Chapter Eight

When they reached the Bukaters’ apartment at 500 Republica, Maira and Jack made sure the place was secure and no intruders were lurking within, then slipped into the room they shared to contact the Jedi Council in privacy.

The Council had already convened by the time Maira punched the code on her comlink and their forms appeared before herself and Jack. They had already heard about the attack on the betrothal party and had been discussing what to do.

Maira and Jack bowed respectfully when the Council appeared, Maira speaking in greeting. "Masters."

"Heard we did about the incident tonight," Yoda told her, looking at the images that had appeared through the Council’s comlink.

"This is the third attack on the Bukaters," Maira reported, "although they appear to have not been the only targets this time. An elderly Senator who opposes the Military Creation Act was also targeted, but survived with only minor injuries."

"It was reported that a Senatorial aide was killed," Mace Windu spoke up, leaning forward and looking at Maira and Jack. "Is this true?"

"Yes, I’m sorry to say," Maira responded. "She was attempting to assist me when a Rodian assassin took her hostage. He shot her with his blaster when she tried to twist out of his grip."

"Were either of the Bukaters injured?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked.

"A human male tried to take Mistress Rosé prisoner by pulling on her necklace, causing the chain to dig into her neck, but aside from some red marks and a little soreness, she’s fine. Mistress DeWitt-Bukater was not harmed."

"Feel we do that safe on Coruscant the Bukaters are not until captured the one ordering the assassinations is," Yoda said, tapping his gimer stick for emphasis.

"We came to the same conclusion after this incident," Maira replied, "but what about Mister Hockley and Cina? They don’t appear to have been targeted, but in light of the attacks against the Bukaters, I fear they may become targets if the Bukaters leave."

"We’ve thought of that," Windu responded, "but as they have not yet been targeted, and there is no evidence pointing to them becoming targets, it is up to them whether they stay or go. Cina of the Lion Clan is Arcadia’s only official representative at the moment; if she leaves, Arcadia will be unrepresented in the Senate until a new Senator is elected. We are aware that Mister Hockley is favored to become the next Arcadian Senator, but he has not been elected yet. He could be a target if someone wishes to prevent him from becoming Senator, but from all reports he has little opposition."

"The Chancellor seems to favor him as Arcadia’s next Senator, too," Jack added, bringing surprised looks from Maira and the Council.

"How do you know this, Padawan?" Maira wanted to know, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I overheard him speaking to Mister Hockley while the guests were mingling at the dinner."

Yoda listened to this bit of information thoughtfully. "Interesting, this is. Influence Mister Hockley’s chances, the Chancellor’s support may."

"It is up to him and to Cina whether they wish to remain on Coruscant or not," Ki-Adi-Mundi said. "But the Bukaters must be taken to safety. Whoever is ordering these assassinations is clever. Senator Amidala of Naboo was nearly killed in her sleeping quarters two nights ago when a would-be assassin cut a hole in the transparisteel of her window and released two kouhuns into the room. We cannot rule out a similar attempt on the Bukaters."

"Where should they go, and will we be accompanying them?" Maira inquired, looking around at the members of the Jedi Council.

"Accompany them you will to Arcadia, to their estate in the wilderness. Stay with them you will until passed the threat has," Yoda told her.

"A transport going to various planets in the Outer Rim is leaving in two days," Windu added. "You will accompany the Bukaters aboard it, disguised as migrants."

Maira nodded. "Yes, Master." She and Jack bowed.

"May the Force be with you, Knight Jennings and Padawan Dawson."


When Jack and Maira returned to the living area of the apartment, Rosé was sitting on a couch, leaning against her mother. Cina was standing in front of her, a container of some strong-smelling herbal concoction in her hand as she examined the girl’s neck, which looked to be healing rapidly under her ministrations.

Caledon was pacing back and forth impatiently, stopping occasionally to glare at the three women. He had tried to sit beside Rosé at first, but she had pushed him away, still upset over his violent behavior. Ruth occasionally looked at him with sympathy, more relieved than she would ever let on that the man who had attacked her daughter was dead. Though he might have held the key to solving the assassinations, she was glad that he could no longer pose a threat to her daughter or to herself.

He stopped pacing when the Jedi stepped into the room, giving them a carefully neutral look. He hadn’t appreciated it when they had lectured him over killing the would-be assassin, especially in front of so many people he wanted to impress, but he didn’t dare to say so now. Rosé was angry enough as it was, and Cina had been more than disapproving of his behavior—and both had more influence on Arcadia than they realized. He would do nothing to jeopardize his chances of becoming the next Arcadian Senator.

Maira and Jack stood before them, waiting, until they had their attention. Maira spoke first.

"We have spoken to the Jedi Council, and they have agreed that it is in the best interests of the Bukaters to leave Coruscant for a time, at least until the threat has ended. The Council has arranged for us to take a migrant transport to the Outer Rim, one that will be stopping on various planets, including Arcadia."

"We are going to Arcadia?" Rosé asked hopefully.

"Yes, to your father’s wilderness estate. We will be disguised as migrants for the journey there."

Rosé straightened, looking happier than she had been in some time. "I will be glad to get away from here for a while, and we can take Father’s ashes back there and scatter them in the place he loved the best."

Ruth was not so enthusiastic. "I don’t know…are you sure we need to leave Coruscant? Caledon has offered to hire extra security…"

"Forgive me, Mistress Ruth, but I agree that it in your best interest to disappear for a while. Your family has been attacked three times now, once in a public place surrounded by people. We cannot guarantee your safety here."

"But how do you know we’ll be any safer in the wilderness on Arcadia?" Ruth argued. "It’s very isolated, with only a few servants and the nearest neighbors a hundred kilometers away—and that a small Nem village."

"It is for that reason that I believe you would be safer there. Most of Arcadia is still uncharted and unexplored, and that makes it difficult for anyone not knowing the area to find you."

"And I suppose you know the area?"

"I have been on missions to Arcadia, yes, especially when Lati was my Padawan and was learning to negotiate between the Nem and the Parni."

"I would feel far safer on Arcadia than here, Mother," Rosé interjected. "And the wilderness estate is difficult to find if you don’t know where to look for it. Besides, Buguiness is there, and he always watches out for me…"

"Who is Buguiness?" Maira interrupted.

"Buguiness is Rosé’s ‘pet’," Ruth told her. "He is a caline she rescued when he a was a cub, and he unfailingly obeys her and defends her fiercely when the need arises."

Maira nodded, familiar with the large, saber-toothed creatures who appeared to be an odd mix of canine and feline, and which, while rarely tamed, were fiercely protective of those they considered a member of their pack.

"What about myself and Cal?" Cina gestured, speaking a shortened version of Caledon’s name that made him wince.

"There is no evidence so far that either of you are targets, so it is up to you whether you stay or go."

Cina nodded, considering. "I will stay, at least for the time being. Until the election, I am Arcadia’s representative by default," she gestured, ignoring Caledon’s glare.

Caledon had initially thought to accompany Ruth and Rosé back to Arcadia so he could keep an eye on his betrothed, but Cina’s decision to stay behind had changed his mind. As much as he wanted to stay near his bride-to-be, and as much as disliked the Jedi, and distrusted the Padawan, whom he suspected had a more than protective interest in Rosé, his desire to keep power out of Cina’s hands was greater. He didn’t trust her, or any Nem.

Though the civil war that had engulfed Arcadia was over eighteen years in the past, he had spent many of the years since he had been returned to his family listening to his father’s tales of the war and of Nem treachery. His father’s company had manufactured weapons for use against the Nem in the war, and both Nathan and his son considered them to be violent, inferior people who could never reach the levels of culture and intelligence that the Parni had achieved, though Nathan tried to hide his feelings about them from the public, and Caledon didn’t think that Cina could properly represent Arcadia in the Senate. Not only was she a Nem, but she was also a woman, and he didn’t believe that any female could truly understand politics and power.

"I will also stay," he announced, much to Cina’s dismay. He smiled slightly at her, letting her know that he intended to watch her every move and stymie any efforts she made in the Senate. "But if I am needed on Arcadia, I will come as quickly as possible."

Caledon missed the look of relief that crossed Rosé’s face before she masked her expression. She would be glad to have some time away from him.

"You will be coming, too?" Ruth inquired, looking from Maira to Jack.

"Yes." Maira nodded. "We will accompany you to Arcadia and stay as long as necessary."

"Can you teach us some ways to defend ourselves?" Rosé asked. "Perhaps how to use a blaster or other such weapon?"

Maira nodded, glancing at Jack. "I have already given Padawan Dawson permission to train you in the use of weapons and defense tactics other than those used by the Jedi."

Caledon shook his head disapprovingly. "It’s a man’s place to protect the women of his family."

Ruth nodded, agreeing, but Rosé and Cina both shook their heads in disagreement.

"A woman is as capable of defending herself and her family as a man," Cina gestured, "and she should know how to do so in case the need arises."

Rosé nodded, agreeing. "Besides, a man cannot always defend himself, let alone those who rely upon him. If he could, my father would not be dead, and you would have kept that man from attacking me tonight."

Caledon’s face reddened angrily, but before he could reply, Maira put a hand up, interrupting the argument. "A woman is quite capable of learning to defend herself and others, but because your culture emphasizes a man’s need to protect his family, I will not insist upon Mistress Ruth and Mistress Rosé learning to use weapons and defend themselves. However, if either of them desires to learn, Padawan Dawson and I will teach them, with or without your approval."

"I must insist…"

"It is up to them what they choose to learn. Mistress Rosé is not yet your wife, so you have no control over her actions, nor over Mistress Ruth’s. The galaxy can be a dangerous place, Mister Hockley, especially for those in a position of power whom others might want to stop. For your betrothed’s sake, I suggest you not interfere in the efforts of her or her mother to learn to take care of themselves."

Caledon took a deep breath, stopping himself from saying something he might later regret. "Very well, but after we are wed, Rosé will rely upon me." He looked at his betrothed. "You understand that, right, Sweetpea?"

"Of course," Rosé replied quietly, hiding what she thought about having to rely upon him. "Of course, Caledon."

"The transport leaves in two days," Maira reminded them. "You will be disguised as migrants to throw anyone watching the transport off the scent. If you need to obtain proper clothing, we will accompany you to purchase it. I must also caution you not to mention where we are going or what transport we are traveling on to anyone, lest word get out of our travel plans or destination. For your own safety, I suggest you keep it a secret."

Ruth sighed, but nodded. "None of us will say a word, and I will command TC-16 not to say anything, either. We will leave the droid to keep the apartment while we are gone." She got to her feet, offering her daughter a hand. "In the meantime, Rosé and I are quite tired after events of tonight. We will rest now, and pack and purchase anything we need tomorrow."

Chapter Nine