expect anything with him, as their relationship was very friendly, but just that--friendly. He was also dating Regina Thomas, a model/actress. She was Rose’s best friend in high school. Everything seemed to prove to her that there could never be anything between her and Jack, but when he started to also feel something for her, things got complicated. He was advised to forget about her, because this might ruin his career, for him to start dating his co-star. They thought it would all be over when they finished filming the movie, but they were wrong. Their friendship went on, and their feelings just got stronger. Would they be able to get rid of their feelings, or would they be in the spotlight that they both didn’t want?

Chapter One